Evrard sprang between Gwen and the monster, and it paused, then shifted its eyes to him. “My spell’s working!” he shouted to me. “Come on! It should follow.” He darted by the monster and out through the tall doors into the courtyard. Turning its back on Gwen and the dazed knight, the monster lumbered after him.

Evrard waited in the courtyard, but as soon as the monster came out he was off again, flying through the gates, across the drawbridge, and onto the grass beyond. Again the monster followed, and I flew behind. Out of the valley, it moved relatively slowly, which was a relief. But seeing it again brought back vividly the last time I had seen it, as it had raced away from killing the old wizard.

“What did you do?” I demanded, dropping to the ground next to Evrard.

“I improvised,” he said, panting but looking inordinately proud of himself. “I know they purposely never taught us the summoning spell, but a few of us young wizards found it in the Master’s books, one night about a week before I left the school.”

It was exactly what I had done myself. Maybe the Master had known all along what we were doing. The monster had stopped and was eyeing us, its head thrust forward between massive shoulders.

“I decided you were right,” Evrard went on, “that I couldn’t very well summon something without a proper mind, so I altered the spell. You’re not the only person who can improvise!”

I had to admire his ingenuity, if not his good sense. I kept an eye warily on the monster. It moved slowly toward us, and we backed away. It moved again, slightly faster, and we backed up faster.

“But how did you manage to put a spell on it?” I yelled to Evrard.

“While you were all busy worrying about the saint, I went back into the cave after it, remember?”

The monster was backing us down the hill toward the woods. Its eyes still seemed alive even without the old wizard looking through them. “You found it but didn’t tell me?” I demanded furiously.

“Well, no, I didn’t actually find it. But I went far enough back to be fairly sure I was going the right way. So I set up my summoning spell and added a few touches to your magic marks, which I hoped would help draw the monster in the right direction. Once it was out of the cave, I didn’t doubt it would be able to follow us back here if I’d made my spell strong enough. And it looks as though I did!”

His spell was certainly working. The monster seemed fascinated by Evrard. Slowly and inexorably, it kept coming toward us.

We flew at this point, down the hill to where the brick road from the castle entered the trees, and paused again. “Evrard,” I said, speaking slowly and carefully, “would you like to tell me why you called the monster out of the valley and brought it here?”

“You’re not pleased with me?” asked Evrard in distress.

So he’d figured it out at last.

“And I’d thought you’d be impressed! If I hadn’t summoned it, your Cranky Saint would probably have shipped it out of his valley and sent it after you anyway, since he seems to like you so much.”

I ignored this jab. Overcoming the monster would need both of us. Besides, he might be right. “But why did you bring it here?”

The monster swung its arms as it advanced, more quickly now. It would have been frightening enough if it was some sort of enormous creature, like a bear, but the mindless stare made it horrible, a force of nature given separate volition and evil intent.

“Well, I had to get it out the valley, of course,” said Evrard, moving back into the woods. “It was able to move much faster there, so it was clear we didn’t have the slightest chance against it. Since we were coming back to the royal castle ourselves, didn’t it make sense to have it come here too?”

“I wonder if it killed anyone on the way,” I said grimly.

“It shouldn’t have,” said Evrard. “I deliberately made my spell so strong that it wouldn’t want to stop.”

He might be content to gloat over how well his spell had worked, but I could no longer stand the tension. “Come on,” I said abruptly. “Let’s take it down to the old wizard’s cottage. He had it imprisoned there once; we may be able to bind it again.”

I had become aware of the knights, led by Prince Ascelin, assembling on the castle hill. I couldn’t risk letting him be killed on his wedding day

Evrard and I flew along the road into the woods, and the castle was lost to sight behind us. Almost immediately we had to pick up speed, as the monster pursued with a rapidity it had not yet shown today. It chased us with its arms extended, emitting a low roar.

Evrard, I was sure, was now flying farther and faster than he ever had before. We darted back and forth along the forest path, avoiding overhanging branches, but behind us we heard snapping and crashing as the monster plowed straight through.

We shot out into the clearing before the old wizard’s cottage maybe a quarter mile ahead of it. Grabbing Evrard by the arm when he seemed to sag, I flew straight up and hovered twenty feet above the ground.

“Try to distract the monster when it gets here,” I said. “I’ve got to look at my predecessor’s notes.” I dropped to the ground and went through the green door into the wizard’s cottage.

The room was, if possible, an even greater mess than when I had seen it last. I looked around quickly, hoping wildly there might be something here to help. Most of the old wizard’s books were dusty and appeared long- unopened, but a massive register was propped up on the table, ready if he ever came back. I glanced at the page to which it was open, then began to read. Here was the spell, written out in the old wizard’s spidery hand, that had created his creature from dead bones. In the first three lines were two mentions of herbs of which I’d never heard.

I flipped forward. The spell went on for fifteen pages.

A wordless roar sent me diving for the window, which turned out to be locked. But the creature did not come in. In a moment, I looked cautiously out the door.

It was in the clearing in front of the cottage, circling below Evrard and ignoring me, at least for the moment. Evrard remained twenty feet off the ground, concentrating on holding himself up. “Keep it looking at you,” I said quickly, “but don’t do anything to excite it. If you can hold its attention for another two minutes, I’ll try to find the herbs for the spell to bind it.” I shot behind the old wizard’s cottage.

My predecessor had always had an herb garden where he grew the most common magical herbs. I had thought I knew it well, but this summer over half the garden was given to a low, leafy plant I never remembered seeing here before. I plucked one, looked at it closely, and probed it with magic. This was the same herb the old wizard had found in the valley.

I flew back to Evrard and the monster, my fingers already starting to glow blue. “I’m going to try to put a special binding spell on it, but this will only work if the creature is absolutely still. Let’s go over to the tree.” Trying to fly and cast a complicated spell at the same time was too much for me. We flew to the enormous oak tree that sheltered the old wizard’s cottage.

Evrard collapsed against the trunk, the sweat running down his face. In spite of my own greater practice in flying, I was not in much better shape. I wondered uneasily how well the monster could climb.

At least at first, it seemed content to circle the tree, appearing and disappearing from our sight. Its search for life had not been blunted by killing the old wizard. I hoped the cat had had the sense to hide.

I started trying to put the wizard’s binding spell together, though if the monster kept on moving it wasn’t going to do much good. In the cave, I had been able to bind it only with the old wizard’s help. I realized that I should have taught Evrard the spell immediately. Once again I had failed, this time in being too caught up the last two days in my own exhaustion and sorrow and sense of responsibility. I had neglected to look for help from someone who was, at least potentially, a perfectly competent young wizard and had, after all, once made a man- like creature himself. “Stop moving!” I muttered in the monster’s direction. “Otherwise I’ll never be able to bind you.”

In a moment, Evrard had caught his breath enough to sit up again. He turned to face me, his jaw set. “Well, Daimbert, I guess this is my problem, and there are two ways to solve it.

“My calling spell has made it interested only in me. You said it was searching for life, and the life it wants is mine. Either I can leave Yurt, which would make it follow me-” I started to speak but he didn’t give me a chance. “-or I can go down to meet it. While it does to me whatever it wants to do, you can try your binding spell.”

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