pursuers with wide, frightened eyes. She hesitated. Should she just let them go, let them carry word back that Mauritius was free, and the Swedish colonists were strong? So much blood had been shed already today, should she be merciful to these men despite what they had done? Yes, she had learned to kill, but she still didn't think of herself as a killer; she was a soldier in war-time now, doing what she must.
A large group of Swedes were in pursuit, a mix of sailors and colonists berserk from wreaking their bloody revenge on their former tormentors and ready for more. Their bellowing shouts rang with hatred, the very sound of them sent a cold shiver up Pam's spine.
'You men down there, everybody get down!
The bosun hadn't waited for her order to target the fleeing Africans; they were already locked on. His shouted reply of 'Yes, ma'am!' was drowned out by the nearly immediate blast of the deck gun, its lethal projectiles mowing down the would-be escapees by the dozen. Before the smoke could even clear they were reloading.
Pam called down to the gun crew waiting below decks with the Chinese cannons. 'Gun crew! Fire Number One and sink that ship that's getting away.' She heard only half of a 'Yes, ma'am!' as a
'My God, we tore them all to shreds. I've never seen anything like it,' Pam said in a small voice, stunned at the destruction she had unleashed.
'I have.' Dore's voice carried the chill as the winter wind. 'Better like that than with the swords, Pam. Better those
Pam nodded quietly in agreement. She winced at the awful carnage, but also felt a burning pride.
Chapter Forty-Two: Victory Lap
'Let's go ashore. Bosun, you are with me. Gun crews, stay on watch. Come, Dore, let's go ashore.' Pam shed her white robes and straightened her royal blue, gold embroidered Chinese jacket, the Swedish colors which she wore with pride. They had adopted her and she had accepted their kinship; she was one of them now. She pushed wisps of loosened hair back behind her ears, and stood up straight. Dore grinned at her as she carried the colonial flag she had made, now fastened to eight feet of bamboo pole. Pam slapped her friend on the back just the way the men always did to each other and led her and the Bosun down onto the dock.
The doctor had returned, and seemed satisfied with his work on the
'How is he, Doctor Durand? Pam asked him politely, having decided the man was indeed who and what he said he was. His warm, brown eyes were full of relief that she had accepted him.
'I may have saved his leg; we will know better tomorrow. Even so, he will never run again and will need to use a cane to walk. I'm afraid his days as a fighting soldier are over.'
'Perhaps. I have a job in mind for him where that won't pose too much of a problem. I'm claiming the
Lundkvist looked up and gave her an exhausted but happy smile. 'It will be my honor. Thank you, Captain Pam. Your deeds today will never be forgotten. You truly are our hero.'
The doctor bowed to her with courtly grace, and fell in behind her.
They walked past the rows of captives. Pam came to a stop over the corrupt captain, the architect of all their suffering. His reckoning day was near. He was the helpless captive now, a tyrant deposed. He eyed her uncomfortably from his trussed-up position, cold, frightened sweat beading on his face.
'Hey, fuck-head!' Her voice seared the air with a heat she hadn't known was within her, a voice that could burn an evil man like this with its very sound. His eyes were bleary, swimming with dread. Pam found she relished his fear, it was delicious. She pressed the pointy tip of the odd, patent leather Chinese shoe she wore into the captain's long nose, making him grimace. 'I'm going to see to it that you pay for what you have done here, do you hear me?
The thoroughly humiliated villain didn't even try to speak, just nodded his assent as best he could with Pam's shoe smashing his considerable nose. Pam sneered at him, then walked on, her steel-gray eyes glittering with wrath and exultation, chin held high, hardly believing these things were happening and that it was she herself who was making them happen.
They stepped onto the shore before the rescued Swedish colonists. Pam suddenly grew shy and stopped. Pam's fighting men, their orange-skin now smeared with blood, grinned at her like fools. She winced as she counted