“Ja,” said Sohlberg. “Those boxes are for Ronning.”
“You know the guards will have to see what’s inside them.”
“Of course,” said Sohlberg. “As you know Anton Ronning has helped me before in other cases. . in exchange for big and small perks.”
“It’s always been a mystery to me
“For raping and murdering three boys in Mallorca.”
“So tell me Sohlberg. . how did you and your friends at Interpol manage to convince the Spaniards to let Ronning out of that very well-deserved hellish pit of a prison he was in? Why did you coddle that sick pervert?”
Sohlberg’s face and neck darkened. “What? What did you say?”
“I’m sorry. . I shouldn’t have said it that way. . but why did you bring Ronning up here to this country club when he was living in hell in that Spanish prison and getting daily beatings and worse. I understand he stopped taking showers after he was gang-raped.
“Now he’s here in Norway enjoying our prison’s nature trails and pottery classes. Sooner or later he will get his twenty-one year sentence cut down by at least a third. . like everyone else.
“Everyone says you got him a sweet deal. . a pretty good life up here. . quite cozy.”
“Don’t ever accuse me of that! I’m no friend of perverts. . and that’s not why I arranged for his transfer up here.”
“Really Sohlberg?”
“Matter of fact. . after Ronning ran away to Spain the Spaniards caught him. . they gladly traded Ronning for Mohammed Kumar. . one of our lovely Norwegian Muslim immigrants from Pakistan.”
“Oh yes,” said the warden. “I remember him. . an extremist Islamic terrorist we were holding up here in our prison system after we caught him funding and planning the murders of two hundred killed in the Madrid bombings.”
“Well then. . I hope you see the insanity of accusing me of coddling criminals.”
“Please Harald. . I didn’t mean it that way.”
A minute passed while the men gathered their composure. Sohlberg’s volcanic anger almost got the better of him because he had to keep an ugly secret. No one could ever find out that his mentor Lars Eliassen had called him out of the blue and asked him:
“What do you think of a man who rapes and kills dozens and dozens of children?”
Sohlberg’s memories transported him to the distant past which felt as real as if it was taking place in the present.
“What do you think of a man who rapes and kills dozens and dozens of children?”
“He’s a monster,” said Sohlberg who was surprised that Lars Eiassen had called him out of the blue with such a question.
“In the old Viking days he’d be cut to pieces.”
“What do you think of such a man when he’s. . released on bail and runs away to another country?”
“A coward.”
“I need a favor then. . I remember that you know how to speak Spanish.”
“Ja. I do.”
“Listen. . I have a hunch,” said Eliassen, “that Anton Ronning is hiding down in Spain after jumping bail.”
“Because a long time ago. . at the start of the investigation. . I interviewed a distant Ronning relative. . who mentioned that she sometimes lent Ronning her condominium in Mallorca and that he even had a key to the place.”
Sohlberg could hardly talk with excitement and let alone cooly say, “So what is the favor?”
“The favor is you driving down to Stockholm Sweden. . buy a calling card. . then use the card on an anonymous public pay phone to call the Spanish
“I see. What do I tell them?”
“That you have an anonymous tip.”
“What tip?”
“I understand.”
“Sohlberg. . I hope you do. Spain doesn’t have life sentences or the death penalty. But it has a couple of horrific prisons more in tune with the Turkish model than the Norwegian model. In other words. . Anton Ronning will rot in a Spanish prison straight out of the medieval Inquisition or Dante’s
The overwhelming reality of Halden Fengsel pulled Sohlberg out of his reverie. He walked to a credenza and served himself a glass of water from an elegant decanter made by the Swedish glassmaker Kosta Boda. He drank most of the glass and then said:
“Henrik. . you need to consider the
“Such as?. . ”
“We had a five-year investigation at Interpol that was going nowhere fast into an international pedophile ring. . members of the ring bought and sold and traded children including infants all over the world. . and they of course bought and sold and traded videos and pictures of their criminal acts with children.
“Many of the victims were their own biological or adopted children. We couldn’t solve the case. . then I remembered a comment that Ronning once made to me. . I visited him in Spain and he gave me a tip that eventually lead to a webmaster in Amsterdam who secretly posted and hid the videos inside legitimate websites.”
“I didn’t know that. I doubt if anyone knows. . right?”
“That’s right. . thanks to Anton Ronning we exposed dozens of businessmen and women. . accountants. . bankers. . lawyers. . judges. . senior police officers. . NATO generals. . you name it. . A Norwegian Supreme Court justice who likes to watch the raping of young girls. . a top Chinese diplomat at the United Nations. . a deputy director at the F.B.I. and at the B.A.T.F. in the United States.”
“I’m not surprised.”
“We even caught a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the United States Navy who was good friends of Senator Kerry the presidential candidate. . And of course we had plenty of top level people at UNICEF and the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. The cream of society. . caught red-handed in the sewer. We saved sixty-three children. . took them into protective custody.”
“I don’t remember any arrests of the perverts.”
“Of course not. Only two got arrested. None got convicted.”
“The ususal. . the perverts got their friends in government to drop any charges. Only one got charged. . that former U.S. Navy official. The rest?. . They resigned or retired. You know the usual phony corporate doubletalk. . they left to pursue other interests. .
“But the perverts-”
“The perverts got off because they knew too much about the people in power. . the affairs. . the financial frauds. . the perversions. . you name it.”
“Ja. I know whose club you’re talking about. . the lifestyles of the rich and powerful club. These high-placed perverts have their protectors and friends who gladly turn a blind eye as long as these perverts are of use to them.”
“Ja,” said Sohlberg. “You know. . the