Gar’rth was restrained by thick ropes, bound to an iron chair that sat inside a holy circle drawn on the floor. He faced the stained-glass window with the light of the sun shining directly into his face. As a cloud moved across the chapel window, it seemed to the onlookers as if his face had suddenly become inhuman, twisted and savage, the visage of a true beast.
But a second later the cloud moved on and the sunlight revealed a weary and pale Gar’rth, but the Gar’rth they knew, wracked by pain and hungry for something he knew it was wrong to take.
The abbot’s chanting continued as Brother Althric lit the incense and set it burning slowly from four golden stands. At one point the monk stepped forward and wiped a cloth soaked with holy water across Gar’rth’s forehead, provoking a sudden change in him. He became a screaming maniac, his face contorted in a rage that was devoid of any reason or humanity.
Gar’rth’s rage lasted for just a minute before the holy water steamed off his forehead. As it did so, he returned once more to his former self, sweating profusely and gasping for breath.
“This will take some time” the abbot said sombrely, closing his eyes in concentration. “He is farther gone than we expected, and it may even be too late. When we continue none of you must step inside the holy circle-for Zamorak will try hard to maintain his hold.”
“It will get far uglier from now on,” Brother Althric said as the abbot began to chant once more.
Sulla watched the powerful figure dressed in torn robes that were so ill-kept they no longer had any distinguishable colour. The man stood alone, no more than a hundred yards away, on a small rise to the east, barring their way to the monastery.
Sulla was disturbed by the man’s ability to appear seemingly at will out of the undergrowth, evading his scouts and bypassing his patrols. So far he had done no harm, but Sulla did not like to be made a fool of.
“We have been unable to catch him,” the Kinshra scout said.
“Can’t you shoot him with an arrow?” Sulla growled.
“We have tried that, my lord. But each time he vanishes again into the undergrowth. His ability to hide is unnatural-even the horses daren’t go near him.”
“Then I shall go to him alone” Sulla mounted his horse in a single deft movement and trotted slowly toward the lone figure who stood by a dense copse at the top of the rise. He didn’t ride straight to him, but as if he meant to pass him by. As he began his ascent he closed the visor on his helmet. No man he had ever met had been able to suppress their surprise at suddenly witnessing Sulla’s mutilated face.
The closer he got, the more he had to wrestle to maintain control over his animal. The horse pulled to get away, but ultimately gave in to its master, its eyes wide with fear and foam flecking its lips.
The figure did not move as Sulla approached him, and the leader of the Kinshra did not call out. He rode within twenty yards of the man and still neither spoke. Sulla could sense the power emanating from the mysterious stranger.
“You are a follower of Zamorak?” The guttural voice sounded from inside the cowl, and the tattered man looked up to reveal two shining red eyes in the darkness of his hood.
For a brief second Sulla was uneasy, and his hand tightened on the hilt of his sword.
“I am Sulla, lord of the Kinshra, followers of Zamorak, feared throughout Asgarnia and renowned throughout The Wilderness.”
“I have never heard of you. And I don’t fear you.” The words were said without malice or sarcasm.
The brutal honesty took him by surprise.
“Then I would say you are a fool. I have an army only seconds away.”
“That is more than enough time for me to kill you, if I wish.”
Again, the matter-of-fact tone disarmed the Kinshra lord. With a quick movement of his gloved hand he unclasped the visor on his helmet and raised it, staring at the robed man coolly as his marred features were exposed. He noted with satisfaction that the red eyes widened slightly in surprise.
“Many people have said as much” Sulla replied. “A few of the more foolish have tried. But you are no normal traveller. Why have you avoided my scouts and stalked my army?”
“To know who you are, lord of the Kinshra” the figure replied, his composure quickly regained. “I am not of this world and I have been hounded by the followers of Saradomin for several days now, driven from Falador while I pursued what I was sent here to retrieve. It was important that I knew who you were before I approached you. But you have no reason to fear me, Lord Sulla, for I too am a follower of Zamorak. What I seek has taken refuge in the Saradomist monastery not far from here-a place I will not be able to enter.”
“Holy barriers mean nothing to men, regardless of their god. Following Zamorak is a choice but not a destiny for us. You may join us, for we are marching on the monastery. But tell me where you are from, and let me see your face.”
“I am from Morytania,” the figure said, lifting hands which had remained hidden under the cover of his long robes. “My name is Jerrod.”
Sulla noticed instantly the two missing fingers, the long claws and the hair covering the back of his hands. And when the cowl was pulled back to reveal his face, the lord of the Kinshra was greeted by the face of a fiend.
Sulla simply smiled in his peculiar way, and then, as he dismounted, he laughed.
The exorcism had reached a horrific stage. A loud moan came from Gar’rth’s open mouth, a chilling sound that had lasted for half an hour. A brisk hot wind swept up from inside the circle.
“It is the anger of Zamorak!” Brother Althric yelled against the wind. “He wants to keep Gar’rth for himself!”
The moaning grew. As it did, the wind roared and the light faded.
Theodore had never in his wildest imaginings dreamed of such a scene. To him, it represented everything he fought against-the domination of a being by Zamorak, the evil with which Gar’rth had been infected, the conflict in his soul.
“Fight it, Gar’rth!” he shouted. “Do not give in!” He was about to shout further encouragement when something
“This is not magic, Theo” Castimir said, his voice catching in his throat. “This is a contest between the gods about which I know very little.” He gave a sudden cry and covered his mouth with his hand.
Theodore looked at once to Gar’rth. There
And it was not alone. Dozens of other claws and wolf-like impressions were erupting across his body as Gar’rth’s dark heritage fought back against the commanding chants of Abbot Langley. A thousand contorted visages in screaming agony were outlined in the youth’s undulating flesh. Each disappeared as swiftly as it had come, only to be replaced an instant later like ripples on a lake in a rainstorm.
“What are they?” Kara asked, her fear evident in her tremulous voice.
“It is Zamorak’s power” Brother Althric said hoarsely. “That is Gar’rth’s heritage-it is what he is, and that is what we are trying to rescue him from.” He spoke loudly, stepping to Kara’s side. “You can do nothing but pray for him now, and give him words of friendship and encouragement.” She reached out, and the wise monk caught her wrist in a suddenly tight grip. “But you must not cross into the holy circle. If you do that, he shall be lost, and so will you. You must promise me that, Kara. You must all promise me,” he demanded, looking at each of them in