by the cushions under her loins. 'Be sensible, Lesley!' he murmured, 'it won't be the first time you've been sodomised, will it? You still pretend your husband never dared it in a fit of honeymoon passion? None of your lovers during marriage? Ah, but do not deny that the two Arab traders performed the act on you during your night in their captivity. True, we heard you refuse their suggestion indignantly. But Karim waited long enough to hear you getting it anyway, Lesley! Such cries at first-and then soft sighs. A furtive and guilty thrill as they probed your rear depths, Lesley? A promiscuous young woman soon learns to enjoy it!'
'They forced me!' Her resentment had a spoilt child's petulance.
'Your consent is irrelevant here, Lesley. Your master's right over your backside and the rest of you is absolute. Did those two rogues get you into bad habits? I follow their example without compunction!'
'But I can't! I daren't!… I won't!' He stooped, kissing each of Lesley's proud, pale bottom-cheeks.
'The days are past, Lesley, for walking out on marriage and duty to gratify your urges with a lover. The little metal prod heats in the brazier coals. Every poor frustrated harem eunuch longs for the order to draw it out and tantalise your bare bottom with it where my lips now browse! Ah! Your buttocks tighten with alarm at that!'
He paused, then resumed, smiling at her with wicked promise.
'Your rear valley and its tight little crater, Lesley! My lips salute you there… and there. Ah, you have underestimated its seductive appeal! At high school and college, did you never imagine a man for whom this would be your great centre of interest?'
'No!' A peevish wail, petulant yet imploring.
'Ah!' Touching Lesley's anus with his finger, he seemed to guess the truth. 'Why so tense and tight, Lesley? Too proud to confess the cause? I believe that my shapely young hen is shy of the cock because she wants to lay? Let us see!'
While Lesley's mouth turned down in a woebegone manner, he took a slim, twelve-inch glass rod and slid it gently but deeply into her backside. The young wife gave a little cry as it reached its full depth. The Schoolmaster withdrew it carefully.
'Ah, yes. Not truly desperate, but beginning to be so. Take the rod carefully by this end, footman, and show it to the spectators.'
'Oh, please… no!' It was Lesley's hopeless protest at seeing the state of her behind thus displayed to the amusement of the onlookers.
'Turn your fringe, Lesley! I must kiss those arrogant blue eyes! Lesley, my love, I taste your first tears upon my tongue! Now, my sweet, the phi-head of the marker is glowing. I shall enjoy caressing you with it between your buttocks, Lesley, unless you can divert me by your submission.'
I am sure he would never have done so, Charlie-would he? But the effect of his words was enough.
'That's better, Lesley! Arch your seat out like that! A little farther! I believe you want it after all! Now, let me kneel astride your thighs-my knob to your anus, Lesley! Ahhhhh!'
He pressed the tight rear dimple inwards until the young wife yielded her arse to him with a short, hollow cry. The Schoolmaster's penis shaft slid deeply in-between the proud, white cheeks of Lesley's bottom. He drew back a little and plunged again in a vigorous in-and-out. His loins slapped rhythmically upon Lesley's buttocks, his penis driving with all its power into the arse of this promiscuous young wife, punishing her adultery.
'So tense, Lesley? What? Whisper it to me! Ah, the added bulk of the tool compounds your urgency, does it? Put such things from your mind. Tighten your rear muscle rhythmically on my shaft. Exquisite!'
He rode her triumphantly for about ten minutes, at which point Lesley begged him to end the ravishing quickly.
'You abandoned marriage for your own pleasures, Lesley,' said he, 'now you must abandon yourself to mine. Lie still a moment! My lust shall not boil over for half an hour yet!'
Soon he began again, and later paused. Another beginning, a pause, and so on. Presently, while they lay still and his loins covered Lesley's backside, an involuntary jet of his passion escaped deep in her rear. She made a faint sound of distaste in her throat. He kissed her bare back and was severely logical.
'So prudish, Lesley? The thick warm discharge disgusts you? Such hypocrisy! Why, it is the very substance you begged from your lovers in the warm adulterous passion of your loins! Not quite so snooty about it then, were you, Lesley?'
'I was in love!' Such a sulky schoolgirl wail again.
It was curious, perhaps, that the balm which consummated her illicit passion should so revolt Lesley when squirted into her behind by a man whom she detested. Yet he kissed the crown of her head and his movements began once more.
'You went whoring, Lesley,' he murmured, 'you deserted the penis of your husband, who had sole legal right to you. Now you shall be punished by mine. Justice requires it!'
'I was in love!' she wailed peevishly, just as before, and as if this excused her.
'You shall be loved here, Lesley,' he promised. 'The valets will always be waiting in the tiled closet when you needs must go and take your knickers down in there. Karim and Saleh are both lovers of the female backside. Be prepared to bend to their whims before you are permitted to attend to your own.'
So the moral agent of retribution rode to his triumph. 'Lie still now, Lesley, but arch your bottom out a little farther. I feel the flood breaking the barrier! Lesley, darling! I believe my passion for you is hotter than husband or lover ever felt! Do you feel the squirting in your rear, Lesley? The pulse in your throat beats faster! Ah, you're getting to like it, Lesley, aren't you?'
He lay upon her, not yet drawing his tool from her bum, whispering gently in her ear. To judge from her dismay, he may have been assuring her of his obsessive love for her in this way. Or did her wide eyes testify to how he frightened her with the bogey tales of the harem?-the ultimate demand which lay in wait for her; the underground room, musicians playing outside to prevent the escape of a chance sound. The pale moons of Lesley's bottom were presented for this last rite as if on a pagan sacrificial altar, for even in extremities his obsession would choose this way. Whatever the subject, his last words were audible.
'You shiver, Lesley? Did you never wonder if such things must not happen behind harem walls?'
When the young wife gave a little cry of alarm, it was because she felt how his own words had hardened him again in her behind. In vain, the boyishly cropped Venus tried to expel the flaccid serpent. But Lesley's arse movements, squeezing upon it, had only stiffened it once more.
'Ready for it again, Lesley? You liked an encore from your lovers!'
The movements of sodomy resumed. Lesley shook her parted fringe back to twist her head 'round and plead that she could scarcely contain the volume of his first tribute in addition to her own load and the heavy penis muzzle. There was a faint show of resistance, a smack or two on her legs, his smile meeting her forlornness as she yielded with a soft cry.
'For your own sake, Lesley, you must be broken in to this pleasure thoroughly in a few weeks, so that you may overcome timidity and enjoy it. My valets shall accompany your morning visit to the tiled closet. This exercise shall be part of your routine in there.'
She gave a plaintive and yearning little cry at last, as a morbid and hectic thrill was stirred by the penis in her bowels. Several of the audience chuckled and vowed the young bitch was getting a taste for it. Meanwhile, a soldier had Shawn bending over with knickers' round her ankles. He kissed the full lips and the tight-lidded dark eyes of this eighteen-year-old. He kissed his way up the length of her long, elegant, coffee-skinned legs. He kissed the West Indian beauty between her thighs, then on her tautly rounded bum-cheeks. He pressed apart the tawny-gold cheeks of Shawn's bottom and presented his knob to her anus. The way was too narrow without the aid of some unguent. He applied this, pressed her waist down, and spanked hard on Shawn's buttocks. After that, she received him with a wild willingness, randily supplying the movements for her own ravishing.
Peeping through the curtains beside me, I also glimpsed my silver-haired neighbour and his young concubine. Patrizia was bending forward over the rail in front of the seat. He made her keep her face turned so that he might enjoy the appeal of her wide, brown eyes, broad, warm-skinned cheekbones, and dark page-style hair. This
appealing Italian tomboy no longer boasted the tight pants whose seat she had filled so broadly and roundly. Now one could admire the bare olive-skinned voluptuousness, the slight heaviness in the cheeks of Patrizia Luisi's bottom. Her eyes were fixed upon her elderly lover's swelling knob. 'No is possible!' she gasped, in her charming broken English.
His answer was to stroke scented lubrication between her buttocks. He took his lance in both hands, aimed it, and thrust home. I guessed that her little friend Regina was undergoing a similar ordeal in the next seat. Beyond