He let his gaze rest on the Osiris once again and tried to conceal his irritation. She was almost a twin to the Lysander, and her destiny was firmly in the hands of Captain Charles Farquhar. All those years ago. It was like another fate which had somehow drawn them together once more, to serve under the same Richard Bolitho. Then it had been in the frigate Phalarope in the West Indies during the Americans' fight for independence. Bolitho had been his captain, Herrick his first lieutenant and Farquhar one of the midshipmen. Arrogant, high-born, Farquhar never failed to prick Herrick's resentment. Even looking at his – Osiris did nothing to help. Her ornate gingerbread and other carving at poop and beakhead displayed a lavish use of real gilt paint as.an outward sign of her captain's status and prosperity. So far they had avoided meeting each other, except when Farquhar had reported his arrival at Gibraltar..

Any sort of fresh beginning had faded as Farquhar had drawled, 'I say, you don’tseem to have spent much on the old ship, eh?' That same maddening smile. 'Our new lord and master won’t like that, y'know! 'suddenly, the lower line of black gunports opened along Osiris's sloping side, and with perfect precision the whole battery of thirty-two pounders trundled into the weak sunlight. As one.

Something like panic ran through Herrick's mind. Farquhar would never allow his ambitious brain LV be fogged by some stupid memory or dislike. He had kept his eye on what mattered most to him. Which at this particular minute was to impress the commodore. It happened to be Richard Bolitho, a man more dear to Herrick than any other living being. But if it had been Satan himself Farquhar would have been ready.

As if to make the final stab the midshipman of the watch shouted excitedly, 'Barge shoving off from the jetty, sir!' Herrick licked his lips. They felt like dry ashes.

'Very well, Mr. Saxby. My compliments to the first lieutenant. He may muster the hands now.'

Richard Bolitho walked to the quarter windows of the broad cabin and looked towards the other ships. Despite the importance, of the moment, the solemnity of being received aboard his own flagship for the first time in his life, he could not contain his excitement. It was like wine and laughter all bubbling up inside him, held in check by some last reserve.

He turned and saw Herrick watching him from beside the screen door. Some seamen were carefully arranging chests and boxes which had been swayed up from the barge, and. he could hear his coxswain, Allday, bawling angrily at someone to take care.

'Well, Thomas, that was a fine welcome.'

He strode across the deck with its neat covering of black and white chequered canvas and took Herrick's hand. Over- head he could hear the thump of boots as the marine guard departed, the returning familiar sounds of normal routine.

Herrick smiled awkwardly. 'Thank you, sir.' He gestured at the baggage. 'I hope you’ve brought all you need. It seems we may be a while from home.'

Bolitho studied him gravely. Herrick's stocky figure, his round, homely face and those bright blue eyes were almost as familiar as Allday's. But he seemed different somehow. It was only four months, and yet…

He thought of all that had happened since that visit to the Admiralty. The discussions with men so senior and powerful that he still could not grasp that promotion could mean so much. Whenever he had mentioned his anxiety over the progress being made with his new flagship he had seen that amused look in their eyes.

The admiral who had given him his appointment, Sir George Beauchamp, had put it into words. 'You’ll have to forget that sort of thing now, Bolitho. The captain must deal with the running-of a ship. Yours is a more exacting task.'

Eventually he had taken passage to Gibraltar in a fast frigate, pausing in the Tagus with despatches for the flagship of the fleet employed on blockade duty. There he had been given an audience with the admiral, the Earl of St. Vincent, so titled because of his great victory eleven months back. The admiral, still affectionately known as 'Old Jarvy' by many of his subordinates, but only when he was well out of earshot, had greeted him briskly.

'You’ve got your orders. See you carry ' em out. It's been months since we knew what the French were up to. Our spies in the channel ports reported that Bonaparte visited the coast many times to lay plans for invading England. ' He had given his dry chuckle. 'I think my medicine off Cape St. Vincent taught 'em to tread warily where the sea is concerned:

Bonaparte is a land animal. A planner. Unfortunately, we have nobody to match him yet. Not on land, that is.'

Looking back it was hard to measure how much the admiral had managed to explain and describe in that brief interview. He had been on active duty with hardly a break, and yet he had been able to sum up the situation in home waters and the Mediterranean better than any Admiralty official.

The admiral had walked with him to his quarterdeck and had said quietly, 'Beauchamp is the man to plan this sort of mission But it needs seagoing officers to push those ideas to reality. Your squadron's efforts last year in the Mediterranean told us a great deal about French intentions. Your admiral, Broughton, did not perhaps understand their true significance until it was all too late. For him, that is.' He had given Bolitho a grim stare. 'We must know the worth of putting a fleet into these waters again. If we divide our squadrons for a bad purpose, the French will soon explore our weakness. But your orders will tell you what you must do. Only you can decide how you are going to do it.' Again that dry chuckle. 'I wanted Nelson for the task, but he is still sorely weakened by the loss of his ann.' Beauchamp chose you for this tickle at Bonaparte's Underbelly. I hope for all our sakes it was a wise choice.'

And now, after all the discussions, the searching through reports to discover the value of countless ideas of the enemy's motives and objectives, he was here in his own flagship. Beyond the thick glass windows.were other ships, all linked by the dovetailed broad pendant which had broken at the masthead as he had climbed aboard to the slap of muskets and the din of fifes and drums.

And he still could not believe it. He felt the same as before. As eager to get to sea as he had been in the past whenever he had joined a new ship.

But the difference would soon display itself in all manner of ways. When Herrick had been his first lieutenant he had stood between his captain and company. The link and the barrier. Now Herrick, as flag captain, would stand between him and his other officers, his little squadron and every man-jack aboard each individual ship. Five vessels in all, way over two thousand souls divided amongst them. It was that kind of assessment which brought home the reality of his command.

He asked, 'How is young Adam? I did not see him when I came aboard,' As he said it he saw the stiffness come to Herrick's face.

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