any and all who provided useful quotes for this essay. Also grateful acknowledgements to anyone who pointed out technical mistakes along the way. Finally, thank you to Professor Ede, who helped me find my topic and let me have fun with my assignment.

References and Works Cited

'1632: Tech: The Grid.' Official 1632 Fan Site. Web. 16 May 2011. .

'Baen's Bar ›› 1632 Slush.' Baen's Bar -- 1632 Slush. Baen's Books. Web. 16 May 2011. .

'Baen's Bar ›› 1632 Slush Comments.' Baen's Bar -- 1632 Slush Comments. Baen's Books. Web. 16 May 2011. .

'Baen's Bar ›› 1632 Tech.' Baen's Bar -- 1632 Tech. Baen's Books. Web. 16 May 2011. .

Boatright, Rick. “Online posting. Baen's Bar » 1632 Tech » English paper research questions. Baen Books. 25 May 2011. Web. 6 June 2011.

Boatright, Rick. “Online posting. Baen's Bar » 1632 Tech » English paper research questions. Baen Books. 25 May 2011. Web. 7 June 2011.

Boatright, Rick. “Online posting. Baen's Bar » 1632 Tech » English paper research questions. Baen Books. 7 June 2011. Web. 9 June 2011.

'Bradley, Marion Zimmer.' Fan Fiction Policies. Fanworks. Web. 9 June 2011. .

Carroll, Jack. Online posting. Baen's Bar » 1632 Tech » English paper research questions. Baen Books. 10 June 2011. Web. 14 June 2011.

Carroll, Jack. Online posting. Baen's Bar » 1632 Tech » English paper research questions. Baen Books. 25 May 2011. Web. 6 June 2011.

Coker, Catherine. 'The Contraband Incident: The Strange Case of Marion Zimmer Bradley.' The Contraband Incident. Transformative Works and Cultures, 2011. Web. 9 June 2011. .

David Carrico. “Online posting. Baen's Bar » 1632 Tech » English paper research questions. Baen Books. 25 May 2011. Web. 6 June 2011.

Flint, Eric. 1634: The Galileo Affair. Riverdale, NY: Baen, 2004. Print. Ring of Fire

Flint, Eric. Grantville Gazette: Sequels to 1632. Vol. 1. Riverdale, NY: Baen, 2004. Print. Ring of Fire

Flint, Eric. Grantville Gazette IV: Sequels to 1632. Vol. IV. Riverdale, NY: Baen, 2008. Print. Ring of Fire.

Flint, Eric. 'Grantville Gazette » Submissions.' Grantville Gazette » Grantville Gazette. Baen Books, 15 June 2010. Web. 16 May 2011. .

Flint, Eric. Ring of Fire. Vol. 1. Riverdale, NY: Baen Pub., 2004. Print. Ring of Fire.

Goodlett, Paula. 'Re: Researching the History of the Grantville Gazette.' Message to the author. 21 May 2011. E-mail.

Goodlett, Paula. 'Re: Researching the History of the Grantville Gazette.' Message to the author. 11 May 2011. E-mail.

Hawnt, Andrew. 'Fandemonium Books | Designer Whey Protein.' Designer Whey Protein | Designer Whey Protein On Sale Now. Web. 09 June 2011.

Jenkins, Henry. Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. New York: New York UP, 2008. Print.

Jenkins, Henry. Fans, Bloggers, and Gamers: Exploring Participatory Culture. New York: New York UP, 2006. Print.

Offord, Kerryn. “Online posting. Baen's Bar » 1632 Tech » English paper research questions. Baen Books. 25 May 2011. Web. 6 June 2011.

Offord, Kerryn. “Online posting. Baen's Bar » 1632 Tech » English paper research questions. Baen Books. 25 May 2011. Web. 6 June 2011.

'Stargate Novels::Frequently Asked Questions.' Stargate Novels::Home. Fandemonium. Web. 09 June 2011. .

Appendix A: Snippets from Question and Answer Session on Baen’s Bar Forum, with Grantville Gazette Writers

1. What is your relationship with the 1632 world (author/fan/beta reader/etc) ?


Yes… all the above. I was recruited from fan position to consultant during the writing of 1633. Now, writer, editor, researcher, fan, etc.


yes Reader, Beta reader, Fan, Writer(author would be pretensious)


I'm an author of a number of fact articles and fiction stories. I'm also one of the GG Ed Board members and so read every story posted. Every one who reads and comments on stories is a beta reader.


I write stories, I participate in the 'writing group' discussions here on the bar, and I'm the art director for the magazine.

2. How has working with the Grantville Gazette impacted your development as a writer?


It's entirely responsible for my becoming a fiction writer. The EB nagged me to attempt a piece of fiction, and then showed me what I was doing wrong. I had no idea I was capable of it.


It's where I've done all my writing. Looking back at my early efforts (published) sometimes makes me cringe


I still have trouble thinking of myself as a writer (of fiction) rather than a historian.


Can't really say it has.


Definitely improved my skills at the craft, and proved to me that I can write professional level work that editors will buy.


I doubt I would have written fiction otherwise. In terms of nonfiction, I have already published quite a bit, both in my field (intellectual property law) and in connection with other hobbies (in the early 80s, Apple II assembly language programming).

I was sending out queries and proposals for a book on mirrors in history and science to agents around the time I became active in the bar. If I hadn't started writing for the 1632 universe, I would have rejiggered my book proposal as one agent suggested to focus on mirrors in nature. But the Bar's quick response times rather spoiled me.


The two more frequent pieces of advice given are 'show, don't tell' and only change the point of view at a

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