emulator, or -unsigned
indicating that you built your application for release (ant release), but the APK still needs to be signed using jarsigner
and an official key.
Inside the Manifest
The foundation for any Android application is the manifest file: AndroidManifest.xml
in the root of your project. Here is where you declare what is inside your application — the activities, the services, and so on. You also indicate how these pieces attach themselves to the overall Android system; for example, you indicate which activity (or activities) should appear on the device’s main menu (aka the launcher).
When you create your application, you will get a starter manifest generated for you. For a simple application, offering a single activity and nothing else, the auto-generated manifest will probably work out fine, or perhaps require a few minor modifications. On the other end of the spectrum, the manifest file for the Android API demo suite is over 1,000 lines long. Your production Android applications will probably fall somewhere in the middle.
Most of the interesting bits of the manifest will be described in greater detail in the chapters on their associated Android features. For example, the service
element is described in greater detail in Chapter 30. For now, you just need to understand what the role of the manifest is and its general construction.
In the Beginning There Was the Root, and It Was Good
The root of all manifest files is, not surprisingly, a manifest
<manifest xmlns:android='http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android'
Note the namespace declaration. Curiously, the generated manifests apply it only on the attributes, not the elements (e.g., it’s manifest
, not android:manifest
). However, that pattern works, so unless Android changes, stick with their pattern.
The biggest piece of information you need to supply on the manifest element is the package
attribute (also curiously not namespaced). Here you can provide the name of the Java package that will be considered the “base” of your application. Then, everywhere else in the manifest file that needs a class name, you can just substitute a leading dot as shorthand for the package. For example, if you needed to refer to com.commonsware.android.search.Snicklefritz
in our example manifest, you could just use .Snicklefritz
since com.commonsware.android.search
is defined as the application’s package.
Permissions, Instrumentations, and Applications (Oh, My!)
Underneath the manifest element, you will find the following:
• uses-permission
elements to indicate what permissions your application will need in order to function properly. See Chapter 29 for more details.
• permission
elements to declare permissions that activities or services might require other applications hold in order to use your application’s data or logic. Again, more details are forthcoming in Chapter 29.
• instrumentation
elements to indicate code that should be invoked on key system events, such as starting up activities, for the purposes of logging or monitoring.
• uses-library
elements to hook in optional Android components, such as mapping services
• Possibly a uses-sdk
element to indicate what version of the Android SDK the application was built for.
• An application
element defining the guts of the application that the manifest describes.
In the following example the manifest has uses-permission elements to indicate some device capabilities the application will need — in this case, permissions to allow the application to determine its current location. And there is the application element, whose contents will describe the activities, services, and whatnot that make up the bulk of the application itself.
<manifest xmlns:android='http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android'
android:name='android.permission.ACCESS_LOCATION' />
android:name='android.permission.ACCESS_GPS' />
android:name='android.permission.ACCESS_ASSISTED_GPS' />
android:name='android.permission.ACCESS_CELL_ID' />
Your Application Does Something, Right?
The real meat of the manifest file is the children of the application
By default, when you create a new Android project, you get a single activity
<manifest xmlns:android='http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android'
<activity android:name='.Now' android:label='Now'>
<action android:name='android.intent.action.MAIN' />
<category android:name='android.intent.category.LAUNCHER' />
This element supplies android:name
for the class implementing the activity,