death on March 12th just at 20 mins. to 5 o’clock, when he was about to lead the charge of his battalion. His death was instantaneous, and he was buried on March 13th: it was I who carried him in after he was wounded, and when I found that he was quite dead I said some prayers over his body. Major Wright was also wounded in the same battle. I was very sorry indeed about the death of my Commanding Officer. He was a soldier and a gentleman, fearless in all his actions and honest, just and upright. I will certainly never forget him for his kindness to me and all the men who fought under him.

I was mentioned in Sir J. French’s Despatch along with my Commanding Officer, Colonel Laurie, for bravery at the Battle of Neuve Chapelle. You will find my name in the list. I regret his death very much; it was a great blow to me. Well, Madam, the only thing I have to say before concluding is that his relatives and friends may well be proud of him, because he was one of the bravest men that ever led men. I would very much like to have a photo of our Colonel, and I remain,

Your obedient servant,

J. Lennon.

(From Earl Manvers.)

Thoresby Park,

Ollerton, Notts.

March 19th, 1915.

Dear Mrs. Laurie,

I feel that I must send one line to say how deeply grieved I was to hear your husband had been killed at the front. I knew him as a most excellent sportsman, and mourn his loss very much. My deep sympathy is with you at this sad time when your home is made desolate.

Please do not think of answering this.

I remain,

Yours sincerely,


(From Brigadier-General Farmar, C.B., C.M.G.)

Headquarters, 2nd Army.

March 20th, 1915.

My dear Mrs. Laurie,

I cannot tell you how shocked I was to hear the dreadful news: only to-night; but you at home must have heard of it days ago. B——’s letter was my first intimation. Somehow it came absolutely unexpectedly: of course, one lives in the middle of these awful sights and happenings, but he was so strong and so full of energy that it seemed unbelievable that he should be taken. He has been a friend of mine, and a very real one, for a good many years now. I saw him not long ago. He would have been sure to have got a Brigade soon if this terrible thing had not happened. I have heard no details, but will try and find out and tell you: unfortunately, his battalion is right at the other end of the line to where we are, but if I can get down I will. Dear Mrs. Laurie, I do feel for you most deeply, and my own loss of a friend as well. If there is anything I can do, it would be a kindness to ask me, and a relief to do something for you.

Yours very sincerely,

Jaspar Farmar.

(From Colonel Anderson.)

Headquarters, 8th Division.

March 22nd, 1915.

Dear Mrs. Laurie,

About ten days ago I received a copy of Col. Laurie’s “History of the Royal Irish Rifles” which he had very kindly promised to send me. I was kept very busy on duty, so much so that I never had time to see him and thank him. And now, to my great grief, I have to write and tell you how very grateful I was for the book, and at the same time how very deeply I sympathize with you in your great loss. I need scarcely tell you how splendidly the Royal Irish Rifles did in the battle of Neuve Chapelle, and how grandly they were led by their Colonel.

My father had been in the 83rd many years ago, and I had written the history of my own regiment, so we had bonds of sympathy, and I had had several talks with your husband. So you must please accept my very deepest sympathy in his death, and in your very great loss.

Believe me,

Yours sincerely,

W. Hasturp Anderson.

(From a cousin.)

Antrim Castle,


March 24th, 1915.

…I had the very greatest respect for George; he was an ideal soldier and comrade. May God in His mercy comfort you!…


(From Mrs. Clinton Baker.)



March 28th, 1915.

Writing of her son, she says: “Osbert feels his Colonel’s death deeply. When telling me of it, he said: ‘I could only write a short letter; I know you will have written to Mrs. Laurie to try to soften the blow.’—‘Ten young officers and 250 men have now been sent out from home.’”

(From General and Mrs. Bird.[11])

22, Albany Villas,


March 29th, 1915.

…We have not written to tell you how deeply we sympathize with you in your great sorrow, as I know letters are of no comfort in times of sadness, but to-day, in a letter we received, such words of admiration were written of Colonel Laurie that I felt I should like to write and repeat them: “Colonel Laurie handled his battalion to perfection during the attack on Neuve Chapelle, and his death is an irreparable loss to the 1st Battalion.”

We have always heard what a splendid soldier Colonel Laurie was, and our country does so need such leaders now in the army to bring victory….

(From General Sir John Keir, K.C.B.)

May 4th, 1915.

Dear Mrs. Laurie,

I have such a deep admiration and respect for your late husband, for Col. Laurie was, as you know, in command of the 28th M.I. in the column I commanded in S. Africa, where I learnt to appreciate his value as a soldier and his many other sterling qualities. After the campaign we used to hear from one another on occasions of mutual congratulation and the like. His loss to the Service is a very great one, but one cannot imagine a more glorious ending to a fine career, falling at the head of the regiment he loved so well, and which he led with such skill and bravery. His name remains one held in honour for all time.

Yours sincerely,

J.N. Keir.

(From General the Right Hon. Sir Nevil Macready, G.C.M.G., K.C.B.)

War Office.

April 2nd, 1915.

My dear Mrs. Laurie,

Only yesterday I was aware of your address. I write only a line to ask you to accept my deep and sincere sympathy in the loss you have sustained. You indeed have given to the Country of your best, and if there is any consolation it may be in the fact that my old friend died as every soldier would wish to, at the head of his battalion

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