
Caledan looked up in surprise. A guard dressed in an ill-fitting uniform stood in the shadowy corridor outside of Caledan's cell. The guard lifted his torch higher, and the light flickered across his face. Caledan laughed aloud.

'Ferret!' he cried hoarsely, scrambling to his feet.

The thief used the tip of his stiletto to pry open the cell's lock. Caledan couldn't help but notice that the knife was stained with blood. The cell door opened, and Caledan followed Ferret into the dimly lit corridor. He suddenly noticed there were shadowy figures all around them.

'Friends?' he whispered to Ferret.

'No. Thieves,' Ferret replied as they started down the corridor. 'You have a problem with that?' Caledan shook his head. 'This way,' Ferret said, gesturing toward a narrow corridor. 'The thieves of the Purple Masks Guild have a private entrance to the dungeons that the guards don't know about. Bock was kind enough to let me use it. For a price, of course. You owe me quite a bit of gold, you know.'

Caledan was not about to haggle.


As the lord steward Snake spoke a harsh word of magic, the pale, egg-shaped crystal went dark in his hand. A leering smile touched his lipless mouth. He was most pleased with this surprising turn of events. Neither Ravendas nor the Harpers could dare stand against him now.

Snake wrapped the crystal in a velvet cloth, tucking it into the pocket of his poison green robes. He walked from his room and ascended the tower's spiral staircase until he reached Ravendas's chamber. The guards permitted him to enter, and he found Ravendas sitting by the west window, gazing out over the city with her azure eyes. She was dressed entirely in black velvet-shirt, doublet, and breeches-a man's clothing.

Her chamber was neater than it had been earlier in the morning. After Ravendas had learned of Caldorien's escape from the dungeon, there had not been a breakable object in the room that had escaped her wrath. The servants had cleaned up the shards of crystal and porcelain, however, and now Lord Ravendas's face was as pale and placid as alabaster. But there was death in her cold blue eyes, Snake noted. Hatred and death.

'My lord, may I speak with you?' Snake said in his sibilant voice. Ravendas was silent for a long moment, until finally she nodded, turning her head and her cold gaze upon him.


'My lord, there is a plot of insurrection in your city.'

'Is this so, my lord steward? And who might I ask are the perpetrators who dare to attempt such a bold affront against me?' She smiled, red lips pulling back from white teeth. 'As if I might not guess.'

'It is not only Caldorien, my lord, but also his cohorts.'

'Ah yes, Caledan's 'Fellowship.'' Ravendas sneered.

Snake nodded. 'The Harper woman plots to free the prisoners in your dungeon. If this were to happen, the entire city would erupt in rebellion.'

Ravendas tapped the fine line of her jaw. 'This is intriguing news, my lord steward. Do you know where this Harper, Al'maren, can be found?'

'No. She is hiding somewhere within the city, my lord. The traitor was reluctant to reveal any further details.'


'One who is close to Caldorien,' Snake explained. 'Any more than this the traitor would not reveal to me.'

Ravendas stood and paced before the window with catlike grace. With her shoulder-length golden hair and the black doublet and breeches, she looked almost like a fair young man, a prince from a Cormyrian court perhaps. 'What else has this traitor told you?'

'The attempt to free the prisoners will be made tomorrow, on the night of the moon's dark.'

Ravendas turned this news over in her head. 'Very well, my lord steward,' she said crisply. 'Let them plan their little insurrection. I shall be ready for them. But do keep in contact with this traitor of yours. I shall be eager for more information.'

'As you wish, my lord.' Snake bowed his head, starting to walk from the chamber.

'And, Snake,' Ravendas called after him, 'send Kellen to me. I want to be certain that my son is fully prepared for tomorrow.'

Snake hesitated for a moment. 'Yes, my lord,' he said, then walked from the room, leaving Ravendas smiling with self-satisfaction.

The hour was late. The Dreaming Dragon was silent. Though the moon was but a thin, faint sliver, the pure light of the stars spilled in through the window of Mari's room like liquid silver. The Harper lay in her bed, wakeful, her eyes gazing out the small round window. She could see the spindly shapes of the city's towers looming dimly in the starlight like gray ghosts. Or like tombstones, she thought.

Tomorrow night was the dark of the moon. Tomorrow night everything would be decided, for good or ill.

That evening she and Cormik had finalized their plans in the secret chamber beneath the Prince and Pauper. She had expected a representative of the Purple Masks Guild to be in attendance as well but had been surprised when Guildmaster Bock himself arrived.

These last days of planning had been wearisome for Man. Tyveris had proved a great help to her with his tactical advice, but she could have used Caledan's support. However, Caledan had been silent and brooding ever since his return from the tower the day before. Something had happened to him there, something he wasn't telling the others. His eyes had a haunted look. A dozen times she had wanted to reach out to comfort him, but each time she had pulled back.

Once, for a heartbeat, she had almost thought she recognized the identical desire in his eyes. But the bitter words they had spoken at the tomb of Talek Talembar hung on the air between them, and neither had spoken.

Man tried to turn her thoughts away from Caledan. Her mission was everything now. I hope what I'm doing is right, Master Andros, she murmured inwardly.

She sighed and slipped from the bed. She was clad only in a thin nightdress and pulled her woolen cloak about her for warmth. There was going to be no sleep for her, not this night.

She opened the door of her room quietly and slipped softly down the hallway. She heard a floorboard creak above her head, probably Jolle or Ferret steadfastly keeping watch on the narrow lane that led to the Dreaming Dragon.

When she started down the stairwell to fix herself a cup of tea, she was surprised to see a flicker of firelight from below. Somebody must still be up, she realized. She stepped into the warm, firelit common room and found herself greeted by the chill gaze of the mage, Morhion.

He sat in a chair by the fire, the shadows playing across his proud features. He held a glass of pale wine in his hand, but it was full, as if he had not taken even a sip. Man hesitated for the space of a heartbeat, then moved to a chair opposite the mage. He inclined his head slightly, but said nothing.

For a time both of them sat in silence, watching the coals glowing on the hearth. Finally Mari gathered her courage and spoke. 'There was no sleep for you tonight, either?'

'I have a momentous decision to make, Harper.' The mage spoke softly. 'Such decisions preclude sleep, I fear.'

'Decision?' Mari asked. She almost thought she heard a tinge of regret in the mage's voice.

'Yes, a decision. Perhaps you can offer some guidance, Harper. Does one do what he feels is his duty, what he is bound to do? Or does one do what his secret heart whispers to him?' His eyes were intent upon her.

Mari looked away from the mage's piercing gaze. He seemed to have read her own inner struggle perfectly. She had fought long and hard to decide whether to accept her love for Caledan, even though she knew it would compromise her duties as a Harper. 'I too have tried to make a decision, Morhion. But sometimes such decisions are made for you by someone else.'

The mage nodded. He understood. She had pushed duty aside in favor of her heart, but the decision had been

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