in general, and unimpressed by life in the French Royal Navy as well. His family did not have connections good enough to gain him a commission in a good cavalry regiment, so the Navy was for him, though most people in France looked down on that Service as second to its magnificent Army. Minor nobility or not, the de Crillarts were a genteelly impoverished lot, and his purse had not run to the fineries of his marquis-captain, which while on passage he savored as much as Alan did, as his gaoler's guest.
One rather sodden night in the privacy of the cabins, Alan and de Crillart dined together, with Lewrie's hammockman, Cony, serving as waiter.
'To 'is Brittaneec Majesty, George the t'ird!' de Crillart proposed, raising his glass on high, which pronunciation of 'third' sent Lewrie reeling with mirth.
''E ees votre roy. What ees so foony?' de Crillart asked.
'Turd, you said,' Alan explained between titters. 'Nombre trois, in English, is third, not turd. Turd is merde. Dog merde, merde d'chien, merde d'chat, merde d'homme.'
'Oh, pardon!' de Crillart gasped as it hit him. 'Mon dieu!'
'We call him Farmer George, anyway,' Alan went on. 'Wants to be thought of as a country squire, when he can't even speak bloody English himself half the time. Vot, Gott in Himmel, eh vot?'
'To 'is Britanneec Majesty, George the… th… third!' the Frenchman managed this time. They drained their glasses, seated. 'The King!' Alan echoed. 'And to your king. To his Most Catholic Majesty…'
'Dat ees the Espagnole, Lewrie.'
'Well, to Louis what's his number, then.'
Then de Crillart had to propose a toast to Treghues, whose name he didn't even attempt to butcher, and Alan countered with one to his own captain, Marquis de Rosset, which drew a flash of anger from his supper guest before the young man drained his glass in a gulp.
'Not too fond of him, are you?' Alan surmised.
''E ees the buffoon, eh?' de Crillart grimaced. 'A fool.'
'So is ours,' Alan confided, leaning over the table.
Alan explained how Treghues had been addled by a rammer, cut at to relieve pressure on his brain, and what odd medicine he was taking. He also told of the escape from Yorktown, and what the rest of the Navy had thought of that.
'You were in Chesapeake?' de Crillart gasped happily. 'Moi, aussi! Une fregate in York Reever? Formidable!
'Sonofabitch! Really?' Alan barked. 'Cony, he was there!'
'Oh, notre capitaine very anger you escape. After 'e swear no one get out. And how tres ironique, we fight at last. Capitaine de Rosset 'e… 'e 'ave great anger to pass you. I z'ink 'e 'ave need to be victorieuse, after York Reever.' De Crillart shrugged.
'Ours, too,' Alan agreed. 'My God, Charles, look here. If we had had a different captain, we'd never have needed to have fought you, just kept you from getting into Basse Terre with that schooner. Treghues needed a victory to regain his bloody reputation!'
'And de Rosset need le combat to avenge ees criteecs! Merde, eef any ozzer capitaine 'ave
'Touchy bastards,' Alan supplied.
'Oui, toochy bastards.'
After that mutual admission, their friendship grew firm, until by the time
They parted with many cries of
Alan was loafing under the quarterdeck awnings, tasting the last of his morning tea, when a frigate came in from St. Kitts noisily saluting the flag and the forts.
'Hold up on inspection for a moment,' Alan ordered. 'Tell the corporal to let his men stand easy while I read her hoists.'
Laboriously, in the limited code flags, the arriving frigate spelled out the baleful news that the fort on Brimstone Hill had fallen, and the French now owned the island. Hood and the fleet would be arriving late in the afternoon, after abandoning the anchorage during the preceding night and getting clean away, leaving de Grasse befuddled.
'So that's all we get, sir?' the senior quartermaster asked him as Alan put the glass away into the binnacle rack. 'No more ships took?'
'If there were, we weren't in sight to share the prize-money.'
Any allied ship within spy-glass distance, even if all the view she had was tops'Is above the horizon, could claim shares in any action that resulted in prize-money, so taking
'Might get a plug o' baccy at best, sir,' the quartermaster spat in disgust, and Alan knew it was going to be a grueling inspection that the quartermaster was about to visit on his small crew.
'We may only hope for advancement from this,' Alan comforted, hoping mere was indeed advancement. He had gotten used to having that large frigate under his sole control, of being an acting lieutenant even for so short a period.
'Politics,' Alan griped, once more a master's mate back in the dreary misery of the midshipmen's mess in the cockpit. 'Petticoat influence. Family connections.'
'Don't take it so hard, Lewrie,' Sedge told him. Sedge could talk, since he had been confirmed as sailing master in
Hood had conferred with the Prize Court and instructed them to purchase
This also allowed Hood and his flag-captain to do favors for some of their patrons' protйgйs, or promote some of their own. Two young men had gone into
'There's always an examining board,' Sedge yawned as he told his family now in New York of his luck, by letter. 'You've had over two years as midshipman or master's mate. Ask of Railsford and he'll recommend your name if they seat a board soon.'
Alan doubted that possibility very much, for there was also the niggling requirement that one had to have been entered in ship's books for six years of sea duty. And from what he had learned from others who had gone for oral examination before a panel of captains, it was more fun to be flayed raw, with the chances of promotion by that route about as sure as the proverbial camel passing through a needle's eye.
Altogether, Alan was getting very fed up with Sedge. He had started out as a graceless lout, and he was rapidly turning into an insolently superior and graceless lout.
'Well, I shall shift my dunnage aft. Good luck to you, Mister Lewrie,' Sedge drawled in his nasal Jonathon twang, which sound was also a rasp on Alan's soul.
'And you too, sir,' Alan was forced to say to his new sailing master. 'May you have joy of your promotion and