and the Indians, forever lecturing and scolding the live-long day regarding 'sensible' Muskogee customs and how stupid and 'heathenish' Whites, and Lewrie in particular, were! Frankly, Lewrie had come to quite heartily despise him! Don't even look at an Indian woman, especially when she was in her 'courses'; don't even piss in a stream above them! Lewrie couldn't recall Desmond McGilliveray even
'My mother was a visiting Cherokee princess,' young McGilliveray stated with a stubborn, piss-me-in-the-eye pride, as if daring anyone to demean his antecedents; probably from long practice. 'Her name in Cherokee meant Soft Rabbit, Grandfather Robbie said my father was dumbstruck in his tracks by her, from the very first, and…'
His mouth dropped open of its own volition; his eyes blared as wide as a new-saddled colt's, as he took note of the lad's eyes. Grey-blue eyes, just like his own. And what had his father Sir Hugo smirked after calling upon Theoni Connor and
His eyes. Soft Rabbit's glossy and thick, raven-black hair; but with a fairer Englishman's complexion that he'd
'I knew her,' Lewrie confessed.
'What was she like, sir? ' young Midshipman McGilliveray begged
'Oh, wondrous handsome!' Lewrie truthfully said. 'Pretty as a picture. Not so very tall, d'ye know, but as slim and graceful as any doe deer. Sorry, but they didn't wed whilst I was at their town. And I never conversed with her. Gad, imagine lettin' an outsider, English sailor such as me, in such exalted company, what?
'Point of fact, the last time I saw your father was when he and his warriors escorted us back to our boats, then downriver to the sea. The Spanish had gotten wind of our presence, and they and the Apalachee attacked us before we started unloading the trade goods and arms we'd promised. It was neck-or-nothing there, for a bit, 'til your father rallied his warriors and ran them off. All I was left to show for it was a bayonet in the thigh, and a tale t'tell. Early spring of '83, it was.'
'And he called you
Though McGilliveray didn't
'Well, gentlemen,' Capt. McGilliveray said, balling up his napkin and laying it aside. 'Let us have the port, or the whisky, fetched out, and honour our distinguished guests with a hearty toast to the King of England. Charge your glasses, if you will?'
Lewrie again chose whisky; he was badly in need of it.
At a nod, Midshipman McGilliveray at the foot of the table rose and proposed the toast to King George III, with all the fulsome titles including 'Defender of the Faith, of the Church of England'; to which Midshipman Grace responded with a shorter toast to the President of the United States-then the
'You circle,
'Who won, Mister Peel?' Lewrie asked, rather loudly. Mr. Peel, temporarily stashed
'Uhm? Sir?' Peel finally responded, looking up blearily. 'Up, the cavalry! Huzzah! Forward, the King's Own Heavy Horse!'
'Why, the damn fool's drunk as a lord!' Lewrie chortled, as he kicked a constricting shoe toward the dining- coach. He stopped circling long enough for Aspinall to start undoing the buttons of his waist-coat; items which were too 'scientific' for him, at the moment.
'Aye, sir… so 'e is,' Aspinall agreed, smothering a giggle.
'Aspinall…' Lewrie said, peering at him as if imparting some eternal but urgent verity, 'the Yankee Doodles're a
'I 'spect so, sir,' Aspinall said, peeling the waist-coat off, setting Lewrie to circling, again. Aspinall threw a helpless look at Cox'n Andrews, who was doing for Mr. Peel and his coat and things.
'Damme, I've lost a perfectly good shoe!' Lewrie complained.
' 'Tis here someplace, sir… honest,' Aspinall told him. 'Do slip t'other off, and I'll mate 'em up. Now fer yer stock an' shirt, sir, and I'll fetch yer dressin' gown. Lean on this, sir, will ye?'
Lewrie kicked the second off; this one skittered underneath the settee, causing Toulon to yowl once more and scuttle off for someplace safer, where people didn't
'Dry, dry, dry…' Lewrie carped, noting (rather squiffily in point of fact) that he'd been leant against his wine- cabinet. He felt in need of liquid refreshment, but the flimsy latch appeared too elaborate a safeguard for his fingers, too.
'Ginger beer, sah,' Cox'n Andrews suggested, plumping Mr. Peel into a chair so he could remove his shoes. 'Good fo' settlin' a riled stomach. I'll fetch some from yo' lazarette.'
'Capital!' Lewrie crowed, swaying. 'We
'Ten gallon, sir, fetched aboard this mornin',' Aspinall said, coming back to lumber Lewrie into a chair, as well.
'Poor Kershaw… the clown!' Lewrie commented, tittering over what he'd heard aboard the