of the young males, Robert giving a great start but his companion remaining docile.

Down they thrust and there settled, knees fully bent and hands on hips while all sorts of splutterings and gaspings came from beneath. My stepmother wriggled a little and then settled herself even more firmly, as did Bertha, a look of utter triumph and pleasure on their faces.

This then was “queening,” when the female so subjugates the male in shameless fashion and asserts her full authority over him by thrusting the most “shameful” part of her anatomy over his face, keeping it there the while that he gasps for breath and with his nose thrust up between the plump, splayed cheeks. Each facing the feet of her “victim,” the two women stayed so for a full minute while great puffing sounds were heard from Robert and Charlie. Then, leaning forward, fingers found the young men’s trouser buttons, flicked them open one by one and displayed to our eyes the already stiff bananas of their pricks.

“Oh-woh-woh,” Sarah sobbed again at that and would have swayed had I not held her hair. Truly, I was most impatient with her, for the cocks-being of almost the same size and with foreskins drawn back and knobs displayed-looked most beautiful. Were they to be milked now? No. Having so revealed the shameless excitation they had caused, both the illustrious females then sat up again-for so I thought of them even though Bertha was of lowly social rank. The suspenders of both strained twixt stocking tops and corsets, thus somehow giving to the view an even lewder appearance of voluptuousness.

“Gaaaaar!” choked Robert in most muffled fashion. He was clearly at the end of his tether and even his neck becoming purple. Aware of this, my stepmother lifted her bottom an inch or two clear of his face and instructed him quietly to lick at her crotch and all else he could find with his tongue.

Sucking in his breath and flooding it out again, how eagerly he did it! Despite the ardent titillation, however, she remained perfectly still as did Bertha who had the same performed on her. Their eyelashes fluttered a little as though in token of the pleasure they were receiving from their “slaves”-for such I later knew males often to be called. Their crotches grew distinctly moist so that by peering closely between the shoulders of Sarah and Clarissa I was able to see how the rolled lips of their cunnies then impressed themselves through the fine material of their drawers, no doubt maddening their “slaves” the more.

My stepmother breathed deeply then as though controlling her excitement. I had seen my brother put under her, as had Sarah. It was such a demonstration as we never could have dreamed of. I sensed the power of Woman then in all its majesty and my heart beat the faster. I was translated into a new world where Woman was the Queen and her “King” but subject to her bottom’s weight.

Bertha rose first. There was a certain look in her eye that betokened something else.

I was soon to learn-as were Sarah and Clarissa-what it was to be.


As she moved towards them, my sister and Clarissa twittered and swayed nervously on their feet, though they could not have helped but feel some little excitement.

“Put them over!” she commanded, walking around to the back of Clarissa so that I was then immediately behind my sister.

“Don’t you dare!” cried Sarah, but all in vain. Struggling to no purpose at all they were moved but a few steps to an accommodating, broad settee and pushed into a kneeling position upon it, their bottoms jutting over the edge and each with her shoulders held by Bertha and I.

“Up, you young curs!” then came from my stepmother to the boys. At that Sarah screeched and tried in vain to wriggle free, but no time was wasted in the due performance of “dipping.” Led stumbling to the girls, Robert was placed behind Sarah, and Charlie put to Clarissa, which is to say that their cocks were taken-my stepmother standing between them and using both hands-and nudged against the maidens’ bottomholes.

“Hah! Hoooo! No!” cried Sarah, but by placing one knee in the small of her back (whereby I imitated Bertha) she was held almost motionless and her lovely bottom rearing up.

“Your knobs within and then an inch beyond-no more!” So ordained my stepmother and purplish indeed was my brother’s face as he found his swollen plum invading his sister’s nether aperture. Charlie, being quieter and more set in the face, had clearly done it before.

How dearly I wished I could better see! In my position, facing the two young men, I had only the vision of their cocks bent down a little into a straight position and disappearing up between the fulsome cheeks. Their penetration was, though, but a symbol. Gritting his teeth, Robert urged his inch within-so Sarah then held more than two in all and yelped and squealed galore.

“Hold!” my stepmother commanded the young stallions. That they were being put to exquisite torture I had no doubt. As to the feelings of Sarah I could not then imagine them for she was receiving at last her brother’s tool in her bottom.

“Ho, ho, ho-mama!” sobbed she.

“Darling,” I breathed to her, though whether she heard or cared about my tender word I did not know. I wanted her truly to enjoy and knew perhaps some day she would. Her frettings and her pullings seemed to me unnecessary, for I wanted it myself. His cock was in-just in-his balls were cupped. So patiently did my stepmother hold them both, and neither dared to move.

“When the girls are quiet,” she breathed, “you will take them out.”

In truth Clarissa had uttered scarce a sound, was mute. She was to become a darling of my heart for that, proving herself eventually to be ever so and maintaining ever her pride thereby even when her Papa-for so I discovered her “guardian” really to be-was put to her, his cock full up her orb.

“Be quiet, Sarah, now-did you not hear?” I asked.

“Silence, Clara!” I was admonished, and properly so. Such events are ceremonies proper and should not be interrupted. Despite our stepmother’s stare, I stroked Sarah’s hair. Her sobs were low and pitiful, yet came not from the heart, but broken pride. Robert gave a little jerk and a twitch and was scolded, though gently I sensed that Sarah was gripping him tightly. It was an excellent preparation for what she was to receive when her pleasure finally mounted-not then but later on when she would allow herself to be mounted. The present, febrile jerkings of her bottom were insufficient to dislodge her brother’s cock and this she finally learned and buried her face with a great sobbing sigh till all was still.

“Yes, my beauty,” our stepmother breathed at her then, and as if in approbation.

Not fully understanding the purpose of what she had called “dipping,” I waited then for what seemed to me the utterly desirable moment when both pricks would be fully sheathed in the girls’ bottoms-but it was not to be. They were but being given a “taster,” while as for the males this was a discipline. A hint of promise lay therein, yes, but in all it was to keep them thoroughly obedient to the Mistress of their fate.

Even so, my stepmother allowed them to remain so embedded for another long minute, their thighs quivering much and their eyes quite agonised.

“Out now, slowly, and down with you again!” she then commanded, and with the most haggard of expressions and thickly-waggling weapons they obeyed, the process of uncorking bringing a soft “Oooh!” from both Sarah and Clarissa. “Up now, girls!” my stepmother said then almost merrily and much as their legs, too, quavered, they were doubtless glad to, though would not have turned about to display anew their furred nests to the males had they not been swiftly smacked and brought around.

The face of Clarissa’s supposed guardian was of course a picture to see in all this, but no one really paid him heed, and as Robert and Charlie sank upon their backs upon the floor again, so Bertha magically produced two pairs of drawers which, being thrust into the hands of my sister and her companion, they all too gladly put on.

“You have seen the males queened and perhaps by now know the purpose of it, or if you do not your minds will come to it soon enough,” they were told. “You may now take greater pride in your femininity than you have done in these past minutes. You, Clarissa, go down on Charlie even as Bertha did. Sarah-you will teach your brother a similar lesson!”

Both girls stood frozen for a moment, though left free to move. Perhaps some semblance of understanding came to them then, for it was my sister who moved first. The psychology of it then made itself better understood to me. The male had taken advantage of the female, and though he had been bidden to mattered not. Now the female could reassert herself. So my thoughts spun as I hoped Sarah’s would, too. Reaching within a foot of our brother

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