'Later,' Caroline demurred. She and Sophie: once one of those lying letters had arrived declaring that Lewrie had been topping her,
'What is the rest of the post?' his wife asked after putting the glad tidings from Burgess Chiswick aside.
'Oh, there's two from the boys,' Lewrie told her, still engrossed.
'Oh, you!' she cried, only a
'Apologies, m'dear,' Lewrie told her.
'Hmm… dear old Wilmington?' Caroline puzzled, looking over a travel-stained letter. 'Oh, your old friend, is he not engaged in business there? The one who sent a deposition for your trial?'
'Christopher Cashman, aye,' Lewrie agreed. 'He bought into an import-export and chandlery… Livesey, Seabright, and Cashman. Has offices and warehouses on Water Street, he wrote me. The sawmill on Eagle's Island cross the river… '
'Why, we
'Say who again?' Lewrie started; he'd missed that'un when he'd hurriedly sorted through them, and, good as things seemed to be going with his wife, they could turn to sheep-shit the instant she learned that Desmond McGillivery was yet
Caroline paid that letter no more attention, enrapt by those from Sewallis and Hugh, and thought no more about it.
Wonder of wonders, domestic relations took an even sweeter turn as Spring progressed, as Sewallis and Hugh returned from their school for the summer and filled the house with japes, pranks, and laughter. There were more family rides together, more companionable breakfasts, walking tours of the farm through sheep, cattle, and foals, nattering with day labourers and their few permanent employees, and yarns from Liam Desmond and Patrick Furfy about battles and grand adventures.
The Lewries even went visiting, as a travelling troupe; first to High Wycombe to attend Burgess and Theodora's nuptials, then up to London for some major shopping, and, lastly, down to the Langlies' at Horsham, in Kent, to visit with Sophie and her husband and in-laws. Even Lewrie's father, Sir Hugo, had coached down for that'un, for he'd always been doting-fond of Sophie, as she had been of him, her replacement
Lodgings, well… they
The same arrangements were forced upon them halfway to the wedding at High Wycombe, and in a posting house in the town, as well, and the jaunt to Horsham not only forced Alan and Caroline to sleep in the same bed on the way, but, once there, Mr. and Mrs. Langlie insisted upon putting them up at their house, assuming that Capt. and Mrs. Lewrie were just another typical married couple who
Perhaps it was the joy of Burgess's wedding, perhaps the relit notion of Romance (and a slew of wines and brandies taken aboard during the day!) but… Alan and Caroline found themselves in such close proximity, in such companionable darkness, and in such
And even more miraculous was the fact that, once back home in Anglesgreen, there was no more of that damnable guest chamber for
'More cool tea?' Caroline asked Sir Hugo as they all sat in the shade of an oak near the back-garden of the house. 'Or might you be more partial to the lemonade?'
'The tea, m'dear, thankee kindly,' Sir Hugo replied, sprawled in a slat chair near the table, and idly fanning himself, for it was a warmish afternoon. 'That rob o' lemon drink makes me
A wasp now and then hummed about the sweetness of the lemonade or the napkin-covered plates of scones or sandwiches. Horses snorted, neighed, and clopped as Patrick Furfy walked them in circles in the paddock. Cattle lowed as calves butted for their milk; and it was almost so quiet as to be able to hear sheep munching grass. Except for the children, of course.
Charlotte sat at-table primly enough, to all appearances in her style of hair and gown a miniature adult, though she
Lewrie sat sprawled in an equal un-tidyness in a chair on the other side of the table, a wide-brimmed straw farmer's hat set low on his eyebrows, one eye open for the shrill argument to come over 'first broadsides' and what 'damage' the boys' guns had done to the other one's hull or rigging.
'Have you ever been to Paris, or to France, Sir Hugo?' Caroline casually enquired.
'France?' Sir Hugo scoffed. 'Can't say that I have, d'ye not count Calais. Was in Holland, for a time, d'ye see, and… found it more convenient t'return t'England through Calais,' he breezed off.
Long ago, when a Captain in the 4th Regiment of Foot, the King's Own, he scampered off from his 'wife,'