not in the list) or choose an entry from the list to be the value of the field.

AutoCompleteTextView subclasses EditText, so you can configure all the standard look-and-feel aspects, such as font face and color.

In addition, AutoCompleteTextView has a android:completionThreshold property, to indicate the minimum number of characters a user must enter before the list filtering begins.

You can give AutoCompleteTextView an adapter containing the list of candidate values via setAdapter(). However, since the user could type something not in the list, AutoCompleteTextView does not support selection listeners. Instead, you can register a TextWatcher, like you can with any EditText, to be notified when the text changes. These events will occur either because of manual typing or from a selection from the drop-down list.

The following is a familiar-looking XML layout, this time containing an AutoCompleteTextView (pulled from the Selection/AutoComplete sample application):

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>











 <AutoCompleteTextView android:id='@+id/edit'





The corresponding Java code is:

public class AutoCompleteDemo extends Activity

 implements TextWatcher {

 TextView selection;

 AutoCompleteTextView edit;

 String[] items={'lorem', 'ipsum', 'dolor', 'sit', 'amet',

  'consectetuer', 'adipiscing', 'elit', 'morbi', 'vel',

  'ligula', 'vitae', 'arcu', 'aliquet', 'mollis',

  'etiam', 'vel', 'erat', 'placerat', 'ante',

  'porttitor', 'sodales', 'pellentesque', 'augue', 'purus'};


 public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {



  selection = (TextView)findViewById(;

  edit = (AutoCompleteTextView)findViewById(;


  edit.setAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<String> (this,

   android.R.layout.simple_dropdown_item_1line, items));


 public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before,

  int count) {



 public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start,

  int count, int after) {

  // needed for interface, but not used


 public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {

  // needed for interface, but not used



This time, our activity implements TextWatcher, which means our callbacks are onTextChanged() and beforeTextChanged(). In this case, we are only interested in the former, and we update the selection label to match the AutoCompleteTextView’s current contents.

Figures 8-6, 8-7, and 8-8 show the application results.

Figure 8-6. The AutoCompleteDemo sample application, as initially launched

Figure 8-7. The same application, after a few matching letters were entered, showing the auto-complete drop-down

Figure 8-8. The same application, after the auto-complete value was selected

Galleries, Give or Take the Art

The Gallery widget is not one ordinarily found in GUI toolkits. It is, in effect, a horizontally- laid-out listbox. One choice follows the next across the horizontal plane, with the currently-selected item highlighted. On an Android device, one rotates through the options through the left and right D-pad buttons.

Compared to the ListView, the Gallery takes up less screen space while still showing multiple choices at one time (assuming they are short enough). Compared to the Spinner, the Gallery always shows more than one choice at a time.

The quintessential example use for the Gallery is image preview — given a collection of photos or icons, the Gallery lets people preview the pictures in the process of choosing one.

Code-wise, the Gallery works much like a Spinner or GridView. In your XML layout, you have a few properties at your disposal:

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