received a letter from him saying that he was secretly engaged to a very beautiful Moroccan girl whom he expects to marry when he gets leave in his new post.”

“Yes, but-” I began, rather helplessly, I will admit, because this whole thing was taking on the aspect of an impossible fantasy.

“Julia is a very passionate girl, Mr. Jack,” she astoundingly went on, still keeping her eye lowered and her cheeks on fire from the emotions which were being raised in her magnificent young bosom, “and she has confided everything in me because we are dear friends. Her fiance-well-dallied with her very scandalously, and he almost took from her what only a husband should take. And she is pining for him, the foolish girl, and I thought to myself that if you were to make her a prisoner and force her to do your will, it would distract her from thoughts of that wretched upstart who dashed all her hopes so thoughtlessly.”

I let out a gasp of incredulity which I am sure that you, dear reader, would have done in my place. For here I was being offered not only the opportunity to enjoy Miss Molly Bashe in all her voluptuous young naked beauty and to take from her whatever I wished to assuage my virile desires, but also I was being offered this other girl whom I had only just met.

“But how can I be sure-” once again I tried to learn the answer to the riddle.

Molly Bashe, however, once again interrupted in a faltering and unsteady voice: “You see, Mr. Jack, I know that Julia is very much like myself, a proper young lady brought up by doting parents who never bothered to explain to us what would be expected of us when the time came to marry. My poor Mummy still treats me like an eight- year-old girl, or at least she did until that other afternoon.”

Once again her blushes threatened to halt her faltering speech entirely, and she had again to draw a very deep breath and to twist her fingers this way and that before she could find courage enough to go on: “I–I was horrified when you did all those dreadful things to Mummy and me that afternoon, Mr. Jack. But I was helpless and tied and I couldn’t do anything, and then besides you whipped me so hard I had to obey. And it was-it was awfully thrilling. I know that Julia feels the same way, and she would never give herself to you just by coming to your apartment and offering herself. But I thought that you might tie her up as you did me, and whip her bottom a little and then she would do anything, and it would distract her from losing Henry.”

Gradually the light dawned. I had to deal here with two exquisite young masochists, who though they were both products of our smug Victorian society secretly experienced the same lustful desires as a tavern wench or others of that same lowly station in life. Now, they rationalized, if they could both be forced to yield to the will of a man, they would be able to tell themselves that they were not guilty of any sin because they had been made to do the bidding of their assailants. And then they would be free to unleash all their inhibited passions under the guise of being coerced to obedience and docility.

It was a highly ingenious scheme, and already my prick was longing to take part in it. I had greatly misjudged Miss Molly Bashe. Either that, or the instrument which now began to throb and turgify between my thighs had proved a catalytic rod and untapped the damned-up sensual force within her voluptuous young being. For I will say that this psychology is not uncommon with many women who profess the greatest chastity and the sublimest virtue: they tell themselves that if they are obliged against their will to surrender their fair persons, the sin is not theirs and therefore they remain inviolate amidst the most heinous violation, pure amid the riotous erotic fantasies which make of them a sexual plaything for the will of a male.

At any rate, my lonely and neglected prick would now have reason to show the utmost gratitude to this fair charmer and her sycophant, and I was instantly ready to show her how even a prick which is said to have no conscience could pay its debt of gratitude!

Chapter 4

I stared hard at Miss Molly Bashe, wanting to be certain that she was not pulling my leg. “I will agree that your friend is most appetizing,” I finally declared, “but I warn you that if I undertake this diverting scheme, you will not escape its consequences. Do you understand me, Miss Molly?”

Before my level gaze, the delicious brunette turned a most becoming scarlet and lowered her eyes. “I–I know you will, Mr. Jack,” she faintly retorted. “And-and you needn’t worry about Julia, because I will talk her into accepting whatever you try to do to us. But I think you had best start with me, because it will more natural.”

Still further wonder upon wonders! And I confess that I was not at all loath to renew my carnal acquaintance with the enticing figure of this charming if affectatious young beauty. “Very well,” I said, “you will therefore tell your friend that I had asked you to show her my famous Snuggery. You will have her sit in the armchair which is near the door. It has green upholstery and is very becoming and inviting, quite wide and deep. I need not add that it so contrived that a mere touch of a secret mechanism will hold her captive while I proceed with you.”

“I–I understand, Mr. J-Jack,” Molly Bashe quavered. She was really adorable as she stood with downcast eyes and cheeks that were a brilliant crimson with her mingled emotions. She knew that she was being extremely naughty and forward, the delicious minx, and from the agitated rise and fall of her bosom I could discern that the prospect was exciting her already! Well, it was having the same effect on me. Indeed, it would take a moment or two for me to recover my composure before I could dare go out into the salon and face Miss Julia Denton without manifesting to this very prim and circumspect young lady the outrageous evidence of my manhood in a state of anticipatory excitement!

“Then, as for you, you will recall that you and your mother commented on the pulleys which are found in my Snuggery and how those same pulleys were the very cause of your downfall.”

“Ohh y-yes!” Molly Bashe breathed, “I–I shan’t ever forget that afternoon!”

“Nor I,” I gallantly replied. “But it is time that you go back to your friend before she becomes the least bit suspicious. Mind you, you are to be dealt with first, so prepare yourself. Although I don’t see at the moment how you’re going to talk Miss Denton into surrendering to me, particularly as I have no rancor against her and I am not usually cast in the role of a ravenous rapist. What I did to you and your mother, Miss Molly, was done out of a much-deserved revenge because of her infernal matchmaking.”

“I’m sure that when Julia sees-sees what you’ll-what you’ll do to me, Mr. Jack,” Molly Bashe quavered, “she will get so excited that she won’t think of anything else except what you may do to her, sir.”

My blood was boiling, as you may well suspect! I took her hand and kissed it, as I would that of a great courtesan who had brought off a spectacular coup in the tourney of love, and I let her out. Then lighting a cigar, I made certain that my robe was properly belted and hid the fact that I was in only my undershirt with braces and my trousers, and at last I made my entry back into the salon. Julia Denton glanced up at me, her eyes rather large and insolent as they lingered on me, and I saw that Molly Bashe was beside her and had apparently been talking to her. Seeing me, the delectable brunette raised her voice: “Oh, Julia, we mustn’t leave until you see Mr. Jack’s famous Snuggery. It’s where he takes all his exercise, and it’s a most unusual place.”

You may guess that I had to maintain a great deal of self-control to keep a straight face during this masterpiece of double entendre. I bowed from the waist and replied, “Miss Molly is much too gracious in her estimate of my poor abode, Miss Denton, but it would be my privilege to show you its facilities.”

“I don’t mind,” Julia Denton shrugged. “But we mustn’t stay too late, Molly dear, because you know we promised to visit my Cousin Elsie before the afternoon is over.”

“Don’t be such a fussbudget. Come along now.”

I now unlocked the double doors of the Snuggery and let them go ahead of me. Swiftly I bolted the outer door, then closed the inner one, and now both girls were trapped… Molly Bashe knowingly, but Julia Denton unwittingly.

“What lovely thick Persian carpets, don’t you think, Julia?” the brunette turned to her sandy-haired friend.

“Oh, they’re all right,” Julia Denton diffidently agreed. “It’s most quiet in here, I will say that. And after all the noise of the street, I imagine this would be a welcome retreat. But didn’t you say, Molly, that this is Mr. Jack’s exercise room?”

“Indeed it is.” I took up the cue. “If you will make yourself comfortable in that green armchair, Miss Denton, I will show you just how I use it. It’s better than a club or a gymnasium in many ways.”

Molly Bashe averted her eyes, and I suspect that she too had some difficulty in keeping her nominal

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