Before the Amal departed for Pannonia, Theoderic took Thiudimund aside. ‘Well, brother,’ he demanded, ‘I think you owe me some explaining. Why did you fail to warn me, and to implement the diversion?’
‘Why did
Misunderstanding or deliberate malice? Theoderic could not be sure. He knew, with total certainty, that he had told Thiudimund to sound the horns as a signal that the diversion had begun. It was possible — just possible — that his brother could have confused their respective roles. But never again, he decided, would he involve him in his plans.
‘Very well,’ he replied, ‘we will leave it there. For now.’ He paused and gave Thiudimund an appraising stare. ‘But take care, brother. There is one thing among our people that can never be forgiven: disloyalty. Remember that.’
* Sremska Mitrovica — not to be confused with Kosovska Mitrovica, much further south.
Our lord and master [Euric], even he, has but little time to spare while a conquered world makes suit to him
To Gaius Lampridius, esteemed author, and adviser to the most noble Euric king of the Visigoths, greetings.
My dear old friend,
Since then, as all the world now knows, Arverna has fallen. Considering I’ve long been a thorn in the flesh of our new masters, I got off pretty lightly. I was carted off to exile here in Burdigala,‡ where the worst I have to endure is the drunken screeching of two old Gothic crones, next door in the draughty tenement where I presently reside. No matter how hard I try, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to barbarians: their smell, disgusting manners, outlandish appearance — furs and trousers, long hair smeared with rancid butter. . How do you, living in their midst at Euric’s court, manage to put up with them?
Now, you’ll remember, I’m sure, that some time ago I lent you my treasured copy of
Written at the Insula Marcella, Burdigala, III Nones Decembris, in the year of the second consulship of Zeno* (no Western candidate this year!)
To Sidonius Apollinaris, poet, former bishop of Arverna, greetings.
Good news, old friend. As requested, I showed your poem to Euric; I think he was more amused than flattered by your (shameless) attempt to butter him up. But he’s not the sort to bear grudges, and I think he’s rather taken with the idea of having a famous Roman poet in his entourage — along with jesters, cooks and grooms! Anyway, the outcome is that you’re forgiven, your exile is revoked, and your estates in Arvernum (which could easily have been forfeit) returned to you. So you see, ‘barbarians’, as you call them, are not perhaps as dreadful as you seem to think. At least they’re capable of generosity and fairness, which is more than can be said of many Romans.
A friendly word of caution. The world has changed and we’d be wise to accept the new realities. Whether we like them or not, the Goths are here to stay. Whatever adverse views you have of them, I must urge you to
Which brings me to another point. You seem to cherish hopes of some sort of recovery for the West. Well, let me disillusion you; it’s not going to happen. Even so recently as seven years ago, I might have conceded that you had a point. But the failure of the East-West expedition to recover Africa from Gaiseric has put paid to any chance of a Western revival. Now no Eastern army’s going to intervene to save the West. And the Army of Italy, composed of federates, is hardly likely to take up arms against the Franks, Visigoths and Alamanni — all fellow Germans, who are taking over Gaul and Spain. Anyway, what would be the point? Romulus is emperor of. . what, exactly? Italy, and a small enclave of south-east Gaul! The old Rome that we both knew and loved is passing and will soon be gone. The future lies with the German kingdoms that are taking its place. How will they fare? Maybe only the Sybils would have known the answer. But they, like Rome, belong to yesterday. With hopes that we may meet soon, perhaps at Euric’s court, your friend Gaius Lampridius bids you farewell.
Written at the Praetorium of Tolosa,* postridie Natalis
, in the eleventh regnal year of Euric, king of the Visigoths.†
* Clermont-Ferrand in the Auvergne.
† The southern of Gaul’s two dioceses.
‡ Bordeaux (in Aquitaine, the homeland granted to the Visigoths in 418).
* 4 December 475.
* Toulouse.
† 26 December 475. (‘
’ is a contraction, using modified Greek letters, for ‘Christi’. ‘X’, as a symbol for ‘Christ’, lingers on in ‘Xmas’.)