• AKWESASNE NOTES, Roosevelton, N.Y. 13683 .50/iss.

• ALESTLE, c/o Paul Gorden, 7404 Tower Lake, Apt. 1D, Edwardsville, Ill. 62025

• ALLIANCE MAGAZINE, Box 229, Athens, Ohio 45701

• ALL YOU CAN EAT, R.P.O. 4949, New Brunswick, N.J. 08903 $3/yr.

• ALLTOGETHER, 44208 Montgomery-33 Palm Desert, Calif. $10/yr.

• ALBION’S VOICE, P.0. Box 9033, Savannah, Ga. 31401 $4/yr.

• AQUARIAN HERALD, Box 83, Virginia Beach, Va. 23458

• ATLANTIS, 204 Oxford, Dayton, Ohio

• BOTH SIDES NOW, 10370 St. Augustine Rd., Jacksonville, Fla. 33217 $3.50/12 iss.

• COLLECTIVE, 614 Clark St., Evanston, Ill. 60201

• COME TOGETHER, P.O. Box 163, Encino, Calif. 91316

• CROSSROADS, Hill School, Pottstown, Pa. 19464

• DALLAS NEWS (CORP), P.0. Box 7013, Dallas, Texas 75209 $/24 iss.

• THE D.C. GAZETTE, 109 8th N.E., Washington, D.C. 20002 $5/yr.

• EDGE CITY, 116 Standart St., Syracuse, N.Y. 13201 $3/yr.

• EVERYWOMAN, 6516 W. 83 St., Los Angeles, Calif. 90045 $2.50/iss.

• FAIR WITNESS, P.0. Box 7165, 0akland Sta., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213

• FOX VALLEY KALEIDOSCOPE, Box 252, Oshkosh, Wisc. 54901

• FREE PRESS OF LOUISVILLE, 1438 S. First St., Louisville, Ky. 40208 $6/yr.

• HIGH GAUGE, Box 4491, University, Ala. 35486 $5/Yr.

• THE HIPS VOICE, P.O. Box 5132, Santa Fe, N. Mexico 87501 $5/24 iss.

• HOME NEWS CO., P.O. Box 5263, Grand Central Station, N.Y. 10017

• HUNDRED FLOWERS, Box 7152, Minneapolis, Minn. 55407 $9/yr.

• IT AIN’T ME BABE, c/o W.L. Office Box 6323, Albany, Calif. 94706 $6/yr.

• LIBERATED GUARDIAN, 14 Cooper Sq., New York, N.Y. 10003 $10/yr.

• THE LONG ISLAND FREE PRESS, P.O. Box 162, Westbury, N.Y. 11590 $6/2 yr.

• NEW TIMES, Box J, Temple, Ariz. 85281 $10/52 iss.

• NOTES FROM UNDERGROUND, P.O. Box 15081, San Francisco, Calif. 94115

• OUR TOWN (COLLECTIVE), Box 611, Eau Claire, Wisc.

• PALANTE YLP, 1678 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y.

• PROTOS, 1110 N. Edgemont St., Los Angeles, Calif. 90029 $3/yr.

• PURPLE BERRIES, 449 West Seventh Ave., Columbus Ohio

• REARGUARD, P.O. Box 8115, Mobile, Ala. 36608 $4/yr.

• THE S.S. PENTANGLE, Box 4429, New Orleans, La. 70118 $4/20 iss.

• ST. LOUIS OUTLAW, Box 9501, Cabanne Sta., St. Louis, Mo. 63161

• SUSQUEHANNA BUGLER, 700 Market St., Williamsport, Pa. 17701 .25/iss.

• TASTY COMIX, Box 21101, Wash., D.C. 20009

• THE TIMES NOW, Box 676, Coconut Grove, Fla. 33133

• TUSCON FREE PRESS, Box 3403, College Sta., Tuscon, Ariz. 85716 CANADA/UPS

• ALTERNATE SOCIETY, 10 Thomas St., St. Catharines, Ont. $3.50/12 iss.

• CARILLON, Univ. of Sask. Regina Campus, Regina, Saskatchewan

• CHEVRON, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario $8/yr.

• DIME BAG, 3592 University St., Montreal 130, Que.

• FOURTH ESTATE, 24 Brighton Ct., Fredericton, N.B.

• GEORGIA STRAIGHT, 56A Powell St., Vancouver, 4, B.C. $9/52 iss.

• HARBINGER, Box 751, Stn F, Toronto 285, Ontario $4/26 iss.

• OCTOPUS, Box 1259, Station B, Ottawa, 4 $4.50/26 iss.

• OMPHALOS, 279? Fort St. No. 4, Winnipeg 1, Manitoba $5/26 iss.

• PRAIRIE FIRE; FOURTH ESTATE, Regina Community Media Project, 210 Northern Crown Bldg. Regina, Sask.

• SWEENEY, 119 Thomas St., Oakville, Ontario $2.50/12 iss. EUROPE/UPS

• Europe/UPS, Box 304, 8025, Zurich, Switzerland

• FIFTH COLUMN, 100 New Cavendish Street, London W1, England

• FRIENDS, 305 Portobello Rd., London W10, England

• HAPT, Flat L, 42 Moore Ave., W. Howe, Bournemouth, Hampshire, England

• HOLLAND HAPT, Keigersstraat 2a, Amsterdam, Holland

• HOTCHAI, Postfach 304-CH 8025, Zurich 25, Switz. $5/yr.

• INTERNATIONAL TIMES, 27 Endell St., London, WC2, Eng. $5/yr.

• KARGADOOR, Oude Gracht 36 bis. Utrecht, Holland

• OEUF, 14 Ch de la Mogeonne, 1293 Bellevue, Geneva Switzerland

• OM, Kaizerstraat 2A, 11et, Amsterdam, Holland, Neth.

• OPS VEDA, 16 Woodholm Rd., Sheffield 11, England

• OZ, 52 Princedale Rd., London W11, England $6/yr.

• PEACE NEWS, 5 Celedonian Rd., Kings Cross, London W1, Eng. $8.50/yr.

• PIANETA FRESCA, 14 Vie Manzoni, Milano, Italy 20121 $1/iss.

• QUINTO LICEO, c/o Tommsaco Bruccoleri, 3, Meadow Place, London, England

• REAL FREE PRESS, Runstraat 31, Amsterdam, Netherlands $1/2 iss.

• RED MOLE, 182 Pentonville Rd., London N1 Eng. $5.50/yr.

• ROTTEN, Huset, Readhusstraede 13, 1466 Copenhagen K. Denmark EUROPEAN ASSOCIATE MEMBERS

• CYCLOPS, 32. St. Petersburg Place, London, W2, Eng. (Comix)

• GRASS EYE, 71 Osbourne Rd., Levenshulme, Manchester 19, Eng.

• MOLE EXPRESS, 19 New Brown St., Manchester 4, Eng.

• PANGGG, Upn-Sippenpresse, d-8500, Nurnberg Kopernikusstr. 4, Germany

• PARIA, c/o Poretti Viavalle Maggia 41, 6600 Locarno, Switz.

• ZIGZAG, Yeoman Cottage, N. Marston, Bucks, England LATIN AMERICA/UPS

• ECO CONTEMPORANEO, C. Correo Central 1933, Buenos Aires, Argentina …Membership list temporarily unavailable.


A good way to quickly communicate what’s coming down in the community is to build a telephone tree. It works on a pyramid system. A small core of people are responsible for placing five calls each. Each person on the line in turn calls five people and so on. If the system is prearranged correctly with adjustments made if some people don’t answer the phone, you can have info transmitted to about a thousand people in less than an hour. A slower but more permanent method is to start a Switchboard. Basically, a Switchboard is a central telephone number or numbers that anybody can call night or day to get information. It can be as sophisticated as the community can support. The people that agree to answer the phone should have a complete knowledge of places, services and events happening in the community. Keep a complete updated file. The San Francisco Switchboard (see below) puts out an operator’s manual explaining the organization and operation of a successful switchboard. They will send it out for 12? postage. San Francisco has the longest and most extensive Switchboard operation. From time to time there are national conferences with local switchboards sending a rep.

San Francisco

• THE SWITCHBOARD—1830 Fell St., San Francisco, Calif. 94117 (415) 387-3575

• MUSIC SWITCHBOARD—1826 Fell St., San Francisco, Calif. 94117 (415) 387-8008

• MISSION SWITCHBOARD—848 14th St., San Francisco, Calif. 94110 (415) 863-3040

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