No one knocked upon the door to see if he was hurt. No one came running, as they should at an officer's cry.

The echoes of the scream faded away, and Knightsbridge heard a sound behind him.

'Ronglath,' Tempus Blackthorne said. 'I bring word from Lord Bane.'

Knightsbridge stood and yanked the sword from the floor. He said nothing as Blackthorne relayed the Black Lord's message.

'Come with me, and we will make the announcement together!' Blackthorne said, oblivious to the searing hatred in the eyes of his childhood friend. 'You will march from the citadel to the ruins of Teshwave, where mercenaries wait to join our ranks. The armies will gather at Voonlar, to await the signal to attack the dale. Of course, there are other troops being sent in different directions, but you will not have to concern yourself with that.'

Knightsbridge felt his hand shake. The sword had not yet found its sheath.

'Kelemvor,' Knightsbridge said, testing the sound of his own voice as he sheathed his sword and followed the emissary out of the room.

Blackthorne turned. 'What did you say?'

Knightsbridge cleared his throat. 'A debt I must settle,' he said. 'I pray I get the chance.'

Blackthorne nodded, and he led the spy to the assembly hall, where a crowd had already begun to gather. Knightsbridge looked out into the sea of faces, and hope began to flicker in his heart.

I can redeem myself in this battle, Knightsbridge thought. And then I will have my revenge.



Kelemvor worked long into the night to finish the cart for transporting Cyric. And though he was in pain, the fighter ignored the pain of his own wounds. They were not serious enough to keep him from his task, and he wanted to leave for Tilverton at first light. When he was certain that the modified wagon would perform satisfactorily, Kelemvor lay beside it and fell into a deep sleep.

Midnight sat with Cyric, keeping watch as Kelemvor and Adon slept.

'You stayed with me,' Cyric said. 'I didn't believe you would.'

'Why do you think I'd abandon you?' Midnight asked with genuine concern.

A moment passed before Cyric spoke, as if he were attempting to gather his words and arrange them in just the right order. 'You're the first person who hasn't abandoned me,' he said. 'In one way or another. It's what I expect.'

'I can't believe that,' Midnight said. 'Your family — '

'I have none,' Cyric said.

'None that are living?' Midnight asked gently.

'None at all,' Cyric said with a degree of bitterness that surprised Midnight. 'I was orphaned in Zhentil Keep as a baby. Slavers found me in the street, and a wealthy family from Sembia bought me and raised me as their own until I was ten. I heard them arguing one night, as parents often do. But the subject of this fight was not their dissatisfaction with one another, but their shame over me.

'One of our neighbors had learned the truth about me, and my 'parents' felt nothing but humiliation over their dark secret. I confronted them, threatened to leave if I was such an embarrassment.' Cyric's eyes narrowed as his lips pulled back in a cruel, wicked smile. 'They didn't stop me. It was a long journey back to Zhentil Keep. I almost died several times. But I learned.'

Midnight brushed the hair from his brow. 'I'm sorry. You don't have to go on.'

'But I want to!' Cyric said savagely. 'I learned that you do what you must to survive, even if it means taking from others. I arrived in that black pit known as Zhentil Keep, where I attempted to learn something of my past. But of course there were no answers to be found. I became a thief, and my actions soon gained me the attentions of the Thieves' Guild. Marek, the leader, took me in and taught me all the skills of the trade. I was a quick study.

'For a long time I did whatever Marek told me to do. I was anxious to please that black-hearted rogue. It took me many years to realize that it was taking more and more to get that treasured, tiny nod of approval from him.

'Then, when I was sixteen and Marek's attentions turned to a new recruit, who was the same age as I had been when he first took me from the streets, I realized that I had been used yet again and planned to leave. When my plans became known, the Guild put a price on my head. No one would help me as I attempted to escape Zhentil Keep. I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised; the people I had regarded as allies no longer had a use for me. I wouldn't have made it out of the city at all if it weren't for my talent with a blade. It was quite refined, even then. The streets ran red with blood the night I left.'

Midnight lowered her head. 'Then what happened?'

'I spent eight years on the road, using my skills to indulge the one passion I had cultivated since I had been a boy: travel. But wherever I would go, people were the same. Poverty and inequality were as widespread as luxury and splendor. I had hoped to find fellowship and equality; instead I found pettiness and exploitation. Somehow I thought I would escape the betrayals of my youth and find a place where honesty and decency prevailed, but no such place exists. Not in this life.'

Midnight hung her head. 'I'm sorry for your pain.'

Cyric shrugged. 'Life is pain. I've come to accept that. But don't pity me just because my vision is clearer than yours. Pity yourself. You'll wake to the truth soon enough.'

'You're wrong. It's just that there's so much you haven't seen, Cyric. You've been cheated out of so many of the joys life has to offer.'

'Really?' the thief said. 'Love and laughter, you mean? A good woman, perhaps?' Cyric laughed. 'Romance is a lie, too.'

Midnight brushed the hair from her face. 'And why do you say that?'

'I was twenty-four when I realized that my life had no direction, no real meaning. I returned to Zhentil Keep, and this time my efforts to find my roots met with some limited success. I was told that my mother had been young and madly in love with an officer in the Zhentilar. When she became pregnant, he cast her out, claiming the child was not his. She fell in with the poor and homeless, who cared for her until I was born. Then my father returned and murdered her and sold me for a healthy profit. Quite a fairy tale romance, wouldn't you say?'

Midnight said nothing as she sat, staring at the fire.

'I heard other versions of the story, but that's the one I believe to be true. It was a beggar woman who claimed to have befriended my mother who told me this tale, but she could not give me the name of the man who had sired me, nor could she tell me what had befallen him. A shame, really. I was looking forward to having a nice long talk with the man before I slit his throat.

'Eventually, Marek and the Guild offered to take me in again, but I refused. The refusal was not accepted, and I was forced to flee the city once more. When I was gone from Zhentil Keep, though, I felt as if I was leaving the past behind. I attempted to start over, and I adopted the life of a fighter. But my past always catches up to me and forces me to move on. With Mystra's reward I had hoped to travel far, perhaps across the desert. I don't really know where — just someplace where I could find some peace.'

Midnight let out a deep breath.

Cyric laughed. 'Now we know each others secrets, and you no longer have reason to be afraid.'

'I don't know what you mean,' Midnight said, attempting to hide her concern. 'What secrets of mine do you know?'

'Only one, Ariel,' Cyric said.

'You heard my true name — '

'I didn't try to find it out,' he said. 'If I could forget it, I would, although it is a beautiful name.' Cyric swallowed hard. 'No one alive knows all that I have told you. If you wished to ruin me, I couldn't stop you. Inform the Guild of my whereabouts and I'm a dead man.'

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