leader, and then, without any discernible reason, it all seemed to wither and die. The Northern Health Scheme was wound up — the ‘end of its experimental period’, according to the press releases. Carlisle was switched to another ministry in which he became totally anonymous before being dropped from cabinet altogether, and becoming an equally anonymous backbencher, finally hitting the skids and being exposed in the expenses scandal before taking his own life — the meteoric rise and fall, as John Macmillan had said.
Daylight was fading fast and Steven had nothing to eat in the flat, so he thought he’d eat at a new Thai restaurant he wanted to try. After that, he would call Tally to swap tales of the day, and then spend the rest of the evening going through the files. If he felt up to it, he might wind up by going late-night shopping at an all-night supermarket to stock up with the essentials of life: bacon, eggs, cheese, bread, gin, tonic, beer and lots of frozen ready meals.
It was two a.m. before Steven stopped reading. He put out the light and rested his head on the back of his chair to look up at the clouds drifting across the moon. Although he agreed there was a puzzle in John Carlisle’s sudden change of fortune and in the abrupt ending of an excellent and innovative health scheme, he couldn’t quite understand why John Macmillan was so worried about it. An awful lot of water had passed under the bridge since those far-off times, even if Carlisle’s suicide was more recent.
There was the Paris bomb, of course, and the past involvement of one of the dead in Carlisle’s health scheme — maybe a second if Lady Antonia was in some way implicated — but that didn’t give him a handle on anything to cause alarm.
It was unfortunate that Macmillan hadn’t been able to be any more specific about his fears. It all seemed to be down to gut feeling, but John Macmillan’s gut feelings were not to be taken lightly. If Macmillan smelt a rat it was time to get out the traps. But even extrapolating to the worst possible scenario and considering for a moment that the Paris deaths had been linked to the health scheme, why would anyone want to kill those people twenty years after the event? Steven yawned. He’d had quite enough for one day. It was time to turn in.
A new day started with bacon sandwiches and coffee, something that made Steven glad he’d gone shopping the night before, even though it was something he didn’t enjoy doing. He saw late-night visits to supermarkets as something akin to visiting restaurants at the end of the universe, but at least his fellow travellers had been few and far between and the check-out was quick.
He’d steeled himself to spending the whole morning reading through more of the files, this time concentrating on the other things that had been happening in the north of England at the time of the health scheme, hoping to find a connection, see some link, discover some synapse that might trigger the same feeling in him as the one that had made Macmillan uneasy.
It was impossible not to feel horror at the story of the surgeon, Martin Freeman, dying in the middle of an operation, leaving his junior the nightmare of completing a very far from routine operation. It was easy to understand why it had attracted the attention of the nation’s press at the time, among their number the journalist James Kincaid.
Freeman’s patient, Greta Marsh, had reportedly gone on to make a good recovery and been able to give a press conference — although heavily bandaged — to assure medical observers of the operation who feared that her sight might have been damaged beyond repair that their fears were groundless. But then all hell had appeared to break loose.
Kincaid had been murdered in cold blood along with a nurse who was with him at the time; his killers were thought to be members of a powerful drugs gang. The same gang had been blamed for the death of Neil Tolkien, a local GP involved in a drug rehabilitation scheme in the area — Steven smiled wanly at the name, thinking how different the Shire was from the environs of Newcastle in the early nineties. The gang was blamed again for the death of the head of pharmacy of the Northern Health Scheme, Paul Schreiber, along with two male nurses when they had all been caught up in a raid on the hospital pharmacy.
Steven frowned, not least at the causes of death involved. Kincaid and the nurse, Eve Laing, had been shot, but Tolkien had been injected with bleach. One of the male nurses had been stabbed, and Schreiber and the other male nurse had perished in a lab fire. Kincaid’s editor, a man named Fletcher, had been murdered too but he had been shot in London, supposedly to stop any revelation of Kincaid’s story about the drug barons of the north.
‘What drug barons of the north?’ murmured Steven as he failed to find any report of a successful trial and conviction relating to any of the horrors he’d been reading about. Seven murders and not one arrest? If he had been looking for the reason for John Macmillan’s unease, he felt he’d come some way along that road. Why had no one been brought to justice? Surely there would have been a public outcry
… but apparently not. When the dust settled, the Northern Health Scheme had just faded away, and John Carlisle’s career had followed suit, along with what the papers had been calling the drugs war. Life had seemingly returned to normal for the good folks of the Newcastle Health Trust area in record time.
A new Conservative government was returned in ’92, and a new health secretary was appointed. The Northern Health Scheme ‘experiment’ was declared over, and relative calm prevailed for the next five years before the public voted the Tories out and New Labour came to power. Now, after nearly thirteen years, and with an election looming, it looked like time for change again. And this scenario had coincided with the death of two people, maybe three, who had been involved in a health initiative in the early nineties. Coincidence, or was there more to it?
Steven felt he’d been cooped up in the flat for too long, and sitting in the one position had given him a sore back. The sun was shining so it was easy to give in to the urge to go for a walk by the river. There was a lot to think about, and he hoped the fresh air might clear his head. What he needed was some kind of working hypothesis, but for the moment he felt as if he could have been looking for the unifying theory of the universe; there was always going to be a bit that didn’t quite fit. Macmillan had mooted the idea that John Carlisle might be the key, so he concentrated his thoughts on him.
Supposing Carlisle had always been the dishonest character he’d recently been shown to be, and supposing he had been involved in something not quite kosher at the time of the health scheme, was it conceivable that he had been found out and marginalised by his own party who had then mounted some kind of cover-up to avoid a scandal? The incoming Conservative administration back in ’92 could have shifted him sideways — as indeed they had — and kept him quiet with threats of what they were holding over him, but that wouldn’t explain why they had dismantled the new health scheme when it had been working so well.
It didn’t make sense. Politicians didn’t turn their backs on success, and the scheme had clearly been a big asset. Surely the bright thing would have been for the new health secretary to continue with it and roll it out across the whole country to popular acclaim. Instead, they had abandoned it, labelling it as an ‘experiment’ — a failed ‘experiment’ if they were abandoning it. He must be missing something.
Maybe it had had something to do with the health scheme itself, was Steven’s next thought, some scam running in parallel, something to do with drug supply or pricing, perhaps? It only took a moment to conclude that this was an even more preposterous theory. Even if Carlisle had been the most venal of men, he would hardly have been likely to jeopardise a then brilliant career, with everything to play for, including leadership of his party, for a bit of cash on the side. That was a non-starter.
As he turned for home, Steven concluded that he needed to know more about John Carlisle. He needed to know what the man had really been like. Right now he was floundering between a prospective leader of his party and possible future prime minister, and a dishonest little nobody caught fiddling his expenses. The man was dead but he had a widow and she lived down in Kent.
That idea was stillborn. Tory wives were notoriously loyal where outsiders were concerned. Standing by their man came more naturally to them than to Tammy Wynette. What he needed was a few words with one of Carlisle’s opponents, a contemporary who, after all this time, might provide an unbiased appraisal. He would ask Jean Roberts to find someone who’d been on the Labour health team back then and, if possible, set up an interview.