was that Barbara was still in love with Eddie and was still fuckin’ him-fucked him on her wedding day. But anyway, Barbara gets pregnant. Now when the baby is born JR goes crazy ’cause the kid doesn’t look anything like him.”
“Miles looks like his mother.”
“Well, JR is convinced that the baby looks like Eddie, and he beats Barbara’s ass at the hospital and goes after Eddie.”
“Did he kill him?”
“No. They fired a few shots at each other and after that, Eddie just stayed out of JR’s way. Next thing you know, Barbara is pregnant again. So when your girl is born, JR is cool ’cause she looks just like him. Everything is cool for awhile, but JR starts hearin’ that Barbara is seeing Eddie behind his back again. Couple of day’s later, cops find Barbara and Eddie dead at a motel. Murder-suicide. She shot him twice: once in the dick and once in the chest. Then she shot herself. But the word was that JR followed them to that motel and killed them both.”
“It’s just like the man said; two-faced woman and a jealous man.”
“Cause of the trouble since the world began,” Black said finishing the line from the James Brown song then stood up. “I gotta get outta here.” He looked in Rain’s direction and sat back down. “Look, Nick, I know this is none of my business, and far be it for me to tell you who to lay the pipe to. Especially when I’m fuckin’ every woman with a fat-ass and big titties I run into. Just don’t hurt Wanda.” Black stood up again.
“I won’t.”
I introduced Black to Rain and walked with him as he left Cuisine. Since I was hungry, I went back inside and joined Rain for a meal. I would drop her off after I was full.
Chapter 30
I went in the kitchen and had the cook make me a porterhouse steak, medium, smothered in onions and mushrooms. While I ate, I talked to Rain, but mostly I thought about what I was gonna do to Charles Watson and how I would do it. When I finished eating, I thought about Freeze. I could use him for what I had planned.
“You’re kind of quiet,” Rain said. “What you thinkin’ about?”
“I gotta do something tonight. Something me and Freeze woulda handled.”
“You miss your road dog. I know how that feels.”
I looked at Rain. “Yeah, I guess you do. Your road dog’s in jail.” Maybe that was part of the attraction. We needed each other.
We left Cuisine and I headed in the direction of JR’s. “Tell me about your dog. What he go down for?”
“His name is Jarreau, but everybody calls him Jay Easy. He got cracked over some stupid shit. Me and him just got through takin’ care of a problem, you understand. When we split up, I gave him the guns ’cause they was both hot, and told him to get rid of them. But before he got to do it, decides he needs to stop and get some cigarettes. When he leaves the store, he gets pulled over. Cops search the car, find the guns. Guns got bodies on them. Jay Easy goes down for murder.”
“Over a pack of cigarettes?”
“Over a pack of cigarettes. You know that nigga quit smokin’ after that.” Rain laughed. “But the nigga stood tall; never said a word about me being with him.”
“That’s how you got around to using me.”
“Shit, I think we make a good team.”
I hated to admit it, but she was right, so I told her. “Yeah, we do.”
“In more ways than one,” Rain said and pushed her lips out at me.
“I been there for you; I been your road dog. Time for you to return the favor.”
“What you want me to do?” Rain asked eagerly.
I explained to Rain what was going on and how I wanted the night to go. She moaned when I told her what I wanted her to do.
On the way there we stopped on Fordham Road. I told Rain that we needed to buy a black scarf, some big dark sunglasses, some leather gloves, and a big purse. “Why?”
“’Cause I don’t need them knowing who you are. None of this needs to link you to me. A black scarf ’cause it will go with that sexy dress. We need the purse to carry the hardware.”
Rain smiled. “You wearing a mask?”
“No, I want them to know who I am.”
We arrived at the Watson house and waited for the lady of the house to get there. It was a big five-bedroom house in a nice neighborhood.
I parked the car down the street, but close enough to see the house. “Come on. Bring the purse,” I said and got out.
I went around to the trunk and opened it. Then I took the panel out of the back. I handed a gun to Rain. “Bersa Thunder.380 compact pistol, semi-automatic; single or double action, 3.5 inch barrel, seven-round capacity. Start with that.”
“Sweet,” Rain said and put one in the chamber. I put the rest of we’d need in the purse and closed the panel. I handed the purse to Rain. “That’s not too heavy is it?”
“No,” Rain said and flexed her muscle.
We got back in the car and watched the house. While we waited, Rain found creative ways to pass the time. I looked at the clock.
“She should be here soon.”
“What’s she drivin’?”
“Silver C class Benz. Two-thirty I believe.”
“Coming down the street right now.”
We watched Watson’s wife go inside the house.
“Give her some time to get settled,” I told Rain and she began tying the scarf around her head. When nothing but her round face was showing, Rain put on the sunglasses.
“How do I look?”
“Famous. Can you see?”
“See enough to do what I gotta do. You ready?”
“I’m right behind you.”
We put on our gloves, Rain got out of the car and we made the short walk to the house. While I stood off to the side, Rain rang the bell. When the door opened, Rain smiled. “Mrs. Watson?”
Rain shoved the.380 under her chin. “Step inside. And do it quietly. If you scream I will kill you right now and not give a fuck.” She backed Mrs. Watson in the house. I looked around and closed the door behind us.
When I got in the house, Rain had Mrs. Watson backed up against the wall and had the gun to her head. “I don’t have much money here,” she said.
“Do I look like I came here for money? You say anymore dumb shit like that I swear I’ll put a bullet in your eye. Understand?”
“Yes,” Mrs. Watson said quietly.
“Understand!” Rain yelled.
“Yes!” Mrs. Watson yelled back and she began to cry.
“Now go in the living room and sit down.”
Rain walked Mrs. Watson into the living room and I followed quietly behind them. She shoved her into a chair, while I took a seat on the couch. Rain put the purse on the coffee table in front of me. I made sure Mrs. Watson was looking at me before I opened the bag slowly. I took out a Kel-Tec PLR-16 semi-automatic pistol: single action, 223 Remington caliber shells, 9.2-inch barrel, with ten-round capacity. I put the magazine in and set it down on the coffee table in front of me.
Then I took out a Smith amp; Wesson 1911.45 pistol, with a black and silver finish and handed it to