two girls fell into each other’s arms, kissing each other passionately, murmuring: ‘Oh, Connie!…’ ‘Oh, Alice!’ The first part of the play was over!
I produced a large bottle of champagne, and pretending that the opener was in my alcove I went there. But my real object was to satisfy in Fanny the raging concupiscence which my torturing of Alice and then Connie had so fiercely aroused in me.
I found her shivering with unsatisfied hot lust. I threw myself into a chair, placed my bottom on the edge and pointed to my prick in glorious erection. Instantly Fanny straddled across me, brought her excited cunt to bear on my tool and impaled herself on it with deliciously voluptuous movements, sinking down on it till she rested on my thighs, her arms round my neck, mine round her warm body, our lips against each other’s; then working herself divinely up and down on my prick, she soon brought on the blessed relief we both were thirsting for-and in exquisite rapture we spent madly.
‘Oh! sir! wasn’t it lovely!’ she whispered as soon as she could speak.
‘Which, Fanny?’ I asked mischievously. ‘This!-or that?’ pointing to the room.
She blushed prettily, then whispered saucily: ‘Both, sir!’ as she passionately kissed me.
I begged of her to sponge me while I opened the champagne, which she did sweetly, kissing my flaccid prick lovingly as soon as she had removed all traces of our bout of fucking from it. I poured out four large glasses, made her drink one (which she did with great enjoyment)-then took the other three out with me to the girls.
I found them still in each other’s arms and coiled together in the large armchair, Alice half sitting on Connie’s thighs and half resting on Connie’s breasts, a lovely sight. I touched her and she started up, while Connie slowly opened her eyes.
‘Drink, it will pull you together!’ I said, handing each a tumbler. They did so, and the generous wine seemed to have an immediate good effect and to put new life into them. I eyed them with satisfaction, then raising my glass said: ‘To our good healths, dears-and a delicious consummation of Connie’s charming and most sporting suggestion!’ then gravely emptied my tumbler.
Both girls turned scarlet, Connie almost angrily, they glanced tentatively at each other but neither spoke.
To terminate their embarrassment, I pointed to a settee close by, and soon we arranged ourselves on it, I in the centre, Alice on my right and Connie on my left, their heads resting on my shoulders their faces turned towards each other and within easy kissing distance, my arms clasping them to me, my hands being just able to command the outer breast of each! Both girls seemed ill at ease; I think Connie was really so, as she was evidently dreading having to be fucked by me, but with Alice it was only pretence.
‘A penny for your thoughts, dear!’ I said to her chaffingly, curious to know what she would say.
‘I was thinking how lovely Connie is naked!’ she murmured softly, blushing prettily. I felt a quiver run through Connie.
‘Before today, how much of each other have you seen?’ I asked interestedly. Silently both girls pointed to just above their breasts.
‘Then stand up, Connie dear, and let us have a good look at you,’ I said, ‘and Alice shall afterwards return the compliment by showing you herself! Stand naturally, with your hands behind you.’
With evident unwillingness she complied, and with pretty bashfulness she faced us, a naked, blue-eyed daughter of the gods, tall, slender, golden-haired, exquisite-blushing as she noted in our eyes the pleasure the contemplation of her naked charms was giving us!
‘Now in profile, dear!’
Obediently she turned. We delightedly noted her exquisite outline from chin to thigh, her proud little breasts, her gently curving belly, its wealth of golden-brown hair, standing out like a bush at its junction with her thighs-the sweep of her haunches and bottom, and her shapely legs!
‘Thanks, darling,’ I said appreciatively, ‘now Alice!’ And drawing Connie on to my knees, I kissed her lovingly.
Blushingly Alice complied, and with hands clasped behind her back she faced us, a piquant, provoking, demure, brown-eyed, dark-haired little English lassie, plump, juicy, appetising. She smiled mischievously at me as she watched Connie’s eyes wander approvingly over her delicious little figure.
‘Now in profile, please!’
She turned half round, and now we realised the subtle voluptuousness of Alice’s naked figure-how her exquisitely full and luscious breasts were matched by her somewhat prominent rounded belly, both in turn being balanced by her glorious fleshy bottom and her fat thighs-the comparative shortness of her legs only adding piquancy to the whole; while her unusually conspicuous mount of Venus, with its tousle of dark, clustering silky hairs, proudly proclaimed itself as the delightful centre of her attractions.
‘Thanks, darling!’ we both exclaimed admiringly as we drew her to us and lovingly kissed her, to her evident delight and gratification.
‘Now Connie darling!’ I said, ‘I want you to lie down on that couch!’ and I removed my arm from her waist to allow her to rise.
‘No, Jack!’ she begged piteously and imploringly, her lovely eyes not far from tears, ‘please Jack!… don’t insist!’
‘You must do it, darling!’ I said kindly but firmly as I raised her to her feet. ‘Come dear!’ and I led her to the couch and made her lie down.
‘I must put the straps on you, Connie dear,’ I said, ‘not because I doubt your promise, but because I am sure you won’t be able to lie still. Don’t be frightened, dear!’ I added, as I saw a look of terror come over her face, ‘you are not going to be tortured, or tickled, or hurt, but will be treated most sweetly!’
Reluctantly Connie yielded. Quickly Alice attached the straps to her wrists, while I secured the other pair to her ankles; we set the machinery to work and soon she was lying flat on her back, her hands and feet secured to the four corners and the dark green upholstery throwing into high relief her lovely figure and dazzling fair hair and skin. I then blindfolded her very carefully in such a way that she could not get rid of the bandage by rubbing her head against the couch; now that Connie was at our mercy, I signalled to Fanny, who gleefully rushed to us noiselessly and hugged her mistress with silent delight.
‘Now Alice dear!’ I said, ‘make love to Connie!’
‘Oh-h!’ cried Connie in shocked surprise, blushing so hotly that even her bosom was suffused with colour. But Alice was already on her knees by Connie’s side and was passionately kissing her protesting mouth in the exuberance of her delight at the arrival at last of the much desired opportunity to satisfy on Connie’s lovely person, cunt against cunt, her lascivious desires and concupiscence.
I slipped into a chair and took Fanny on my knees, and in sweet companionship, we settled ourselves down comfortably to watch Alice make love to Connie! My left arm was round Fanny’s waist, the hand toying with the breasts which it could just command, while my right hand played lovingly with her cunt.
After Alice had relieved her excited feelings by showering kisses on Connie’s lips with whispered fond endearments, she raised her head and contemplated, with an expression of intense delight, the naked figure of her friend which I had placed at her disposal! Then she proceeded to pass her hands lightly over Connie’s flesh. Shakespeare sings (I substitute the feminine pronoun for the masculine one he uses):
To win her heart she touched her here and there,
Touches so soft that conquer chastity!
This is what Alice was doing! With lightly poised hands, she touched Connie on the most susceptible parts of herself-her armpits, navel, belly, and especially the soft tender insides of her thighs-evidently reserving for special attention her breasts and cunt. Soon the effect on Connie became apparent-her bosom began to palpitate in sweet agitation, while significant tremors ran through her limbs. ‘Is it so nice then, darling?’ cooed Alice, her eyes dancing with delight as she watched the effect of her operations on Connie’s now quivering person; then she rested her lips on Connie’s and gently took hold of her breasts!
‘Oh, Alice!’ cried Connie-but Alice closed her lips with her own, half choking her friend with her passionate kisses. Then raising her head again, she eagerly and delightedly inspected the delicious morsels of Connie’s flesh that were imprisoned in her hands. ‘Oh, you darlings!’ she exclaimed as she squeezed them, ‘you sweet things!’ as she kissed them rapturously, ‘oh what dear little nipples!’ she cried, taking them in turn into her mouth, her hands all the while squeezing and caressing Connie’s lovely breasts till she faintly murmured: ‘Oh stop, darling!’
‘Oh, my love! was I hurting you, darling?’ cried Alice with gleaming eyes, as with a smile full of mischief