take both him and the boy, the boy up the back way.

I was nothing loath. Lewis lay underneath, I got onto him and got his prick well in me. Then the boy got on top of me. I think Lewis must have been surprised at the ease with which the lad slipped right in.

There I was with a tremendous cock up my cunt till our hairs mingled and his balls knocked against my buttocks, and a dear boy's tool right up my arse till his balls mingled with those of the man underneath. The partition between the two holes seemed so insignificant that I could almost feel the penises touching. I will not attempt to describe the sensation, but when they both began to work at me and when at last they both spent, the ecstasy was so great that I went off into a dead faint.

When I came to myself, I was horrified to see Lewis crouched on his hands and knees and the boy right in him.

When this was finished and Lewis apparently enjoyed it, the boy was sent off to bed, and Lewis came under the sheets with me. He asked me whether I had had the boy up my anus before, and I admitted it.

'Well, Nemmy, of course it was very wrong of you, but I forgive you.' But in the morning, I suppose he had forgotten his forgiveness for he sacked the boy-after giving him a very decent present in money-and rated me severely.

It's generally the same in men. When the indecent fit is on them they are ready for anything but when the morning comes and daylight, the general decorous atmosphere of the workaday world, they not only repent but become extremely nasty about overnight's excesses.


The dismissal of the boy created a gap in our menage that had to be filled. The other servants frankly declined to dispense with some masculine aid-Ah Sin was the result.

Lewis had come across Ah Sin, a singularly bland faced disciple of Confucius, on one of his visits to the East End shops, one of which Lewis owned. Ah Sin had come in this room at various times, and he unfolded a tale of woe on this occasion. It appeared that he had been in the service of an Anglo Indian master and mistress who had both perished of alcoholic poisoning during the homeward voyage of the P amp; O mail boat. Hence Ah Sin's financial infelicity in London. Lewis engaged him.

He arrived in the garb of his own country, a medium sized, well made Chinaman of about 30, and took up Peter's place with the additional work of being expected to help in the cooking. He had a little room to himself, and Lewis allowed him a certain amount of opium a week.

Ah Sin began at once to be decidedly useful about the house. With the exception of perhaps once a week, when he took to the opium, he worked like a slave. He was extraordinarily left handed and almost without noticing it, drifted into the position of ladies' maid. Despite his muscular figure and strong hands, he had a great deal of femininity in his composition, and I never had a woman who looked after my clothes so well. The other servants soon became devoted to him. I discovered by the old lady's own half-blushing confession, that he made love to the housekeeper, and Jane, the housemaid, was his slave.

Lewis too began to find him a treasure, for though Ah Sin did not drink himself, he had a wonderful knack of understanding the requirements of others and he could mix drinks like a practised bartender.

Likewise, he could talk in voluble pigeon English, most amusingly. He had been everywhere in the East and had been a keen observer of mankind. He had apparently had some luck in making love to the 67

Europeans too, to judge from one interview he had with Jane, which I was witness to.

I had been to the theatre one evening and was home a good deal earlier than usual, I let myself in through the back gate. I had supposed no one was in the house and through the open French window of the drawing room, I now perceived the bland Ah Sin and our own Jane, swapping spits, as that degenerate person, Mr. Annesley, once described the merrie and delightsome frolic of tongue kissing.

As our lower windows were never locked, the blinds were up and I was able to hear and see everything.

'You have belly fine conformations,' remarked Ah Sin, and his hands began to wander over the plump figure of Jane.

And Ah Sin went on to the extent of lifting her frock and inserting a yellow finger between her legs. At that point, Jane proved restive and broke away. Ah Sin also displayed a familiarity with European customs. 'You wantee money before fuckee,' he insinuated, and held out a piece of silver.

'Hindeed not, Ah Sin, but you were so sudden like…'

And then Ah Sin became sudden like again. In a minute he had Jane on the floor and was on top of her. A few wriggles and I could see that Jane was in a fair way of being charged with a semi-Mongolian offspring.

So much did Jane enjoy the operation that I decided then and there to make a trial of Ah Sin myself-and that very night. He was in the habit of coming in after I had gone to bed and seeing to my clothes, at the same time bringing me a drink.

'Ah Sin,' I said to him that night, 'what were you doing to Jane in the drawing room?'

He grinned all over his face. 'Little missee not angly?' he asked insinuatingly.

'No, but I got rheumatism in the garden waiting till you had finished.'

'Me massaggee Missee, culle pletty quick,' he made answer.

I told him to do his worst and he massaged my ankles and calves most dexterously, working up to my knees. I was lying with my nightdress up to the knees.

'You feelee ache further up?' he enquired blandly.

'Ah Sin,' I answered, 'I want you to massage me all over, but remember, if you tell any one this, you lose a good place.'

'Me silent man like tomb,' he answered.

'Then take my night dress off and begin.'

In a moment I was stark naked and he was operating on my thighs. He rubbed me all over and though he went near enough to my private parts, he never took a liberty. He was always the servant, obeying the mistress' commands, and that attitude I intended him to continue. I managed to behave as if this was just an every day matter-though inwardly I was boiling with lust.

'You've very strong arms, Ah Sin,' I said at last. 'Take your coat off and let me see your muscles,' I commanded.

In a moment he was stripped to the waist and he was splendidly developed and his skin was like polished yellow ivory.

'Me stronger in the legs,' he said. 'Let me see them.'

A second magician-like manipulation of his garments and Ah Sin stood before me in the garb of Adam before the fall. And he could no longer disguise the fact that he was amorous. A yellow ivory staff projected from his stomach, crowned with a purple knob.

What I did with Ah Sin is difficult to describe. I managed all the time to preserve my dignity as mistress.

First of all he sucked me and the yellow devil had a tongue which seemed a foot long. Then he fucked me from behind, fucked me most delicately and exquisitely, giving me the seventh heaven of pleasure, and then he fucked me belly to belly, always, even in the transports of our lust, preserving a respectful demeanour and never daring to breathe a word of love. I ended the seance by turning him over the end of the bed and flogging his bottom soundly with a stay busk. Then I made him fetch me another drink and dismissed him with a sovereign.

Next evening I was left alone again. Lewis was having a late night at his bucket shop business. It was his pay night, and after a long extra time evening he used to pay his lady clerks. He employed only lady clerks at Runcorne's because they don't talk business out of business hours and because also, he liked women. I gathered subsequently, from one of his ex-clerks, that on those nights he received each one of the girls separately in his room and solemnly felt them before he paid their wages; if a girl didn't like it, she could go, and Runcorne's was a well paid situation for a girl, so it is seldom that one of them jibbed. Lewis was very open in his amours but he always managed to steer clear of any scandal.

For instance, he once seduced a young girl of fifteen in one of his choruses. Next day the girl's mother presented herself at his office.

'You have seduced my daughter…' she began.

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