solder smell, finger spotted red burn, shining patches skin scorched. Sister cat eye rimmed irritation, branched blood tunnels exposed, angered of poison solder smoke.

Additional present Junior Swing Choir: Trevor bitch. Also, operative Magda.

Other rooms, hallway, midday eating location, eyes of operative me witness Tibor, Mang, Chernok, Tanek, Otto, and Vaky; all agent attempting shake from heads idiot lyric word of songs, infected worthless language of corrupt Western poetry. Useless American poetry and music no celebrate sacrifice lifetime to preserve state. No herald shining future of bright nuclear weapon, abundant wheat, and shining factory. No, instead most American song only empower to enjoy premature actions necessary for reproduction, grant permission commingle egg and seed among random partner occupying padded rear bench automobile.

American structure education serve primary function introduce partners for reproduction. During sessions, many viable female gaggle, cluster knots around center gossip talk. Batting eye cover skin at direction most symmetrical potential male. Mesomorph male youths, targeted for seed, merely strutting stenched clouds groin fungus infection acquired from appareled unclean athletic supporters.

All must sing nonsense or no allowed college, no advanced physics and training. Force compelled to sing how yearning for location on top arched spectrum of light wavelengths created by precipitate. Exact song expressed Judy Garland, woeful martyr, slaughtered pawn of capitalist entertainment machine combined pharmaceutical complex.

If no sing, all youth condemned into poverty. Denied possible advancement and self-realization.

During “Junior Swing Choir,” compelled stand so make fence, layered several rows human fence, driven sing brainwash song, operative Magda tilt from behind this agent. Magda mouth into ear of operative me make whisper, say, “Comrade?” Say, “Commence you phase first of Operation Havoc?”

Mouths of operative me merely fashioning lips shape of lyric words, no sing, say in return, “No, comrade.”

In order gain training organic chemistry or nuclear particle flux statistics, must engage too many idiot ritual: paint picture, volleyball, make waltz, craft poetry, participate dodge-ball, scream idiot songs, torture violin or piano using many false note. Total most today, many useless task. Worst ever torture to watch youth wasted.

Worst wasted time, how idiot song occupy head of operative me. Song involving how dangle in side-to-side motion from distant solar body, next convey illuminations of lunar body to domicile contained in glass vessel… idiot song drive all useful knowledge from head. “Junior Swing Choir” a conspiracy oppress American youths, create them future slave workforce, singing million idiot song during labor of frying meat burgers. Dunking fried potato of France deep in bin boiling fat.

Whisper of Magda say, “Operative Chernok by current now seeded often several American female.” Say, “Operative Mang planted embryo own host mother.”

Magda insist phase first must soon complete. Say, “Comrade, seeded you own host sister?”

For official record, effect worst—idiot song flush from head of operative me most irregular verbs Mandarin Chinese. Erode all knowledge Portuguese. Idiot lyric overwhelm understanding of advanced field equations calculus. Overpower and devastate to oblivion stored memory to operate Iranian-manufactured Khaybar KH2002 medium-barrel assault rifle. Crowd until no longer recall how many rounds per minute capable firing Ukrainian Vepr assault rifle.

For official record, only inside head of operative me, say, No. This agent no fornicate atop cat sister. Only instead report own status, in retort say, “Comrade agent thirty-six?” Say, “Mindful of own mission, carry you current now American embryo?”

No retort. Merely bellowing crowd American prince and princess, perfumed in misery of third-world labor— sewed bright garments. Trouser shivering of plastic telephone apparatus, await reply. Other youth thumbing keyboard to build English printed words, convey instant message.

Clouded within fog of idiot singing, whisper of operative Magda say, “No, have received no American seed…” Say, “However, formulate major plan to acquire.”

Fence row, erected immediate front of me, back shoulders and neck of host sister. Smell melted lead metal smoke. Hair gathered to plummet down sister backbone.

From behind, Magda say, “Priority first, must each generate American anchor baby.” Whisper quote famed radical anarchist Mikhail Bakunin, say, ‘“The passion of destruction is also a creative passion.’”

In front, trouser of cat sister vibrate. Hand of sister snake to retrieve telephone from own pocket. Eyes look message words printed in English. Replace telephone into trouser.

Magda whisper, hot breathing at ear, “Must quick, Pumping Rabbit Maneuver, squirt- squirt, plant seed into her!”

Quote, “The passion of destruction is also a creative passion.”

Next now, cat sister swivel neck to eye operative me. Craning neck to eye backward over own shoulder, host sister say, “Pygmy?” Say more loud to battle against singing noise, say, “Trevor Stonefield just texted me…” Utilizing own hand, cat sister finger fast contact own forehead, contact sternum, contact left deltoid, contact right deltoid—superstition gesture—hand describing shape of fake torture man burdening sticks. Fashion eyes wide, say, “Watch out for Trevor in dodgeball, okay?”

Dispatch Seventh

Begins here seventh account of operative me, agent number 67, seated among sleeping chamber of host sister. Domestic structure Cedar. Suburb community XXXXXX. Date XXXXXX. For official record, night of today host cat sister absorb all light.

Host cat sister apply face with black paint, all layer black, surround mouths, eyes, to make white tooth shine bright, white eye appear vast blinking minstrel show. Arms and legs appareled black blouse and trouser. Feet, black shod. Black blouse feature neck of turtle. Sister eye rest on own eye reflected mirror mounted in own hand.

Eye of operative me steady consume sister gesture and progress to disappear own face. Current today, this agent repeat sit balanced edge on host sister bed, mattress pile with blanket. Animals of brown weave all smile. Silly animal.

Outside window of sleep chamber, night of today. Sky no display orbit moon. No speck distant solar systems.

Next now, door swing from healed in wall, display pig brother.

Remain eye rest on own black face in mirror, host sister say, “Geez, do you ever knock?”

Host brother say, “You putting on your makeup for the dance tonight?”

Sister smooth paint along edge of eye. Face sideways to mirror, eye cornered to witness self- reflection.

Pig dog brother rest eye on operative me. Host brother foot kick bed, say, “How about you, Pygmy? Up for some fresh seventh grader ta-tas?” Half face collapse as one pig dog eye squeeze shut. Make wink eye. Say, “Get you some fine, hot sweater meat?”

One hand mounted mirror. Opposite sister hand, tips smeared black from paint, cat sister say, “Mom and Dad conk out yet?”

Pig dog brother say, “You overdose them again?”

Host sister spread both hands along sides of face, plow hair backward, flat. Contain strands hair utilizing loop synthetic latex. Hands loop tight again, repeat loop latex band until hair remain pulled flat to skull. Cat sister withdraw sliding compartment out front of cabinet, full inside laundered apparel, engineered for support mammary. Plus stored there many inside trouser sewed sheer nylon for tight encase sister groin and buttocks. Yellow color. Printed many genitals of daisy plant. Sister say, “Pygmy?” Say, “You going out for the Model United Nations?”

Pig dog brother say, “Not Pygmy, here.” Fisting own hand to make small slug, impact deltoid of this agent, host brother say, “The Pygmy only ever wants to hunt the fine fun bags…”

Mouths of operative me say, “Define?”

“Fun bags, you know?” say host brother. “Paw patties, gobstoppers, rib bangers…”

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