he’d just found that he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t leave Grant there to suffer the consequences.
Grant was a powerful man, an experienced street-wise copper who knew how to handle himself but the odds against him were overwhelming. The bastards would probably kill him. Dewar let out the clutch and swung the vehicle round to race over the tarmac back towards the flats. The man running towards him had to dive out of the way as Dewar drove straight through him without varying his line. He could see three figures through the glass; they were kicking at something on the ground.
‘Bastards!’ He turned the headlights on full beam and crashed the vehicle straight through the doors to enter the hallway. The armoured glass frontage exploded into a million fragments, showering the yobs in clouds of glass shards as they sprang back from Grant’s prostrate body. They split into two and one. Dewar drove the vehicle at the pair who presented a bigger target and caught the legs of one as he failed to get out of the way quick enough. Two down, three to go. In a crunching of gears Dewar turned the vehicle and raced it over the floor to have a go at the other man before finally swinging it round and screeching to a halt beside Grant’s still body.
He got out of the vehicle and ran round the front to pull Grant up by his shoulders and feed him into the cab as quickly as he could but it still took time; Grant was heavy. He felt as if life had gone into slow-motion. It seemed to take an eternity before he finally tucked Grant’s feet inside and slammed the door shut. He ran round to get in the driver’s side just as one of the yobs — the man who’d dived out of the way on the tarmac outside, came hurtling towards him. Dewar grabbed the cab’s fire extinguisher and swung it round to smash the base of it into the new arrival’s face. The man fell backwards, teeth and blood spilling from his mouth, his screams stifled into a liquid gurgle. Dewar revved the engine to screaming point and burst out of the hallway to race across the tarmac apron and up on to the road. He turned on the blue lights and set the siren wailing as he jammed the accelerator pedal to the floor and kept it there.
He was now running on pure adrenaline. He had to get help for Grant but the truth was that he wasn’t at all sure if the policeman was still alive. He glanced to the side and saw that his face was practically unrecognisable. Nausea was added to his anger. He swerved round the burned — out Escort with taking his foot off the pedal and raced up to the hill leading down to where gap tooth and his friends had their barrier. As before, figures moved out into the road, signalling him to stop.
‘That’ll be right,’ muttered Dewar as he headed towards them at full pelt with all the fired-up zeal of a Japanese
One of the yobs realised he wasn’t going to stop and lit something he’d been holding in his hand. Dewar saw the arc of flame against the night sky as the yob threw the Molotov cocktail. The bottle smashed on the road in front of him allowing the lit paraffin rag in its neck to ignite the spilling petrol and sending up a yellow wall of flame. Dewar was going so fast it scarcely mattered. What mattered more was the half brick that came crashing in through the windscreen and hit him on the left temple.
The windscreen had taken the brunt of the impact and most of the momentum out of the throw but Dewar still felt himself go woozy as he fought to find vision through the shattered glass by punching at it with his fist until he had a hole big enough to see out through. He hadn’t taken his foot off the accelerator throughout. The ambulance was swinging madly from side to side as he fought to control it until finally, he hurtled out of the no-go area into the relative safety of beyond.
Dewar put his hand to his head as he slowed the vehicle. Blood was trickling down his face and he felt dizzy. He looked at Grant’s unconscious body and shattered face and recognised that he was still the lucky one. ‘Please God, you’re alive, old son,’ he muttered as he caught sight of Health Board vehicles parked outside one of the schools they were going to be using as a vaccination centre. He pulled in behind them, slightly misjudging the distance and hitting the rear bumper of the last one in line. He got out to find help.
Dewar felt himself become even more dizzy as he entered through the swing doors of the main hall and sought support from the wall at the side as a blurred figure came towards him and a female voice said, ‘Adam! My God, what’s happened to you? You’re hurt!’ It was Karen.
Karen helped Dewar to a seat and made him put his head between his legs for a few moments until proper blood circulation to his brain had been restored.
‘Grant … He’s outside in the ambulance,’ he stammered…. ‘You’ve got to help him … He’s badly hurt.’
Karen organised help for Grant and returned to Dewar. ‘You’ve had a nasty blow on the head,’ she said. ‘I take it you two have been out recovering the something that was lost?’
Dewar agreed.
‘We got the virus … The case in the ambulance. It has the vials in it … Don’t leave them there. Got to get them … ’
Karen put a restraining hand on his shoulder and said, ‘It’s all right, I’ll do it. Just sit still for a few minutes.’ She returned in under half a minute with the case and put it down at Dewar’s side. ‘Feel better?’ she asked with a smile.
Dewar nodded. ‘How’s Grant?’ he asked in trepidation.
‘He’s in a bit of a mess. ‘His nose and cheek bones have been smashed; his jaw is broken in three places and several ribs have gone. They can’t be sure about damage to internal organs at the moment but an ambulance is on its way to take him up to the Royal Infirmary.’
‘Is he going to pull through?’
‘I wouldn’t bet my salary on it, but I’d say, yes. Superintendent Tulloch is on his way over.’
‘Tulloch? Just what we need.’
‘One of the others called him when they saw the state of Inspector Grant. It’s right he should know,’ said Karen.
I suppose so,’ agreed Dewar. ‘But maybe I can be out of here by the time he comes.’ He made to get up but Karen stopped him. ‘You’re not going anywhere for the moment,’ she said. ‘You’re concussed.’
‘I was never actually unconscious,’ argued Dewar.
‘You soon will be if you don’t do what you’re told. You’re in no fit state to go anywhere. What d’you have to do that’s so important?’
‘I’ll feel happier when the vials are a long way from here,’ said Dewar.
‘Someone else can take care of them. I strongly suggest you go up to the hospital for a check up with Inspector Grant in the ambulance.’
Tulloch and the ambulance for Grant arrived almost together. Tulloch watched mutely while the Grant’s broken and unconscious body was loaded into the back and the doors closed. Dewar declined to go with him. He decided to face Tulloch instead.
‘What the hell happened?’ stormed Tulloch. What were you doing in the no-go area? Of all the irresponsible … ’
Dewar’s head hurt but he was in no mood to roll over. ‘There was nothing irresponsible about it!’ he retorted. ‘Do you honestly think we wanted to go in there? Do you think we did it for a laugh? A dare? Use your brain man. We had to go in.’
‘For God’s sake, why?’
‘Because there was enough smallpox virus hidden in Aberdour Court to wipe out the entire city and most of the county besides. Grant and I went in to recover it and we succeeded.’
Tulloch looked at Dewar unsure of what to say. ‘This is all incredible. I’ll wait until I hear what Inspector Grant has to say before I take this further but as I see it, disciplinary measures will be inevitable.’
Dewar said coldly, ‘Assuming Inspector Grant lives, the only measures you will be taking with respect to him will comprise a strong commendation for a bravery award. He’s the real reason the virus is currently sitting in that case instead of a flat half way up a concrete tower in the middle of a no-go area controlled by yobs. As to why there should be a no-go area at all … ‘
Dewar sensed that Tulloch had taken the point. He continued, ‘Right now there are some shitheads out there who’re pretty miffed that two policemen, as they saw it, broke in and took something — they know not what, from the flats but that’s only made them look foolish in front of the others. They’re not going to be able to start a war on the back of that whereas a full scale operation with police riot squads might have had a very different outcome.’
Tulloch did not choose to argue with the logic.
‘All the same, I think you’d do well to strengthen the area round the road leading up to Aberdour Court. It