(c/o Miriam Roder).


Usually when you ask somebody in college why they are there, they’ll tell you it’s to get an education. The truth of it is, they are there to get the degree so that they can get ahead in the rat race. Too many college radicals are two-timing punks.

The only reason you should be in college is to destroy it. If there is stuff that you want to learn though, there is a way to get a college education absolutely free.

Simply send away for the schedule of courses at the college of your choice.

Make up the schedule you want and audit the classes. In smaller classes this might be a problem, but even then, if, the teacher is worth anything at all, he’ll let you stay. In large classes, no one will ever object.

If you need books for a course, write to the publisher claiming you are a lecturer at some school and considering using their book in your course. They will always send you free books.

There are Free Universities springing up all over our new Nation. Anybody can teach any course. People sign up for the courses and sometimes pay a token registration fee. This money is used to publish a catalogue and pay the rent. If you’re on welfare you don’t have to pay. You can take as many or as few courses as you want. Classes are held everywhere: in the instructor’s house, in the park, on the beach, at one of the student’s houses or in liberated buildings. Free Universities offer courses ranging from Astrology to the Use of Firearms. The teaching is usually of excellent quality and you’ll learn in a community-type atmosphere.


• Alternative University-69 W. 14th St., New York, NY 10011 (catalogue on request)

• Baltimore Free U-c/o Harry, 233 E. 25th St., Baltimore, Maryland 21218

• Berkeley Free U-1703 Grove St., Berkeley, California 94709

• Bowling Green Free U-c/o Student Council, University of Bowling Green, Bowling Green Ohio 43402

• Colorado State Free U-Box 12-Fraisen, Colorado State College, Greeley, Colorado 80631

• Detroit Area Free U-Student Union, 4001 W. McNichols Rd., Detroit, Michigan 48221

• Detroit Area Free U-343 University Center, Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich.

• Georgetown Free U-Loyola Bldg., 28, Georgetown University Washington D.C. 20007

• Golden Gate Free U-2120 Market St., Rm. 206, San Francisco, California 94114

• Heliotrope-2201 Filbert, San Francisco, California 94118

• Illinois Free U-298A Illini Union, University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois 61820

• Kansas Free U-107 W. 7th St., Lawrence, Kansas 66044

• Knox College Free U-Galesbury, Illinois 60401

• Madison Free U-c/o P. Carroll, 1205 Shorewood Blvd., Madison, Wisconsin 53705

• Metropolitan State Free U-Associated Students, 1345 Banrock St., Denver, Colorado 80204

• Michigan State Free U-Associated Students, Student Service Bldg., Michigan State College, East Lansing, Michigan 48823

• Mid-Peninsula Free U-1060 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, California 94015

• Minnesota Free U-1817 S. 3rd St., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404

• Monterey Peninsula Free U-2120 Etna Place, Monterey, California New Free U-Box ALL 303, Santa Barbara, California 93107

• Northwest Free U-Box 1255, Bellingham, Washington 98225

• Ohio-Wesleyan Free U-Box 47-Welsh Hall, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delevan, Ohio 43015

• Pittsburgh Free U-4401 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213

Rutgers Free U-Rutgers College, Student Center, 1 Lincoln Ave., Newark, NJ 07102

• St. Louis Free U-c/o Student Congress, 3rd floor BMC, St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri 63103

• San Luis Obispo Free U-Box 1305, San Luis Obispo, California 94301

• Santa Cruz Free U-604 River St., Santa Cruz, California 95060

• Seattle Free U-4144? University Way NE, Seattle, Washington 98105

• Southern Illinois Free U-Carbondale, Illinois 62901

• Valley Free U-2045 N. Wishon Ave., Fresno, California 93704

• Washington Area Free U-5519 Prospect Place, Chevy Chase, Maryland 20015 and 1854 Park Rd. NW, Washington, D.C. 20010

• Wayne-Locke Free U-Student Congress, University of Texas, Arlington, Texas 76010

And a complete list of experimental schools, free universities, free schools, can be obtained by sending one dollar to ALTERNATIVES! 1526 Gravenstein Highway N., Sebastopol, California 97452, and requesting the Directory of Free Schools.


Due to the efforts of the Medical Committee for Human Rights, the Student Health Organization and other progressive elements among younger doctors and nurses. Free People’s Clinics have been happening in every major city. They usually operate out of store fronts and are staffed with volunteer help. An average clinic can handle fifty patients a day.

If you’ve had an accident or have an acute illness, even a bad cold, check into the emergency room of any hospital. Given them a sob story complete with phony name and address. After treatment they present you with a slip and direct you to the cashier. Just walk on by, as the song suggests. A good decoy is to ask for the washroom. After waiting there a few moments, split. If you’re caught sneaking out, tell them you ran out of the house without your wallet. Ask them to bill you at your phony address. This billing procedure works in both hospital emergency rooms and clinics. You can keep going back for repeated visits up to three months before the cashier’s office tells the doctor about your fractured payments.

You can get speedy medical advice and avoid emergency room delays by calling the hospital, asking for the emergency unit and speaking directly to the doctor over the phone. Older doctors frown on this procedure since they cannot extort their usual exorbitant fee over the phone. Younger ones generally do not share this hang- up.

Cities usually have free clinics for a variety of special ailments. Tuberculosis Clinics, Venereal Disease Clinics, and Free Shot Clinics (yellow fever, polio, tetanus, etc.) are some of the more common. A directory of these clinics and other free health services the local community provides can be obtained by writing your Chamber of Commerce or local Health Department.

Most universities have clinics connected with their dental, optometry or other specialized medical schools. If not for free, then certainly for very low rates, you can get dental work repaired, eyeglasses fitted and treatment of other specific health needs.

Free psychiatric treatment can often be gotten at the out-patient department of any mental hospital. Admission into these hospitals is free, but a real bummer.

Use them as a last resort only. Some cities have a suicide prevention center and if you are desperate and need help, call them. Your best choice in a psychiatric emergency is to go to a large general hospital, find the

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