He was a man of unusual virile potency whose sexual vigour reestablished itself quickly, even after the most enervating exhaustion, and he always had an erection when I woke up. Slyly, cautiously, inspired with a prurient fancy to see how far I could get with it before he woke up, I bent my head over the succulent fruit. But in a few minutes my cautious, discreet restraint gave way to more energetic movements as my own passions took the ascendancy. And as soon-as this happened, instead of a sleeping subject, I had one who was very much awake indeed.

Week by week I looked forward to Monty's visits with increasing impatience. My other patrons I simply tolerated. The lack of interest in them, which I could not entirely conceal, became apparent and before long I lost Mr. Thomas. Madame Lafronde commented on my petulant humour, and I told her I was tired of being merely an ornament and wanted as many men as I could get, like the other girls. Some of these, the more attractive, often had three or four different men in a single night. She was reluctant to change the existing order and evaded my request by telling me she would think it over.

I knew she felt that I was more valuable as an 'inspirational attraction, and that she feared the complications and ill-humour which would inevitably arise when my younger and fresher charms were used to lure the fish from less attractive bait. Maybe, too, she was aware of or suspected my recently developed cock-sucking proclivities, for little escaped her shrewd old eyes and if so, no one better than she knew what this would do to the peace and tranquillity of the house once the girls whose clientele I usurped discovered my technique.

In fairness to my sisters in vice, I will say that to most of them fellatio is abhorrent and practiced only under duress or the pressure of necessity when fading physical attractions render them unfit to compete on an even basis with younger rivals. Sacrifices must be made to compensate, for advancing years and shrunken breasts.

Girls who are alert, good-looking, and possessed of attractive bodies do not need to practice fellatio to hold a clientele. But men are quick to take advantage of any weakness and if the caress be obtained once, either by duress or persuasion or voluntary indulgence, it is extremely difficult to evade further demands.

Monty's confidence to me regarding his conjugal unhappiness and differences became more and more candid. Wrapped up in the lewd fascination which the man held for me I gave no thought to the fact that only a bounder and a cad would have made his wife the subject of such intimate confidence to a whore, regardless of what personal differences may have existed between them.

He had explained the origin and significance of some long scratches down the side of his face, administered by his wife's agile fingers when he had tried to force her. And subsequently, there was a big, blue lump on one of his shins, the result of a well-placed kick received while trying to impose unwanted attention on her.

'Wait till she's undressed next time,' I commented viciously, 'or did you have her like me, with just her shoes and stockings on?'

He laughed cynically.

'I'd have to chloroform her first to see her naked!'

Apparently, some disagreement of two or three, years' standing had arisen between them and she had consistently and determinedly repulsed all amorous advances since then. Picturing her in my mind as I did, an embittered, shrewish woman, I could not for the, life of me understand how he was able to feel any desire toward her. But men are contrary brutes, and to make them want something desperately you have only to prohibit it. She didn't want him to fuck her, and, presto, the wish to do so was never out of his mind.

These confidences affected me in a peculiar way. I wasn't in love with Monty in the true sense of the word, but when he told me such things I felt twinges of jealousy. It annoyed me that he should perversely want to do it with her. So distorted can one's perspective become that his inordinate desire, to fuck the unfortunate woman inspired me with a feeling of personal animosity against her.

At first he had seemed to accept the situation with good-natured indifference, but lately I had perceived an undercurrent of bitterness and vindictiveness.

'Have you ever read De Maupassant?' he asked one night, after having told me of some domestic disagreement.

'No,' I answered, 'I've heard of him, but I have never read his stories.


'Well, among them is one with an idea I'd like to apply to her, with certain variations.'

'Tell me about it.'

'The story is a long one to repeat, but the essence of it is this: A young French noblewoman discovers that her husband is unfaithful to her.

She decides to revenge his disloyalty in a manner as startling as it is unique. She hires some, ruffians to enter the house and bind and gag him securely. When this is done she has him placed behind some curtains in her boudoir where he will, perforce, be obliged to witness all that transpires within the room, but without being able to move or interfere.

'Then she calls an old servant who has served her all her life and gives her some instructions. Following these instructions the old woman, after wandering about the streets for a time, accosts a young man of genteel appearance, and getting his ear, asks him whether he would appreciate, an amorous rendezvous with a young and beautiful woman of nobility sufficiently to bind himself to certain simple conditions, viz: that he permit himself to be blindfolded while being conducted to and from the assignation; that during the amorous engagement he lend himself unreservedly to all the delicate refinements of eroticism for which the French people are noted.

'The first condition being one of no great consideration, and the second one which could be easily complied with if the lady were as young and fair and lascivious as the servant claimed, the youth, who was of a naturally adventurous and romantic disposition, did not hesitate long in accepting the mysterious assignation.

'Whereupon the old woman signalled a hack, and when he was inside blindfolded him and conveyed him to the lady's boudoir. Here the blindfold was removed and the young gallant found himself in the presence of a vision of nude loveliness which far surpassed his expectations.

'For an hour the youthful pair disported themselves with voluptuous abandon, neglecting none of the more delicate and refined artifices in which mouth and tongue play an important part.

'When the cup of love was finally drained to the last drop, the lady sprang from the bed and jerking some curtains aside revealed to the horrified gaze of the youth the securely bound figure of a man who glared at him with baleful eyes.

'What transpired later when the outraged husband was liberated is left to the imagination.'

'A very interesting story,' I observed. 'Get me the book so I can read it someday. But what has it to do with your wife? Do you want her to have you tied up and make you watch from behind a curtain while she Frenches with some fellow?'

'Heavens, no!' he exploded, 'I'd tear her limb from limb if she were to play such a game on me. But there's no danger. She's too prudish. I was tickling my face with quite the reverse of the plot in the story, thinking what fun it would be to tie her up and then have some girl come in, you for instance, and do just what that French couple did, right before her eyes. Maybe strip her clothes off first, so she'd enjoy it more.'

'What a horrible idea!' I gasped. 'Why do you want to torment and aggravate her? Why don't you leave her alone?'

'She's tormented and aggravated me plenty,' he growled vindictively.

'I'll get even with her, though. Do you know what I'd like?'

'Yes, I do! It's not a bit hard to guess! You'd like to fuck her, and you won't rest until you do!'

'Wrong, you little spitfire. I'd like to find some way to make her so hot she'd go down on her knees and beg for it, and when she did, I'd tell her exactly where to go.'

'Feed her some Spanish fly then,' I suggested dryly.

'By Jove! That's a dashed good idea! Wonder where one can get the bally stuff?'

'You'd better be careful. I heard a funny story once about a fellow who sneaked some into his wife's tea to make her passionate. He thought he'd better keep out of sight until it took effect so he went out and walked around the block a couple of times. When he came back he didn't see her around, so he looked in her bedroom. And there she was, on the bed, with her clothes up, and the butler on top of her. And the pantry man, the coachman and the gardener were all standing around holding their cocks, waiting their turn.'

'The moral being, that a chappie had better stick around after feeding his wife Spanish fly,' he laughed. 'I'll keep that in mind.'

'Well, come on, let's get started. I don't need any Spanish fly to make me passionate, I'm that way all the

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