And that was fine. He was in no hurry to plunge into this fight, and the extra time meant more opportunity for the merchantman to escape.
“Stand ready on your starboard broadside,” Marlowe called down into the waist.
The Plymouth Prizes were hunched over their guns, watching the target draw closer. It would be a battle with great guns that morning, Marlowe had decided. He could not let the Vengeances board; they would overrun his men in no time. There
had to be almost twice the number of pirates as there were guardship’s men.
But the pirates would not have the discipline to load and run out, load and run out, keeping up a constant barrage like his own, better-trained men. What was more, the
The loss of life on the
King James climbed up the quarterdeck ladder and walked aft, taking his place behind Marlowe. He looked terrible. His face was battered. He walked with a painful limp, but Marlowe knew better than to try and order him below. He nodded a greeting and James nodded back, and Marlowe turned his attention back to the
She was still firing, scoring more hits as the two vessels closed, but still Marlowe held his fire. They were no more than a cable length apart. In less than a minute it would be time to blast them to hell.
He swept the dark hull with his glass. The
Marlowe felt that first spark of suspicion flare up and glow in his mind, just as the lookout sang out again.
“On deck! Merchantman’s hauled his wind!”
“What in hell is he about?” Rakestraw asked of no one in particular.
The big black merchantman, all but forgotten until that moment, had already completed her turn and was running
down on them as fast as she had been running away just a mo
ment before.
“Is he coming to our aid?” Rakestraw asked.
Marlowe laughed, despite himself.
“Sir, I don’t understand-”
“He fooled us,” Marlowe said bitterly. “He lured us right in like the fish we are. The battle was a sham, the brigands have both ships, and now we are trapped betwixt them, goddamn me for an idiot.”
Rakestraw’s eyes went noticeably wider as he realized their situation. “What shall we do, sir?”
“Die, I should think, if we let them trap us thus. Goddamn me, this is all but exactly what I did to him! How could I be so damned stupid? Mr. Middleton!”
The second officer looked up and waved.
“You shall have time for perhaps two broadsides. Make them count. Fire when you are ready, but soon, if you please.”
“Aye, sir! Fire!” Middleton strung the words together, and the gun crews, ready for the past ten minutes, lit off their great guns in one solid wall of smoke and flames and noise.
With some satisfaction Marlowe witnessed the destruction unleashed on the
The Prizes were reloading under the urgent prompting of Lieutenant Middleton, or seeking out victims over the tops of their falconets, blasting the pirate with muzzle loads of glass and twisted metal. But there were not that many targets to be found, for the old
Just enough on board to make a great show with unshotted guns, Marlowe thought. He felt the anger, the disgust. How could he be so stupid? Would they all die because of his idiocy? Would Elizabeth have the courage to put a bullet in
her head, or would the pirates find her, huddled in a dark corner, and…
He shook his head, shook it hard, driving the thoughts from his mind. In the waist the Prizes were running out again, firing again. He saw rigging aboard their target swept away like spiderwebs, saw more of the rail collapse. But that was enough of that. He did not want to attack that old and worn-out ship, because that was what LeRois wanted him to do.
“Hands to braces! Starboard your helm!” Marlowe shouted, just able to hear himself through dulled and ringing ears. The
The black merchantman was bearing down on them now, not two cable lengths away. The brigands were crowding into the bows and head rig, making ready to board. There was many times the number of men aboard her than there was aboard the other ship. Marlowe could picture the bastards huddled down behind the bulwark, snickering at the great deception they were carrying off, fooling the very ship that had fooled them so.
“Damn my eyes, damn my eyes to hell,” Marlowe muttered, then called down to Middleton, “Man the larboard battery. Hit ’em as hard as ever you can!”
Middleton had already shifted his men across the deck, and on Marlowe’s word he yelled “Fire!” and the larboard guns went off.
The merchantman was coming bow-on, and the
And then he heard it. The lone voice, deep, slow, chanting, “Death, death, death…”
Heads aboard the
“Death, death, death…” The voice was joined by another and another, and then the terrible pounding started, and the fiddle and the bones banging together. Most of the pirates were on the merchantman’s deck, shielded from the
“Fire! Keep firing, damn your eyes!” Middleton shouted.
The men fired again, and the falconets blasted away, and when the noise had subsided and the smoke blown past, it was still there, the black ship coming on, the horrible cacophony, “Death, death, death…”
“Sir, shall I stand the men ready to repel boarders?” Rakestraw asked.
“What?” Marlowe was jerked from the horrible vision. “Oh, yes, pray do.” He still did not intend for there to be any boarders, but he had already made several atrocious mistakes that day, and there was still time for more.
The pirate, the new