A piercing scream attested to the pain which this violation caused the luscious naked young brownette, and then another scream as Julia Denton turned her head to stare back of her and observe that Molly Bashe had just laid the lash with a cruel swish across the naked curves of her buttocks.

I lowered my left hand to squeeze the base of the buttock of that updrawn leg, my other hand remaining cupping her tittie as I began to fuck her slowly and inexorably.

She groaned and sobbed and whimpered, turning her scarlet face from side to side, her eyes very tightly closed, and her body shook against the pulley ropes as I lunged and drew back, only to lunge again. I had underestimated my powers and control, so after the first few digs inside that new and wonderfully narrow and humid lovecanal, I was able to slacken and regulate my gait. My one hand on a breast, my other squeezing the base of that upturned buttock, crouching between those luscious legs which formed this exaggerated dancer’s slip, I thrust to and fro, my teeth set and my eyes fixed oh her scarlet, averted face. But Molly Bashe did not allow her friend to endure in anguished silence and stoicism the tribute I was paying that gripping, narrow love-scabbard. Through Miss Julia Denton’s cries and sobs, I could hear the repeated SWISH-swishhhh of the birch as it leaped over Miss Julia Denton’s naked bottom.

Presently Miss Julia Denton’s hips began to jerk about as I neared my own climax and by that time, crushing her mouth to stifle her into silence once more, with a lewd and possessive kiss, I began to empty my bubbling seed.

“That will do for the time, Molly,” I called, just after my brunette accomplice had laid a furious slash over the tops of Julia’s hips, drawing a piercing cry from the unfortunate naked young woman as she tried to twist and fling herself back off my embedded spear. I could endure no more. A thousand rockets were bursting inside my brain and with a wild shout of acclamation, I felt myself explode deep in the confines of Julia Denton’s pussy.

When I drew out, the evidence of her virginity was manifested by the stains of blood upon my cock. I left Miss Julia Denton in her salacious pose, as I retired to the water closet to perform my ablutions, meanwhile instructing Molly to take a little hand towel I had dipped into warm water and to cleanse her friend’s pussy. She did not give me the satisfaction of letting me know whether she had been at all stirred, but judging from the tight clampings and “kissings” with which her pussy had greeted my digging prick, I was not too deeply concerned. I instructed Molly to give her smelling salts and then to give her a glass of port which she would find in a decanter on the little sideboard, and to pour a glass for herself. I added grimly, “for you will need it, Molly.”

With a squeal of terror, the young brunette hurried to fetch the glasses, three on a tray, which she brought back as a very delightful maid. One would not find her costume permitted in a teahouse, dear reader, I can assure you. With only her thin drawers and hose and pumps, her creamy full titties heaving passionately, she would have distracted far too many male customers to earn her employer a penny of revenue. But in a cathouse-oh, that would be a different thing entirely!

“Oh, s-sir, now that-now that you have had me and taken your vengeance, won’t you please let me down?” Julia Denton pleaded.

I smiled at her and nodded. “You have earned your freedom for the time being, I quite agree, Miss Denton.” Now I had Molly Bashe stand on the footstool and untie the ingenious knots of the wrist ropes, and then I myself untied the ankles while Molly supported her from behind with her hands on both Julia Denton’s hips.

“Well now, Miss Denton, now that you have been properly fucked, do you wish your own revenge on Molly?” I twitted her.

“I do indeed, sir. I can see now that she was a criminal accomplice to you and helped you to overcome my defenses,” Julia Denton gasped, her face again flooding with deep crimson.

“Excellent! You will forget your own momentary hurts by aiding me to tie this little vixen up to those little wrist ropes and then we will straddle her legs well apart so that she may be properly punished,” I directed.

Molly Bashe heard this with consternation and penetrating cry of “Ohh! No! Please, Mr. Jack, didn’t I help you with her?” which of course let the cat completely out of the bag. The two of us seized Molly Bashe, and in a very short time she found herself with her wrists roped well above her head, her drawers taken down and then her stockinged legs drawn exaggeratedly apart, with cords around the ankles making fast to floor rings.

“And now, Miss Denton, if you will take that birch rod which she used on your lovely bottom, and pay her back in kind, I think I can even the score.” Molly Bashe wailed and pleaded with Julia not to hit her with that dreadful rod, but with her eyes sparkling and her bubbies heaving furiously, Julia Denton delectated over the sport. Again and again the thin, supple rod bounded over the creamy nether hemispheres, drawing piercing wails and shouts and supplications for mercy. Just watching this tableau gave me a new erection, for which this time I should have a great deal more self-control.

Standing up close to the writhing brunette, my hands clamped on her gourd-like titties, I prodded my stiff, weapon against her maiden gateway.

No sooner had my prickhead encountered the soft, twitching petals of her slit, then I discovered that naughty minx was quite moist, indicating that she had had a secret climax while either helping me flog and fuck Miss Julia Denton, or simply while watching my endeavors with her friend. With a single thrust I pressed myself home to the balls, and Molly Bashe let out a sobbing cry. She was in a mood, no doubt about it, to be fulfilled to the very last ounce of my marrow. Then suddenly her face twisted in a rictus of pain just as the swishing birch came home over her naked buttocks, wielded in the avenging hands of beautiful and seductive Julia Denton.

Seeing Molly plunge and twist this way and that, her head turned back over her shoulder to implore mercy from her dearest friend completed my rejuvenation. With a single thrust, I found myself packed into her up to the hairs, and then at short range I began to go in and out, though not retreating more than halfway, while my hands once again found the pert globes of her titties and squeezed and fondled them to my heart’s content.

Julia Denton laid on the rod with a will, and Molly was in strident tears, uttering plaint after plaint to be spared any further beating. But I did not let it end until I had fucked her thoroughly and at last felt myself explode deep inside her womb.

“There, Miss Bashe, I think we are quits to date,” I told her languidly as I drew myself out of her churning quim. Then I went back to Miss Denton and, cupping her titties and staring boldly into her blushing face, I murmured, “Your friend has told me something about you, Miss Denton, and I hope I have not done you any irreparable harm. But what I have learned about you suggests that you would do well to find a reputable young man to woo you regularly, for you are exceptionally passionate. How your fiance could have deserted you is more than the mind can credit, especially after seeing you so deliciously displayed in my Snuggery.”

I made her go lie down on the couch and repose herself while I stood behind Molly Bashe and smacked her with the flat of my hand until she was squealing and begging for mercy and executing the most salacious gyrations imaginable. I told her in a loud voice that I would continue to punish her until she agreed to kneel down and pay tribute to my manhood. Before very much longer, Molly Bashe tearfully agreed, and then the high spot of the afternoon was enacted for me. For, kneeling between my legs, hands on the backs of my calves, her sweet trembling lips fixed against my stiffening prick, she sucked and licked me until with a cry I felt my last juices ebbing into her soft mouth.

I then courteously retired, leaving the two young women to perform their ablutions and to dress before taking their leave of me. It was an afternoon I shall never forget.

Chapter 12

By the unexpected diversion which my patron goddess Venus had so graciously bestowed upon me on an afternoon which would otherwise no doubt have been spent in mournful meditation over my forthcoming renunciation, it began to dawn upon me that I had perhaps enrolled two delectable damsels into what I humorously called my “harem.” By the time Julia Denton and Molly Bashe left my quarters, they were not only reconciled amid many flushes and giggles, but the naughty and venturesome brunette hurried back to give me a farewell kiss and, whilst her satiny white arms clung round my neck, took advantage to whisper into my ear, “Ohhh, Jack, it was just heavenly! It was just what-we both needed, Julia and I. I think, sir, you have made her forget all about being jilted and given her a new interest in life. May we sometime soon come and visit you again?”

Now since technically I was still a bachelor, dear reader, I impulsively and instinctively answered, “By all means, dear Molly, come whenever you can and I in turn shall do my best to come,” a remark which made her

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