Renie. “How’s…everything?”

Margo blinked at the cousins but didn’t question their

liberation. “Awful,” she replied, making a face. “Frank and

that horrid Mannheimer are drunk as skunks. If you ask me,

that caretaker is an alcoholic. Gene and Max have hardly

said a word in the last half-hour, and Russell just stares off

into space.”

Judith frowned. The last thing she wanted was to have

Frank pass out. “We’ll make coffee,” she said quickly. “Ava,

Margo, you start pouring it down all of those men as soon

as it’s ready. And keep them away from the liquor.”

By five-thirty, Margo reported that Frank and Rudy were

still drunk, but in upright positions. Refilling the men’s coffee

mugs, she hurried back to the lobby.

Grimly, Judith turned to Renie. “You’re going to have to

let the park personnel in through the second floor. They can

use Mannheimer’s ladder. I’ll be with Frank in his room.

Remember, it’s opposite ours—the other corner room.”

Renie nodded. “I don’t like this. What if they don’t come?”

Judith grimaced. “Then you’ll have to rescue me.”

“Oh, swell!” Renie twirled around the kitchen, hands

clasped to her head. “How do I do that?”

“With Margo’s gun,” Judith said, pointing to the suede bag

that Margo had left on the counter before carrying out the

coffee refills. “Take it now.”

“Oh, good grief!” Renie reeled some more.

“Do it quick, before she comes back.”

With a big sigh, Renie opened the suede bag and removed

the handgun. “I haven’t fired a gun since my dad took me

target shooting forty-odd years ago. It was up at the family

cabin, and I blew a hole through Uncle Corky’s picnic ham.”

“Better than blowing a hole through Uncle Corky.” Ju- SNOW PLACE TO DIE / 265

dith gazed at the gun. “Is it really loaded?”

Renie checked the chambers. “Yes, ma’am. And so’s Frank.

Now what?”

Judith squared her shoulders. “Now we nail him. This may

be our finest hour.”

She didn’t say that it could also be their last.


FRANK KILLEGREW WAS sulking. “Sh’almost shix,” he

mumbled. “Who drinksh coffee at shix? Time for martoonis

and shotch. Cocktail time, cockroach hour, cock-a-doodledoo!”

“Chicken if you don’t,” Judith said with forced cheer.

“Frank, I’d like to talk to you for a minute. Do you mind?

Dinner’s almost ready.”

“I’m the cock of the walk,” Killegrew declared, trying to

get up off the sofa. “I can do anything I damned well…” He

fell back, but was given a hand by Max.

“There you go, Frank,” Max said. “I think you’ve got a

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