'Hansom! Here you are, miss!'

'Go to P Street, Soho. Stop at the corner.'

I alighted. I paid the fare. I walked on. I could not recognize the house. There was a chemist there, however. The usual colored bottles in the window which still adorn those establishments in indifferent neighborhoods. I walked in. The fair young man was behind the counter. He did not know me through my thick veil. I waited until he had served his customer, and then I said:

'I have come for another syringe, please.'

He looked hard at me. I lifted my veil. His face brightened with pleasure.

'Oh, it's you! My dearest girl, how delighted I am!'

'Yes! I did not know the house again-surely you have altered the outside.'

'Yes, I have had it all done up. When you came before, I was only the assistant. Now the place is mine. I have purchased the lease and taken over the business. But really now, I am so glad to see you. Come into my back room. It is now my consulting room.'

'You are a surgeon, then?'

'Yes, my pet. I have taken out my diploma now. Things have been looking better for me. A relation left me a legacy.'

'I congratulate you. I am really pleased at what you tell me.'

He sat down. He took both my hands in his as I stood before him. He inspected me from head to foot.

'Why do you look at me like that?'

'I am trying to make out who and what you are.'

'You had better not do that.'

'But I have been thinking so much of you, and wondering if ever I should see you again. You don't know how much I have thought of you. You are not an ordinary girl, you see. You seem quite different from others.'

'Perhaps I am not. I should not like you to interest yourself too much in me.'

He observed me attentively. He seemed suddenly to grasp the situation.

'I knew it! You are not of that class at all. But you know you are running a great risk. You must have a position to lose.'

I felt annoyed. He saw it, I thought. I was the more angry, because he was quite right.

'You must not suppose I am always so easily assailed as by you on the last occasion. I assure you I know very well how to protect myself.'

'Yes, yes, I am sure you do, dear girl, but there are many dangers of which you, at your age, can know little or nothing.'

'That may be. Before I go any further, you must promise me one thing: not to attempt, in any way, to know more of me than I choose to disclose. Can you not be content with that, and promise me?'

I read disappointment in his eyes.

'Well then, so be it! But I have let my memory dwell on you so long since I saw you-you-are so beautiful that I felt fond of you. Some day, possibly, you will trust me further.'

We sat on the sofa. He put his arm round my waist and kissed me.

'You have forgiven me then. I know you will respect my incognito.'

'Of course I will! Who could refuse anything to such a beauty as you? Look here! It is Saturday, and just time to close. We can remain here undisturbed. My boy puts up the shutters. You make me feel worse than ever.'

He began to whisper indecencies which made my cheeks burn, and not wholly from shame. He got excited. His expressions grew coarse.

'Did I do it nicely last time? Would you like it again? I am longing for it! So are you, I can feel. Oh, how sweet you smell! How soft your beautiful legs are!'

Meanwhile the boy had put the shutters up and closed the shop.

'Shall we do it on the sofa? Put your dear little feet up. So! Never mind the boy; he's gone out to get his tea. We are quite alone. We can amuse ourselves all the afternoon in here, now. See, here's the syringe! It's awfully stiff. You shall feel it work, too. I know how to please you. I'm awfully randy.'

'So am I,' I said. And what fun! And it was to be so. I could see his instrument grow rigid. 'What a fine syringe! Is it loaded? You'll syringe me nicely, won't you? Tell me, did you like me last time? Was it very, very nice? You're awfully large and stiff.'

He undressed. I grew impatient. He assisted me in removing my walking dress. I slipped out of my skirts to stand wanton in my stays and stockings. Already I could feel my lower lips swell and slicken. I was now an easy prey to a man. He felt me all over. I was as excited as himself. Our lips met. Our tongues fondled each other. He bore me back to the sofa. I fell on my back. He toppled onto my belly.

'Open your legs! You're longing for it! How wet your pretty slit is! Let me put it in for you, darling. There it goes! It's in! Oh, God! How tight you are!'

He got right up me at the first lunge. Then he raised himself on his hands. He seemed to be contemplating his victory.

'It feels so nice-it's lovely! You're so stiff and strong.'

He went to work. He churned up and down. I closed my eyes. I panted with the feeling of luxury which was fast increasing. He drove his limb into me up to the balls, and then withdrew it to the nut. My spasms came suddenly upon me. I kicked about with my legs, I heaved up my body. I squeaked aloud like a rabbit. I was not ashamed to return him his indecencies. I sang the praises of his long and lovely cock. I implored him not to spare me-to push as hard as he liked. To punish me with the thing. The old sofa trembled and groaned. His thrusts were lovely. He held on to me tighter than ever.

'Oh, Christ! I am just about spending!'

'Give it to me, dear, I want it-all of it!'

'Now! Take that then!'

His weight fell on me. I felt a warm jet of his nectar come from him. It filled my slit. Then he lay still.

After the storm-a calm. My friend produced some tea and bread and butter. The tea refreshed me. He commenced to talk professionally. He asked me many questions. Some I answered, others I avoided. He seemed a sensible young man. He was evidently much attached to his profession.

'I have had lots of experience with women. When I was at Guy's, I was for some time dresser to Sir William. I liked my work. He would trust me, when the others were not to be counted on. Do you know, you are most splendidly made? I never met any girl so young, and yet so wonderfully developed. I have a great fancy to see you stripped.'

He fondled me in a wanton manner as we sat together. His fingers were between my thighs. I did not care to restrain him. Suddenly, without any warning, he slipped his second finger into me as far as he could go.

'Goodness me! My dear girl, really you are wonderful! You have an abnormally long vagina. I cannot even arrive at the matrix.'

'Do let me be! Oh! I say! This is too much-really!'

'But what I say is true. You must remember, I am your doctor now. Will you only let me examine you properly? I might tell you something more than you know already. Something to your own benefit-trust in me!'

The appeal was not in vain. He rose and went to a drawer. He produced a small instrument. At his request I lay down. He proceeded to examine me professionally.

'It is as I thought. There is nothing to alarm you. Nothing even to distress you. But, may I tell you? Well, I do not remember so distinct a case. Everything is perfect, except one little thing. That slight impediment is quite sufficient, unless it is removed, to prevent you from ever becoming enceinte.'

'But how is that? You take my breath away!'

'It is quite true, nevertheless. A little thing-a membrane to divide, a very slight operation to undergo, and you can be the mother of a family. Without it-as you are-never!'

I was thunderstruck. His air was now that of the skilled physician. I felt he was speaking the truth.

'You are quite sure of what you tell me?'

'As sure as that I am kissing your sweet lips. More than that, it is most curious in a young woman of your build, but let me tell you, you have the longest-I mean the deepest-vagina I have ever examined. Still more curious: I have good reason to know that the elasticity is perfect and the diameter very narrow.'

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