to another as they added ice-cream scoops of potato to the roast lamb on the supper trays.

‘Isn’t she lovely, and so natural?’ said the other. ‘“Nurse you must be so tired,” she said, “Thank you for saving my baby’s life.” Which is more than the complaints we got from that. .’ They stopped abruptly when they saw Harriet.

‘Did you see her shoes?’ said one.

‘Weren’t they lovely? And her hair. And did you see the way her face lit up when she heard her husband was coming? Such a shame they’re splitting up. She’s obviously still in love with him. Perhaps this’ll bring them together again.’

The most dramatic change was in Dr Williams’s behaviour. Usually one couldn’t see him for dust the moment he’d done his rounds, but now Noel was ensconced, he was looking in every five minutes. Harriet knew he was off duty that day at three o’clock, but he was still hanging around at five. The compelling, cold, surgical grey eyes were quite moony now, the bored voice husky and caressing. Harriet even caught a waft of aftershave.

He was very concerned that Noel hadn’t had any lunch. But there was no suggestion that she might go down to the canteen for a cup of tea, Irish stew and carrots. A quarter of an hour later, smoked salmon sandwiches and iced white wine appeared.

‘Isn’t he wonderful?’ Noel said to Harriet. ‘So considerate and so concerned about Jonah.’

‘It’s only since you’ve been here,’ said Harriet sulkily. ‘He’s been a pig up till now.’

One of the day nurses popped her head round the door.

‘I was just going off duty, Miss Balfour. I wondered if I could have your autograph.’

‘Tell me your name,’ said Noel, taking the piece of paper.

‘Nurse Rankin,’ said the nurse.

‘No. I know you’re Nurse Rankin. I mean your christian name.’

Nurse Rankin giggled. ‘Actually it’s Dorothy. But everyone calls me Dotty.’

‘To Dotty with great pleasure, love and gratitude,’ wrote Noel in her huge scrawl. ‘I think Dotty’s a lovely name. Imagine what it was like being christened Noel. People were always making jokes about the first Noel.’

‘I’ve seen all your pictures,’ said Nurse Rankin, a slave to sudden passion. ‘I think you’re absolutely wonderful.’

‘And I can never thank you enough for what you’ve done for my little boy.’

Lay it on with a trowel, thought Harriet in disgust.

‘Everything all right?’ It was Dr Williams popping in again.

‘Absolutely marvellous,’ said Noel, turning her startling tawny eyes on him. ‘You are a saint, David.’

David now, thought Harriet. He was looking exactly like Sevenoaks when Mytton’s bitch was on heat.

‘I haven’t managed all the sandwiches,’ said Noel, ‘I’m feeling too upset to eat, but the wine is delicious. Won’t you have some?’

‘Not when I’m on duty,’ he said, ‘but I’d love one later.’

Harriet’s only comfort was that Sister Maddox was looking absolutely furious.

When Noel heard that Chattie and William were staying at the Pembertons’, she went off and had a long telephone conversation with Elizabeth.

When she returned her attitude was distinctly less friendly towards Harriet. Oh God, I bet Elizabeth mentioned something about my being wrapped round Cory at the Hunt Ball, thought Harriet.

Noel’s main preoccupation now seemed to be to get her out of the hospital before Cory came back.

‘I really don’t feel we can dump William and Chattie on Elizabeth any longer,’ she said, ‘particularly when William’s teething and keeping them up every night. I think you should go and collect them, and take them home.’

‘Sammy really doesn’t mind looking after them,’ said Harriet. ‘I would like to stay here with Jonah, just another night.’

‘Are you quite sure you’re the best person?’ said Noel gently. ‘People here seem to think you’re rather — well — overemotional.’

‘I l-love him,’ stammered Harriet. ‘I was worried.’

‘I quite realize that, but you must remember you’re well, only. .’

‘The nanny.’ Harriet felt herself going very red in the face.

‘Exactly,’ said Noel, pouring herself another glass of wine. ‘And it’s your duty to go home and look after Chattie and William, so I’d like you to pack your things at once, and my driver will take you home, and you can collect the children on the way.’

‘But Mr Erskine left me in charge of the children. I’m sure he’d want me to stay.’

Noel lost her temper.

‘I’ve been married to Cory for ten years. I think I know him slightly better than you. The thing he’ll like best when he arrives is to find me here with Jonah.’

Harriet was beaten. She went next door and began to gather up her things. She heard Jonah waking up again and complaining that his head ached, and could he have some iced water. Noel poked her head through the door.

‘Could you just pop down and get me some ice,’ she said.

Running the tray under the tap to get out the ice cubes, Harriet suddenly thought she’d burst if she didn’t see Cory. I hate Noel, I hate her, I hate her.

Then soon she heard a quick step in the passage and there was Cory walking past. Her heart lurched. She tried to call out to him, but her voice stuck in her throat. She went out into the passage. It required the greatest control of her life not to run after him.

As it was, she reached the door in time to see Noel leaping to her feet. The next moment Cory had taken her in his arms and was comforting her as she sobbed with great restraint, but not enough to spoil her make-up. I can’t bear it, thought Harriet, her nails digging into her hands.

She saw Cory let Noel go, and move forward to speak to Jonah. She tiptoed forward trying to hear what he was saying.

But Sister Maddox was too quick for her. The faster Noel transferred her attentions to Cory and got her claws out of Dr Williams the better.

‘I think the family would all like a little time on their own,’ she said firmly. ‘The porter downstairs has just rung up to say the car’s waiting for you.’

Harriet went into the side room, and mindlessly put the rest of her things into the canvas bag Mrs Bottomley had brought.

Then she heard Jonah say, ‘Where’s Harriet?’ And Cory saying, ‘Yes, where is she?’

‘I’m here,’ said Harriet, pushing open the door.

Cory was sitting on the bed holding Jonah’s hand. Harriet expected him to be pale and drawn. But he was tanned dark brown by the Los Angeles sun. Never had he seemed more handsome — or more beyond her reach. He looked up quickly, full of concern. ‘My God, what you must have been through! I’m sorry I wasn’t here.’

‘I’m so glad you’ve come now,’ she muttered, fighting back the tears.

‘All I can say is thank you,’ he said. ‘Sit down. You look absolutely knackered. Are you up to telling me something about it?’

‘My driver’s waiting to take her home, Cory,’ said Noel in icy tones. ‘She’s been here for four days. She needs a break. And she’s going to collect Chattie and William. Elizabeth’s looking after them but we can’t leave them with her for ever.’

Cory didn’t turn round.

Jonah, still drowsy, suddenly said, ‘Where’s Mummy?’

‘Here darling,’ said Noel, going towards the bed.

‘Where’s Harriet?’ muttered Jonah.

‘She’s going home, darling.’

‘No,’ said Jonah, sitting bolt upright, suddenly hysterical, ‘I don’t want her to go home. I want her to stay. I want Harriet! I want Harriet!’

‘But I’m here,’ snapped Noel, her lips tightening.

‘But you won’t stay,’ he screamed in desperation. ‘You only say you’ll stay, then you go. Harriet stays all the time.’

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