open from waistband to knee! And I wasn't wearing drawers! What was I to do!

Just then, I caught sight of Mme. de Baisieux at the foot of the little slope on which the summer-house stood, evidently making her way to it. She was leading her little cousin by the hand, from which I came to the conclusion that she did not propose to day to satisfy the cravings of sexual desire.-I was rather pleased than otherwise, for now I could slip in and hide there till the evening or until I managed in some way to mend my torn breeches.

So in I slipped, and was hardly among the bundles of hay and certainly not full of voluptuous ideas, when the door suddenly opened, and I saw Mme. de Baisieux enter, leaving the little child outside.

'Don't you come in,' she said, — 'I'm going to see if there are any rats here and to kill them. So don't come in, for they may bite you.'

'Don't be long, cousin!'

'No, no.' And she set to work to find the spot she occupied on the last occasion.

I had taken off my breeches and I had them in my hand, greatly embarrassed. Here was the much desired tete-a-tete, and a stupid accident was preventing me from benefiting by it! But the sight of Mme. de Baisieux, looking more charming than ever inspired me with the most voluptuous ideas and re-animated my somewhat chilled desires and gave me the necessary audacity that the situation demanded. The recollection of the charms which I could still imagine under her clothes and which I perhaps was again going to see in their lovely nudity soon produced on me the effect that no pretty woman can help producing on any man worthy of the name. Rather than appear after the conclusion of the little play she was preparing for herself (and which would make her the of shame if she thought I had been a spectator of her actions) I showed myself without further delay.

A cry of startled modesty, quite natural, greeted me.

'What are you doing here, Monsieur? — I thought you had gone off with the shooting party!'

'I did start with them, but I left my cartridges behind and came back for them, — and chose the quickest way; and in climbing over the garden wall I have torn my breeches badly. I saw you coming along and so took refuge here, — and was horribly astonished when you came in! Now will you do me a great favour! can you somehow get me a needle and thread so that I can repair this disaster as far as may be possible, at all events sufficiently to allow of my getting out of my present extremely unfortunate and inconvenient position!'

Mme. de Baisieux broke into hearty laughter, no doubt relieved to find that I had not been spying on her; my accident thus saved me from suspicions which would have entirely spoiled my chances!

Briefly, so as not to tire my readers with conversations and explanations, after some hesitation on Mme. de Baisieux's part, we arranged that I should hide in a corner and throw my breeches over to her; she then would mend them as much as was possible and throw them back to me. She had the necessary needle and thread with her and in a few minutes she completed her work.

'There you are, Monsieur!' she exclaimed as she threw the breeches back to me, and which I quickly slipped on, — 'now good morning!'

'Oh please, wait a moment to let me thank you!'

'No, no. — good-bye! If any one should find us together here!..'

But by this time, I was alongside of her and had slipped my arm round her waist while I begged for a sweet kiss! — I then stole one.

'Enough! enough! no more!' she protested, — suppose any one should come in!.. And my cousin?'

'Only one word, please! I must tell you!'

'Quickly then!'

'I didn't scramble over the wall to get my cartridges, — I wanted to get here without exciting anyone's suspicions, for I saw you on your way here. I wanted to tell you that you are the prettiest girl I know, that I adore you…

And I rained kisses on her cheeks.

'Oh! oh! — Monsieur Henri, how can you!.. I couldn't have believed it…'

'I adore you! you are so pretty, so sweet! Oh! Bertha, my darling, my love!.. you will?… — you will?… won't you?…'

'What!.. do you know my name?'

'It's the first thing a man learns about the girl he loves, — and I've known it for a long time!'

All the time I continued to shower kisses on her as I held her tightly clasped in my arms against me. I could feel how her flesh was quivering through her thin summer dress, as I covered her cheeks, the nape of her neck, her throat, her mouth and lips with my ardent kisses. She let herself sink down on the straw murmuring 'Enough!.. enough!..' then, as if to conceal her surrender of herself now commencing, she fell into a half-swoon, closing her eyes which I kissed, and half-opening her lips, between which my tongue promptly slipped without however getting any reciprocal response from hers! One of my arms supported her body, the other hand crept under her dress and petticoats and caressed gently her dainty calves, then after a pause crept higher up to her garters where when a woman's leg is bent one can so deliciously lodge one's hand between the swell of the calf and the skin of the thigh! From this point of vantage, getting bolder, my hand crept still higher! Oh! what a sweet thrill ran through both of us when my fingers touched the soft warm bare flesh of her plump rounded thighs which she was vainly squeezing against each other.

This time also she had no drawers on! From the top of her dainty shoes to her smooth satin belly, the hairs on which I now gently was playing with, there was no obstacle to my full view!

'No!.. no!.. 'she murmured as she felt my fingers invade her slit, — 'not there!.. not there!..'

But in spite of this flicker of rebellion, this last effort of expiring shame, my finger settled itself on her tiny clitoris and commenced the ecstatic function which Mme. de Baisieux hitherto had reserved for her own little fingers! Under its sweetly mysterious influence, her body began to stretch itself out, her faintness increased, her tongue began to respond to mine! And then her legs commenced to open out! She was mine! — she had surrendered herself to me! — I now only had to take possession for her!

In one's first amorous encounter with any fresh woman, it is always most advisable that one should go slowly at first, watching her carefully and defeating every attempt at resistance, — to pretend to be seized with delirious passion for her — until your sweet combatant yields herself under the repeated thrills of pleasure you have communicated to her, — then let yourself go and indulge to the utmost your concupiscence and your desires.

I was now burning to look closely at all the charms that so far I had seen from a distance only. Quickly I threw up her clothes so as to get a good look — and as I did I thought of the piquant spectacle we would afford any one who might have his eye where I had mine on the previous occasion!

All I saw were now mine!.. mine! These lovely legs, these slender, dainty calves. She was wearing the same underclothing as on the last occasion, — tiny kid-shoes, cream-coloured silk stockings, blue garters. On her right thigh was a tiny brown mole mark! Oh! how I longed to kiss everything! — that lovely satin skin, that silky chestnut triangular patch of curls which formed so adorable a contrast to her blond beauty! — how I would have liked to put my mouth on the delicious little slit which was now beginning to open its pouting lips! But I hadn't the time now! I had to keep holding her clothes up! Another time I would repay myself with interest!

Recalled thus to the sweet reality, I placed myself between her charming legs, I pulled her clothes still higher up, I rapidly undid the front of my breeches and freed my imprisoned member — then shoved it still and burning into the sweet opening that was impatiently awaiting its introduction, — while at the same time I thrust my tongue as deeply as I could into the mouth of my pretty victim.

'Bertha!.. oh! Bertha!.. oh! how heavenly!.. you're delicious!.. divine!.. oh! you angel!.. you angel!..'

Women as a rule do not let their lovers who are rogering them for the first time understand how they appreciate the pleasure that is wildly rioting through them all the time, for they love to behave as if they were being violated! Mme. de Baisieux only departed from this policy to murmur as we were approaching the sweet ecstatic conclusion. 'Oh!.. please… please… take it out!.. not inside me!.. no! no! please!' Although I was mad with pleasure I had sufficient control of myself to obey her. Unfortunate results might otherwise arise from our pleasure. Oh! mysterious decrees of Providence! — without you how much more amiable and obliging women would be, — and also how deliciously libertine!

It comes back to me how I was kissing her tiny ear ornamented with a single pearl as I awaited the moment when I must withdraw my prick from inside her in accordance with her prudent request. The moment arrived, — everything shot on to her white petticoat!

I offered her my handkerchief.

'But then you won't have a handkerchief!' she exclaimed.

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