where the service was first-class. I ordered a Tuborg Classic and so many Brondums that I finally lost count. A small model railroad ran back and forth under the ceiling. I sat and followed it with my eyes to be sure. But no one threw himself in front of it. Not a single person.
It wasn’t pleasant news I brought back home with me to Bergen. No one put their arms around me when I told them what had happened, though I’m not exactly used to having that happen.
Several weeks later I stumbled onto a Danish paper at a kiosk in the park. A teaser on the front page piqued my curiosity. I flipped through to a spread inside the paper. There was a beautiful photo of Svanhild Mogensen, smiling cooly at the photographer. The short article explained that after the tragic death of her husband at Central Station earlier in the month, she reported that she intended to continue their successful Amager business and would lead it forward as its new director. Nothing was mentioned about any regrets she might have had; no doubt she didn’t have any.
It’s said that crime doesn’t pay. And who said this, I’d like to know? More on target was the man who said that hidden behind every great fortune is a crime.
I sent her a card with my name on it. But I never got an answer. She surely had better things to do. And so did I, for that matter.
About the Contributors
NAJA MARIE AIDT (b. 1963) is one of Denmark’s most acclaimed lyricists and short story writers; her latest collection,
JONAS T. BENGTSSON (b. 1976) published his debut novel
CHRISTIAN DORPH (b. 1966) and SIMON PASTERNAK (b. 1971) have attracted considerable attention in the Danish crime fiction community with their novels
AGNETE FRIIS (b. 1975) and LENE KAABERBOL (b. 1960) debuted in Danish crime fiction with
HELLE HELLE (b. 1965) is the author of various short stories and novels, including the acclaimed novels
BENN Q. HOLM (b. 1962) is a Copenhagen writer best known for the novels
GRETELISE HOLM (b. 1946), author and national commentator, has in recent years achieved much success as a writer of crime fiction, inside and outside of Denmark.
LENE KAABERBOL (b. 1960) and AGNETE FRIIS (b. 1975) debuted in Danish crime fiction with
MARK KLINE (b. 1952) has translated the fiction and poetry of a number of contemporary Danish writers. He has had many short stories published, and for years he has been a bluegrass musician in Denmark. He and his wife live in the South Harbor section of Copenhagen.
KRISTIAN LUNDBERG (b. 1966) is a lyricist and writer from
BO TAO MICHAELIS (b. 1948) received his master’s degree in comparative literature and classical culture from the University of Copenhagen, where he now teaches. He is a cultural critic at the Danish newspaper
SEYIT OZTURK (b. 1980) won second prize in a writing contest for “new Danes,” for his short story “Where I’m Sitting Now,” which appeared in the anthology
SIMON PASTERNAK (b. 1971) and CHRISTIAN DORPH (b. 1966) have attracted considerable attention in the Danish crime fiction community with their novels
KLAUS RIFBJERG (b. 1931) has been a major fixture in Danish literature over the past fifty years. He was born and raised in Amager, in Eberts Villaby.
GUNNAR STAALESEN (b. 1947), a Norwegian author residing in Bergen, is known and loved for his Bergen trilogy
SUSANNE STAUN (b. 1957) has made a name for herself in the Danish crime fiction scene with her books about the profiling expert Fanny Fiske, the latest of which is
KRISTINA STOLTZ (b. 1975) has written three volumes of poetry, books for children, and the novel
GEORG URSIN (b. 1934), a former public servant, had his literary debut at the age of seventy-one with the Kafka-esque crime novel