Two days later, and the prospects for his frigate didn't look so bleak. Requests for material assistance from the Indiamen that they'd convoyed this far had resulted in enough oak from their own, civilian, bosuns' stores for new truck-carriages to replace the ones too smashed up to be repaired, and for repairs on those that could be salvaged.

Out of gratitude that one, or all, of them hadn't been taken by the French, perhaps, there had also come enough dried and seasoned fir or pine with which to fay the face of the sternpost and the lead edge of the rudder, enough elm for faying and soling, as well. With timber had come a few iron pigs that could become reinforcing strapping bands, enough bronze in-pig for a shoreside blacksmith to forge new gudgeons or pintles, and bolts. A personal meeting with salty old Capt. Cowles, the convoy commodore, and he'd sponsored a whip-round from the other Indiamen that had resulted in a flood of offerings worthy of a Cornucopia, a veritable Horn of Plenty.

Had seven of his brave sailors now passed over? Were ten still lying wounded? For each man, mates and passengers had made up a small purse to cover their sick-berth fees, which Ships' Surgeons and Mates would deduct from their pay, even if the Spithead Mutiny had ended the practice of wounded men's pay being stopped 'til they were healed, so they would not suffer financially. Dead men's grave fees were paid to the parish, and a tolerable amount had been contributed to send on to their families, to augment the miserly pensions Admiralty granted. More was to go to providing fresh victuals for those

who lingered in the rented cottage high up on the windy bluffs of the Lion's Rump!

Artillery, well… neither the stores ship nor the Prize Court storehouses had 12-pounders for exchange. They had some few 6-pounders and a pair of 9-pounders taken off Dutch merchantmen captured in port when Elphinstone had landed, and a pair of Dutch 18-pounders that had never been installed in the sea forts built to protect Cape Town; but, Lewrie was slavering, but wary, of how much recoil and weight that his decks, his bulwarks and his breeching cables could withstand, should he dare install those monsters and touch them off, fully charged!

In the face of such freely-offered bounty, Lewrie had no choice but to reciprocate by dining-in Capt. Cowles, the masters and mates off the other India-men, and those passengers who had contributed. He had dreaded the expense, but, a local inn had done him proud off the local viands, and at a fairly decent price, too.

It had turned out to be a 'game supper.' The soup had been egg and guinea fowl, mainly, with some rice and fresh peas. Crisply fresh salad greens came next, then the vast assortment of meats brought in as removes, more guinea fowl or pheasant, even ostrich}.; for venison there had been springbok or gemsbok, antelope and impala, even giraffe, for God's sake! Then had come wild boar with mushrooms, followed by fish courses such as Cape salmon, thumb-thick shrimp as long as one's whole hand done in olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, chilies, bay leaves, and cloves! There had even been a kick-shaw made of crocodile!

Local made-dishes such as bredies and boboties had made their appearance, the bredie a mutton stew stiff with pot vegetables, and the bobotie nearly the best mild curry of shredded lamb, fruit, and rice Lewrie had eaten in his life. Fresh breads, local wines, mounded rice pilafs or satays showing Javanese influences, and, to top all of that off (should anyone have had a cubic inch of stomach left for them), the desserts (besides fresh, whole fruits) had consisted of rich, cinnamon-laced milk tarts, a steamed brandy pudding as good as any to be found in England, or koeksisters, which were wee braided, doughy confections sopping with honey, spices, and heavy fruit syrups.

Port, sweet biscuit, and nuts had seemed superfluous, and Lewrie was still belching, two days later.

Now, though, Lewrie paused midships of the larboard gangway as the sound of cannon fire caught his attention. The convoy of Indiamen was setting sail to complete their long journeys to India or China, and HMS Grafton, Horatius, and the unfortunate HMS Stag, with the equally disappointed Capt. Philpott were getting under way with them, the flagship firing a proper salute to Vice- Adm. Curtis's flag as it went.

I made the effort, Lewrie told himself, for he had sent an invitation to his shore supper to his fellow captains, and Treghues, too, but only Philpott and Graves had attended, Treghues had sent a stiff note of regret that Stern Duty would not allow for such idle socialising at such a moment. Poor, stiff-necked bastard, Lewrie bemoaned.

Sir Roger being Sir Roger, that worthy had laughed that report Capt. Treghues had submitted, and sent on to London, to scorn, eagerly sharing his scorn among his coterie. It actually made Lewrie wince to see Treghues grasping at such a slender straw, to turn what had been a half-blind shambles into a signal victory… or, at least a thumping-good repelling of a back-stabbing French attempt on his convoy What a misery Treghues might find his wartime career, of plodding to India and back with his guns rusting for want of use, and with never a foe strong enough to challenge him, Lewrie could not imagine. Didn't want to imagine, for by comparison, he'd already had more than his share of a lively war, with the medals, rank, and 'post' to prove it.

Did Treghues hope that a report of any sort of action involving gunpowder, any sort of success against the French, might bring him to the Admiralty's notice in a fresh, new light, which might earn him his promotion to real Commodore rank, command of a squadron in more active and important seas? Or, might a release from boresome convoy duties be the excuse he craved to land his dour wife ashore whilst he sailed 'in harm's way,' as that American pest John Paul Jones had termed it? No one, in Lewrie's jaded experience, could tolerate such a tart and termagant mort like her for very long, not even if she came with access to the rents of an entire shire!

'Fa-are-well, and adieu, you-ou sour English sai-lor, fa- are-well, and adieu, you-ou arse-load of pain …!' Lewrie softly sang under his breath as he watched HMS Grafton curtsy and heel as she manned her yards to make more sail.

Oh, a host of foreign 'bye-byes'! Lewrie gleefully thought, as he tried to dredge up half-forgotten phrases from his experiences.

Adios… came to mind, quickly followed by Vamanos!, which was more apropos. Auf Wiedersehen… au revoir, both of which he thought too polite by half; the catch-all Hindoo Namaste, good for welcome and departing; what had he heard at Naples, Genoa, and Leghorn in the Med? Ah, arrivederci!, that was it!

Ave atque vale, from his schooldays Latin. He would have tried the Greek, but there was a language he never could get his wits about, for which failure his bottom had suffered at a whole host of schools.

There was Eudoxia's dosvidanya; there was what he had read in Captain Bligh's book following the Bounty mutiny, that the Sandwich Islanders said… Aloha Oh- Eh; what the first explorers to the colony of New South Wales had heard the Aborigines shout at them on the beach of Sydney Cove… Warra-Warra! Later settlers-the willing, not the convicts- had learned that it was not a cry of welcome, but a wish for the strange new tribe to 'Go Away!' How very apt!

'Warra-Warra!' Lewrie softly called out, lifting one hand as if bestowing a blessing on HMS Grafton, though, did one look closely, one might have noticed that Lewrie's index and middle finger of that hand were raised a bit higher than the rest, that hand slowly rotated, palm inwards, towards the end.

Rudder, Lewrie reminded himself, turning away to deal with his greatest problem. He went to the starboard entry-port, clad in an old shirt with the sleeves rolled to the elbows, his rattiest, oldest pair of slop-trousers rolled to his knees above bare shins and shoes about to crack apart with age, mildew, and damp. Bareheaded, he tossed off a sketchy salute to the side-party and scampered down the battens and man-ropes to his gig, where Cox'n Andrews and only a pair of oarsmen awaited. They would not bear him far, just down the starboard quarter, then round the square-ish stern, where other people were already occupied.

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