performed on Joan Fremont. In the sports section,

there was a story about possible trades to replace the



Seafarers’ ace pitcher, Joaquin Somosa. At last Effie

McMonigle had said something that Judith didn’t feel

like contradicting.

Some people weren’t lucky. They didn’t get out of

the hospital alive.

All Judith could hope was that she and Renie

wouldn’t be among the unlucky ones.


JUDITH’S SURGERY WAS scheduled for eight-thirty on

Monday. Renie’s was set for nine-fifteen. Joe and

Bill delivered their wives to admitting at the same

time. The cousins had worn out the phone lines over

the weekend encouraging each other and trying to

make light of any potential dangers.

Their husbands chimed in. “Hey, Bill,” Joe said,

“we could have hurried this up by driving together

and dumping the old, crippled broads from a speeding car.”

“You already called the girls?” Bill said with a

straight face.

“You bet,” Joe replied. “Chesty and Miss Bottoms. They’re rarin’ to go.”

“Not funny,” Judith muttered.

“Nothing’s funny this early in the morning,”

snarled Renie, who usually didn’t get up until ten


Nor did Good Cheer Hospital’s forbidding exterior live up to its name. Built shortly after the turn

of the last century, the large, dark redbrick edifice

with its looming dome and wrought-iron fences

looked more like a medieval castle than a haven for

healing. Judith half expected to wait for a draw-SUTURE SELF


bridge to come down before driving over a moat into

the patient drop-off area.

Renie, who was bundled up in a purple hooded coat,

shuddered as she got out of the Joneses’ Toyota Camry.

“Why couldn’t we go to our HMO’s hospital? This

place looks like a morgue.”

“Don’t say that,” Judith retorted as Joe helped her into

the wheelchair. To make matters worse, it was a damp,

dark morning with the rain coming down in straight,

steady sheets. “You know why we’re here. Our HMO

doesn’t do orthopedic surgeries anymore. All the hospitals are consolidating their services to save money.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Renie said with an ominous glance at

the double doors that automatically opened upon their

approach. “It just looks so gloomy. And bleak.”

“It’s still a Catholic hospital,” Bill Jones pointed out

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