'Okay, Alice. I know you've had a tough few days, but you know just how terrible our continuing war is, and any information that can help us strike a blow for all humans would be of great value.'

Alice didn't say anything, but she noted that Zeus was now claiming to represent all humans. She wondered what her father would have said to that as the General continued.

'So, please just let me know everything you saw and experienced. Don't worry about any detail seeming to be too small or insignificant, just tell me everything from the beginning.'

So Alice began her tale, starting with how she had seen a Biter jump down a hole and how she had followed. She watched Appleseed raise his eyebrows as she talked about the first confrontation in the caves and how she had managed to get away. He was scribbling notes furiously and stopped when she mentioned about the room she had entered and the seal she had seen on the door. He looked at Dewan.

'That can only be where the US Embassy was. I know we had underground bunkers, but who would have thought those mindless monsters would have used our own underground bunkers and the ones the Indians had built against nukes to hide? When we're done here, I'd like a recon group to go and check out the area.'

Alice continued her story, about how she managed to get into the room and saw old newspapers. When Appleseed asked what was on those papers, Alice replied that she saw the pictures of when The Rising first happened, but that she could not read fast enough. She thought she saw a flicker of satisfaction cross Appleseed's face as he continued.

'Now these creatures were outside the door. How did you manage to get out?'

Alice started speaking and then wondered how she could possibly explain the drawing on the wall and why the Biters did not tear her apart or at any rate bite her to convert her into one of them. However, she had never been a good liar, and struggled with what she should tell the General. Her dilemma was solved when a trooper knocked on the door.

'Sir, we are serving lunch in the cafeteria now. Will you come and join us or should I send it over here?'

Appleseed growled, his friendly demeanor gone in an instant.

'Trooper, we're working here! Colonel, can you ask them to arrange a bite here?'

Dewan walked out, resting a friendly hand on Alice's shoulder as he left. Alice looked back to see Appleseed looking at her with his chin in his hands, as if contemplating something. Finally he came around the table to sit next to Alice.

'Alice, we will continue the debriefing when Dewan gets here, but there is one thing I needed to ask you in private. It is a highly confidential matter that nobody else should know about, but if you helped me with this, it could make a huge difference to the war effort.'

He took out a photograph from his pocket and put it on the table in front of Alice. It was an old, faded photo, with some of the edges torn off, but the smiling face with greying hair in the middle of it was unmistakable. It was the woman whom Alice had met as the Queen. She tried to contain her reaction, but Appleseed must have noticed.

'Alice, I need you to tell me if you saw this woman.'


Alice was saved from having to answer by Dewan coming in with some sandwiches. As they ate, Alice told them about how after the encounter in the Embassy room, she had managed to hide in the underground caves and tunnels for the next two days. Appleseed was skeptical and his expression showed it.

'When our men first saw you, it seems you were in the company of Biters. How did that happen?'

Alice's mind raced. At the best of times, she was terrible at making up excuses, now she had to find some plausible reason for why the Biters around her had not attacked her when they first encountered the Zeus helicopters.

'General, I was hiding behind some ruins when your helicopters arrived. The Biters would have found me in minutes if they had not landed up when they did. I was hardly with the Biters then-but with all the fighting, I couldn't get to the troopers and I hid underground.'

'And what about the incident in the forest when we gave you the beacon? Or did you again just happen to be near the Biters? One of our men said that it looked like they had you in their custody.'

Alice saw that Appleseed was not going to be so easily convinced.

'Biters can hardly take anyone in their custody. They tried to get me in the forest and I was fighting them off when your men arrived. It was all so chaotic that someone must have mistakenly believed the Biters had captured me. I was scared and in the middle of so many Biters that I just dove into one of the openings in the ground. It seemed to lead into one of their bases and I hid there, waiting for you guys to get me.'

Dewan nodded at Appleseed and whispered that he had indeed seen her fighting Biters when he first saw her. The General just grunted as Alice continued her tale about how she had been deep underground escaping the Biters when the rescue mission was mounted. As she talked, she noticed that the General seemed to be relaxing a bit as he clearly got pieces of information that he deemed useful, such as the exact location of the tunnels near the old Yamuna river, and more than once he whispered to Dewan to get sorties out over the areas to check them out for any sign of Biters. Finally he closed the writing pad in front of him and asked Dewan to go and check if the helicopter to fly Alice back had been arranged.

As Dewan left the room, Appleseed was again right beside Alice, the photo in his hand.

'Alice, in my time I've interrogated many men and women, and I know that you're keeping something from me.'

He reached over and gripped Alice's knee hard, and then Alice felt his hand moving up her leg.

'In my time, we had many ways of persuading young, attractive women like you to co-operate.'

Alice cringed as the General's hand moved higher and then on instinct, she grabbed his hand with her left hand, and just as her instructors had taught her, she twisted it and brought her right palm hard against the flat of his hand. Appleseed's hand snapped back and he howled in pain as Alice stood up, ready to fight. The General towered over her and outweighed her by a big margin, but Alice's parents had not brought her up to give in so easily. She would go down fighting if need be. Appleseed was holding his wrist and his face was red.

'I should have known better than to reason with a wild girl from the Deadland like you. Savages like you aren't fit to be with humans any more. The days of isolated settlements are going to be a thing of the past-and you need to learn how to live in human society again.'

Alice spat on the ground, knowing that there was no need to waste her effort on being polite any more.

'So that we can be slaves to you and your masters, whoever they are? Is the war against the Biters your mission or is that an excuse to get power?'

Appleseed smiled.

'The woman whose photo I showed you is a known traitor and a Biter sympathizer. We know that she lives among them and claims to be some sort of leader. We don't let that information get out because we don't want anyone to know that the Biters can be lived with after all. She is a traitor and the Central Committee has already condemned her to death. Anyone collaborating with her is also a traitor.'

Alice didn't flinch at the threat.

'I have no idea who she is, but it looks like you are the ones who are keeping secrets. How would your men feel if they knew that the Biters could actually coexist with us, and that your war is based on lies.'

Alice regretted what she said next a second after the words left her mouth, but she was angry and wanted to lash out, to see Appleseed on the defensive.

'I cannot read fast, but I can read, and in the rooms below, I saw papers that I had lots of time to read. Papers that talked about experiments done before The Rising, about how the Great Fires were wars waged by elements in human governments to get power, about how people could have been vaccinated if your masters wanted to.'

Appleseed looked as if he had been punched in the gut, but then he smiled, not a smile born out of good humor, but that of a predator looking at a helpless prey.

'Your friend Dr. Protima had tried to reach out to her associates in the early days, telling them such stories and I personally had the pleasure of breaking many of them. I never got her but I managed to stamp out these lies. My masters have been working for years to create a new Earth, one where there is no overpopulation, no poverty, no weakness. They selected those who were to be vaccinated and we would have repopulated our cities and started afresh. The spread of the infection and the way it mutated surprised us, but we would have achieved what we wanted long ago by wiping out those critters had it not been for that stubborn hag.'

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