They know who I am now, my mistake, doesn’t matter, I’m too smart for them, even if they know who I am, they won’t know where I am, and they won’t know why, that’s the difference between Terry and me, Terry was brave, but he wasn’t smart.
From his angle, he can see the brownstone, and, behind it, the small parking lot. He can wait. He doesn’t mind waiting. That’s not the problem.
It’s been over an hour now. Almost midnight. He’ll need to improvise
He jumps at the headlights in the parking lot, coming from down the alley. He can’t see who gets out, not in the dark.
But it’s only one person.
He looks up at the third floor, as his hands drum the steering wheel. Yes. It happens. The lights go on. The third-floor apartment.
He waits. Five minutes. Ten. Fifteen.
Twenty minutes later, the lights go out.
Shelly Trotter has come home and gone to bed.
People v. Terrance Demetrius Burgos
Case No. 89-CR-31003
It was only Riley’s third trip ever to a morgue. He didn’t spend much time with dead bodies as a federal prosecutor, and, when he did, cause of death was rarely an issue. The bodies had usually been riddled with machine-gun fire from rival drug dealers.
He wasn’t sure why he was here. He wasn’t even sure why he was still reading about Cassie Bentley, when her murder had been dropped from the case.
He found Mitra Agarwal, an assistant county medical examiner. Mitra was a slight woman with a playful side who spoke with a soft Indian accent. She’d been one of the coroners on duty when the bodies came in. She’d been the one who showed Natalia Lake Bentley her daughter’s corpse.
Doctor Agarwal showed Riley into a large, sanitized room. On the beds rested the bodies of four women murdered by Terry Burgos.
Riley opened the autopsy report for Cassie Bentley.
“So,” he said to her, reading from the report. “ ‘A postmortem incision at the base of the fourth and fifth tarsal phalange.’ That means her toes?”
“Why don’t you just say
“Why don’t you just say ‘the charges are dropped’ instead of
Riley smiled. “Touche, Doctor.”
“None of the prostitutes have been claimed,” she said, opening herself to the bodies. “You’re lucky anyone’s still here.”
Families had one hundred twenty days to claim the bodies of their loved ones, so technically there was still time. But these girls had probably become prostitutes, in large part, because they didn’t have much for families to begin with. These women, he knew, were destined for unmarked graves in the county cemetery.
“Don’t keep me in suspense, Mitra.”
She led him to Angie Mornakowski’s cold, white corpse. She separated the fourth and pinkie toes on her left foot. Riley saw a bloodless incision, a precise cut slicing the small webbing of skin.
“They all have them,” she said. “All four that we have here. And Cassie.”
“Wow.” Riley sighed. “And nothing in the autopsies.”
She shook her head. “Other than Cassie’s. Frankly, I’m surprised they caught it with her. That’s something that could easily slip through the cracks. When you’re dealing with traumatic injuries to the head and body, it’s not at all surprising you wouldn’t notice an obscure slice between the pinkie toe and fourth toe. It’s not like this was a drug or poison case. You’re not looking for injection-”
“No, I know. I’m not criticizing.” He took a deep breath. “This is postmortem,” he said. “This is an afterthought”
“This is a signature,” she said.
Riley agreed with that assessment. “He’s leaving his mark.”
“Well, look at it this way,” the doctor said. “If you had any doubt that the same person killed all of these girls, you don’t anymore.”
Riley smiled at her. “I didn’t have any doubt.”
“Okay,” she said. “Well, what do you want me to do? Want me to exhume the other bodies? Amend the autopsies?”
It was hard to see how this mattered. Burgos had admitted to the killings, both to Joel Lightner and to the psychiatrists. This wasn’t exculpatory evidence-evidence that favored the defense, which Riley would be required to turn over. If anything, it hurt Burgos. It proved even more clearly that the same person killed all of these women.
And it could backfire. The defense could play it up, make the medical examiner’s office look incompetent. Make the coroners the issue, a distraction. Jeremy Larrabee would be more than happy to talk about anything that took the focus off his client.
To say nothing of the fact that Riley would have to ask Ellie Danzinger’s family for permission to exhume their daughter’s body, only a few months after they buried her. And for what? To prove something they already knew?
Cassie Bentley’s autopsy wasn’t public record. It wasn’t part of the case, and it was no longer anyone’s business.
“Let’s drop it,” Riley said to her. “Thanks for satisfying my curiosity.”
“Oohh.” Mitra Agarwal nudged him with her elbow. “How exciting. A secret. You and I are the only living, breathing people who know about the tarsal phalange incisions.”
“You, me, and Terry Burgos.” Riley thanked her and headed back to his office.
LEONID KOSLENKO lives in a small bungalow on the northwest side of the city, fourth home in from the south. Detective Michael McDermott takes one last look through his binoculars at the home from his position across the street. He checks his watch. It is precisely two-thirty in the morning, Thursday.
McDermott raises the radio to his mouth and says, “The code is Yellow, Team Leaders. That’s Yellow.”
From the north and south of the two-story house, members of the Rapid and Immediate Deployment Unit creep forward, keeping low and close to the neighboring homes, concealing themselves from any sight line from Koslenko’s house and avoiding the illumination of the streetlights. Two eight- man teams, dressed in dark blue flame-resistant uniforms, Kevlar ballistic helmets, Tac vests, and night-vision goggles, armed with bolt-action rifles or shotguns, slowly converge on the house.