The management offices of Brady Data Processing took on the atmosphere of an armed camp preparing for battle. Word went like wildfire through the company of the takeover bid, but word of Rand’s presence spread equally as fast Instead of the sudden depression in morale, Kalinda was amazed to find everyone invigorated with a purposefulness that told its own story. Brady management had a battlefield general and they were prepared to follow him into the fray, no questions asked. There was nothing like having a shark on your side, Kalinda thought idly at one point when George Barrett appeared with coffee and sandwiches.

„Thanks, George,“ Kalinda smiled gratefully, looking up from the pile of papers on her desk. Rand, sitting across from her glanced up almost curiously and then looked appreciatively at the sandwiches.

„I didn’t know an order for food had gone out,“ he grinned, helping himself to a thick pastrami on rye.

George lifted an eyebrow. „Miss Brady would never think to send me out for sandwiches,“ he murmured. „She respects my professionalism far too much, even in a crisis, to do such a thing. But I have eyes and it was clear neither of you had remembered lunch today!“

He left the room with a stack of rough drafts that needed typing, all business. Rand watched him go, one brow cocked bemusedly.

„Things seem to have changed in the business world during the past couple of years,“ was his only comment.

„George is the perfect secretary,“ Kalinda said calmly, watching his expression.

„Bosses,“ Rand drawled, „are known for falling in love with their secretaries.“

„George would never allow such an improper situation to develop,“ Kalinda said blandly. „Here’s that breakdown on Brady’s line of credit you requested.“

Most of the management staff stayed late that day, but not as late as Kalinda and Rand. The ultimate responsibility was on their shoulders and Kalinda found her new employee seemed avid to accept his share. It was, she decided, as if the shark had swum back into his element. An impressive sight.

The dinner hour came and went, sandwiches and coffee once again the only fare. After the brief break during which Rand asked a series of probing questions concerning the material he’d been going through they both plunged back into the task of planning the defense strategy. Rand was intent on immersing himself in a thorough understanding of Brady’s resources, weaknesses, and possible options.

Finally, shortly after ten o’clock he closed the manila folder in front of him and got to his feet. „Come on, honey, let’s go home. We’re not going to be worth a damn tomorrow if we don’t get some sleep tonight“

„Where is your apartment, Rand?“ Kalinda asked bravely, rising to her feet and stretching as a yawn threatened. She must be firm.

„I’m going to show you,“ he smiled benignly.

„I meant what I said this morning,“ she began determinedly. „I think we ought to maintain a business relationship until we have a chance to know each other better.“

„I said I’d show you the apartment, I didn’t promise to seduce you, too.“ He gathered up a stack of papers and shoved them into a leather case. „I’m not even sure I could at this stage,“ he reflected seriously. „It’s been awhile since I worked liked this. I’m a little out of shape!“

She smiled at that. „You don’t look it. You look like an eager warhorse getting back into harness!“

He took her arm and walked her toward the door. „Nevertheless, the stamina requirements are a trifle different than those of fishing and pottery-making!“

The white Lotus sped through the night toward an elegant apartment building near the downtown area. It was not far from her own town house, she thought ruefully.

„Come on up for a nightcap. We deserve it,“ Rand instructed, giving her little option as he took her arm once again and assisted her out of the car.

„How do you happen to have an apartment, Rand?“ she murmured, trying not to think of the decision which lay ahead of her tonight How could she refuse him if he made love to her? His touch was like magic on her skin and the warmth in him was almost irresistible. She loved the man. But she had to have the answers to her questions about him. No amount of logic could convince her he had followed her out of the mountains merely for an affair. And he’d said nothing of love…

„I own the building,“ he confessed.

„Own it!“

„It was one of the few things I hung onto when I opted out a year and a half ago,“ he explained, watching her face as he pushed the elevator button. „It was something that didn’t have to be managed in person and provided a nice income.“

She shook her head. „You’re proving to be one surprise after another.“

„Good surprises, I trust,“ he smiled.

„Are you so very concerned about my opinion?“ she breathed, stepping into the elevator.

„I prefer seeing respect in your eyes rather than disapproval. Is that so strange?“ he asked wistfully.

Kalinda could think of nothing to say to that But some instinct warned her that a man like Rand Alastair didn’t worry much about other people’s opinions.

A moment later the elevator opened and they emerged into a thickly carpeted hallway. Rand fished a key out of his pocket and paused before the only door in sight.

„I phoned ahead and had the place put in order,“ he began as he opened the door. „I hope it’s decent“

He flipped on. the light, revealing a clean, uncluttered room furnished in an utterly masculine style. It was similar to the decor in his house by the lake, Kalinda thought, walking inside curiously. Browns and caramels were the predominant colors of the low-slung, modern furniture. Wide, sweeping vistas of the Denver night were provided by an expanse of windows.

Automatically Kalinda walked toward the view, knowing he was watching her. „It’s lovely,“ she smiled, looking out into the darkness and picking out familiar buildings. They were on the twentieth floor.

„I prefer your place,“ he said dryly.

She swung around to see him going over to a liquor cabinet and begin hunting through the collection of bottles.

She accepted the snifter he held out to her a moment later, meeting his eyes silently over the rim as they each lifted their glasses. For an instant as she met the glittering promise in the hazel eyes, Kalinda forgot all about her promise to herself. And when he took her wrist and led her silently across the tan carpet to the sofa, she couldn’t find the words of protest He sank down onto the leather cushions, tugging her gently down beside him. Then, wrapping the arm holding his drink around her shoulders so that she was forced to curl into his side, Rand reached for the leather case he brought with him.

He put his feet up on a hassock and fumbled briefly in the case. „Now, I’ve got a couple more questions about your relationship with the banks,“ he said calmly.

Kalinda turned her head quickly to stare at him and saw that he was quite serious. He didn’t appear to have any intention of trying to seduce her tonight She honestly didn’t know whether to be glad or feel insulted.

The amusement lit her eyes and quirked her mouth as she dutifully answered his precise questions.

Half an hour later she was still answering the occasional question as Rand continued reading beside her. With a strange feeling of contentment she settled more closely against him, finding his obvious interest in the work at hand somehow endearing. He was enjoying this, she thought sleepily.

Her eyes were closing when the impact of that statement finally made itself felt.

He was enjoying himself! He was thriving on the opportunity to get back into the dangerous game he knew so well. Belatedly Kalinda remembered the occasional feeling she’d had in the mountains that he’d latched onto her because he had been as bored as she was up there.

She was almost asleep when the plausible answer to all her questions popped into her head.

Had Rand followed her back out of the mountains because she had made him realize he was bored with the easy life? Was he using her to find his way back to the high-powered business world he’d once dominated?

The thought of serving as an accidental catalyst for a man who once again was seeking a change of lifestyle was not a pleasant one. What happened to the catalyst after it had served its purpose?


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