The real force will be directed at the subject inside the cell.'
'Her name is Vicky Barnwell,' Kracowski said.
Mills flipped through a folder. 'That's funny. You termed her 'Patient 7-AAC in your records. Her ESP score was pathetic, though. We'll see if we can fix that.'
'I'm sure you'll do better. Compared to you, I'm just a guy who sweeps up after the lab closes.'
'Then watch and maybe you'll learn something, and one day you can play 'genius,' too.'
Mills entered the rest of the commands, then keyed the machinery into action. The tanks hummed and Kracowski tried to visualize the process of the electricity running through the miles of coil wire in the superconducting magnet, the helium lowering the temperature and reducing the wire's resistance. The draw on the electrical grid caused the scant lighting to grow even dimmer, until the room was cast in orange and deep blue. The whine of the machinery grew louder, and McDonald moved behind Mills's computer as if that would provide some protection in case the tanks exploded.
Kracowski looked at his wristwatch. Electromagnetic fields could impair the functioning of watches, but Mills had done a good job of isolating and controlling the direction of the field. Whatever his other flaws, he was a brilliant physicist.
Thirty seconds went by.
Kracowski expected any number of things: for Vicky to scream, for Mills to jump up the juice, for McDonald to ask what was going on. But no theory could have predicted what happened next.
Vicky pounded on the inside of the cell door with the bottom of her fist. In a calm voice, she said, 'Hey, you guys. Better come see this. There's somebody in here.'
Footsteps approached from the far end of the hall. Somebody was in a hurry, Freeman thought. He and Starlene pressed into the corner. The stairwell was close enough to make a run for, but it was keyed like most of the other doors, and they'd have to go through Randy's assortment to find the one that fit.
'Hey, Freeman, is that you?' Isaac said in a loud whisper.
Freeman was about to answer, then wondered if Isaac had been turned into a mole for the Trust. Stranger things had happened. You couldn't trust a guy just because he was a kid instead of an adult.
'I saw it happen,' Dipes said, sniffling from a cold. 'I mean, I saw what's going to happen. And it's not nice.'
Freeman peeked around the corner. Isaac and Dipes stood there in sweatpants and T-shirts. Isaac's curly hair was damp, and they were both panting from exertion. Isaac nudged Dipes and said 'He saw you guys hiding in the corner by the stairs.'
'So you can read minds, too?' Starlene asked Dipes.
'Sort of,' Isaac answered for him. 'He saw it ten minutes ago. It took us that long to sneak away from the gym and get here.'
'Is that where the other kids are?'
'Yeah. Except Vicky. Some goon came and got her. A new guy, wearing a uniform. And Deke's still nowhere to be found.'
'What else did you see?' Freeman asked Dipes, then added for Starlene's benefit, 'He's clairvoyant, or whatever you call it when you know the future. Like Nostradamus or Edgar Cayce, except Dipes doesn't talk in stupid riddles.'
Starlene nodded as if such a talent were only natural in a world where kids had ESP and ghosts walked around like they owned the place. At least she seemed to be losing some of that grown-up tendency to deny everything that didn't fit into her narrow worldview Freeman decided maybe there was hope for her after all.
'Can we trust her?' Dipes said. Isaac put a hand of encouragement on his shoulder.
'She's promised not to shrink us,' Freeman said. 'She just wants to help.'
'Couldn't have said it better myself,' Starlene said. 'So, what's going to happen that we need to be scared of?'
Dipes looked at Freeman. 'Ghosts.'
Isaac said 'You guys keep going on about ghosts. I'll believe it when I see it.'
'Believe it,' Starlene said. 'What ghosts in particular are you talking about, Edmund?'
'Edmund?' Isaac said, looking at Dipes. 'That's a pretty cool name. Like in a British book or something. Why didn't you tell us?'
He shrugged. 'I like 'Dipes' better, 'cause Edmund's what my folks called me.'
'What ghost did you see?' Starlene repeated.
Dipes pointed a finger at Freeman's chest. 'Yours.'
'Great,' Freeman said. 'Well, maybe you saw only one kind of future, and there's bound to be a gazillion different futures.'
Isaac's dark complexion grew a shade paler. 'Sure. Like opening doors on a video game. Depending on which room you go in, different stuff happens.'
'We better go in one of them, and soon,' Starlene said. She went to the stairwell door and began trying keys. 'They'll be after us.'
'Are you scared?' Dipes asked Freeman.
'About maybe dying? Nah. There are way worse things than that.'
'Like what?'
Freeman didn't want to dwell on it. For one thing, if he died, that meant he'd have to see Mom again. For another, he didn't plan on dying. Even Clint Eastwood managed to make it to the final credits nine times out of ten.
Except in those movies where Clint was the Defender of me Weak, Protector of the Innocent. Then it was practically a hero's requirement to take one for the team. He looked at Starlene's face. Tears made twin lines down her cheeks.
Damn, Freeman thought. She must really sort of like me a little bit.
'It's worse to live like you're waiting for second chances,' Freeman finally said. 'That's worse than being dead.'
Starlene found the right key and swung the door open. She wiped her nose and regained her composure.
'You guys better stay here,' Freeman said.
'No way,' Isaac said. 'They're going to pick us off one by one if we don't do something.'
'Yeah,' Dipes said. 'I saw a future where this place was empty. All the kids gone. Except for the ones in the basement.'
'The basement?'
'Yeah. Where the ghosts live.'
Freeman followed Starlene down the dark stairs.
Isaac took Dipes's hand and came after them. 'So we better stick together. Plus, this may be my only chance to see a real live ghost.'
'Just hope you're not looking in a mirror at the time,' Freeman said.
They felt their way down. A dim emergency light filtered up from the base of the stairs, the glow painting the cobwebs a sickly yellow. The air was thick with dust and the rot of old masonry. The walls of the stairwell were stone, and a damp chill settled into Freeman's bones as they descended. They gathered at the basement door and Starlene began trying keys.
'What's the plan?' Freeman whispered.
'Get Vicky and get out,' she answered.
'Out, where?'
'We'll make up that part when we get to it.'
'Good plan,' Freeman said.
'Can you read Vicky's mind? Or, what do you call it, 'triptrap' her?'