
For a moment, the commander felt a sense of relief. But only for a moment. No, his intuition said, Quivalin Soth V would not abandon his ambitions because one effort had failed. Things would change, but they would remain the same. In some form or other, the war of expansion would continue.

Outside the palace, Gart looked upward in surprise. When he had entered, the day had been clear and sunny. Now, though, the skies were dark with heavy, sullen clouds.

'Giarna waged a fierce campaign,' Dreyus told Lord Kane. 'But in the end he was stupid. He failed to reckon on the tenacity of the elves, or to realize that not all of the elves are forest recluses. The western elves-the Wild- runners-fight as plainsmen when they must. They can be full of surprises. They even control griffons, it seems. And the general allowed himself to be betrayed by a woman. His own doxy, Suzine.'

'Suzine des Quivalin?' Lord Kane's eyes widened. 'A relative of His Majesty…?'

'Enough!' Dreyus's voice went low and cold. 'The woman is never to be referred to by family name, or by lineage. She is not related to anyone in Ergoth, not even the lowest tradesman or serf. Is that understood?'

'Perfectly.' Kane nodded. 'But the campaign in the east, is it…?'

'It continues,' Dreyus said. 'Giarna failed, but the empire has not. The war will continue. Even now, the scattered forces of Giarna's army are being gathered on the plains to await my return from Daltigoth. And that brings me to my reason for stopping here in Klanath on my way to Ullves's palace. We shall require certain, ah, augmented services from you, Prince Kane. Klanath was important to the previous campaign, as you know. It will be far more important to the coming campaign.'

'I shall do my best to serve,' Kane said smoothly. 'As you doubtless know, I have managed to keep the road open and the mines in full production, despite some small problems.'

'Some small problems,' Dreyus drawled with heavy irony. 'Yes, I know about those. First you lost several thousand slaves, then for two years or more you allowed empire caravans to be plagued by raiders and thieves.'

'I have accounted for all of that,' Kane snapped. 'The empire's coffers suffered no loss from the slave revolt. And as to those isolated raids…'

Dreyus raised a hand. 'Enough,' he said. 'I know all about it, and am not here to take you to task. You have proven to be a capable subject of the empire, Lord Kane. Or perhaps only an incredibly lucky one, but that doesn't matter. What matters now is how well you serve my conquest of the eastern territories.'

'Your conquest?'

'When I return from Daltigoth, I shall lead the forces that will finally put an end to the resistance of barbarian tribes and frontier elves,' Dreyus said bluntly. 'I… we shall no longer entrust such matters to mere generals.'

'I see.' Kane clapped his hands, and a servant slipped through a sliding wall panel to fill two goblets, then hastened away. 'And my duties, Eminence?'

'Klanath will be my base for the duration of the campaign,' Dreyus said. 'You shall be privileged to serve as host to my headquarters, my supply stores, and certain of my troops. Another of Giarna's several mistakes, you see, was to use Klanath only as a depot and rest stop for reinforcements. He should have realized from the outset that the sheer distance between Daltigoth-or even Caer-goth-and the barbarian plains gave an undue advantage to his enemies. I shall give them no such advantage.'

Dreyus picked up his goblet and downed its contents. Although the vessel held the most precious of spiced wines, cooled by chips of clear ice from the lofty peaks above Klanath, the big man drank it as though it were no more than vulgar ale. Then he tossed the goblet aside and continued, 'Starting shortly after my arrival in Daltigoth, my lord, you may expect caravans carrying all the things that I shall need for my campaign. These goods will be delivered into your care, to hold for me until I return here. I will expect to find them intact and undamaged when I arrive.'

Lord Kane simply nodded, saying nothing.

'Also,' Dreyus said imperiously, 'you will close your mines for the present.'

'Close the mines?' Kane rasped, frowning.

'Close the mines,' Dreyus repeated. 'For the present, you will have other work for your slaves. They shall be set to quarrying stone, immediately. Upon my return, I shall require suitable quarters for myself, my staff, and my servants. You will have these quarters built to specifications that will arrive with the first supply caravan.' He gazed at Kane with eyes that shone with power and determination. 'I trust you have no objection.'

'It will be as you command, Eminence.' Kane nodded. 'And when will you return?'

'In the spring, possibly. Or in the summer. I shall return when I am ready to return. And you, Prince of KJanath, will be ready to welcome me when I do.'

'As you say,' Kane conceded.

'For the duration of my campaign in the east,' Dreyus went on, 'my command will be in residence at Klanath. You shall govern Klanath, of course, but until Ullves's empire extends to Silvanost itself, you shall govern for my convenience. Is that clear?'

Lord Kane's jaws were tight with anger, but he kept his voice steady. All he had heard about Dreyus, he realized, was true. Being face-to-face with the big man was like being face-to-face with Quivalin himself. The two bore no resemblance in physical features, but in force of presence, they might have been the same person. 'Quite clear,' Kane said.

'I-we, His Imperial Majesty and myself-will hold you personally responsible,' Dreyus said. His business attended to, the big man leaned back, relaxing slightly. 'We will not make the mistakes that Giarna made,' he added casually. 'We will not be plagued by delayed supplies, traitors in our own beds, unexpected storms, unexpected griffons, unexpected dwarves…'

'Dwarves?' Lord Kane's ears twitched.

'A legion of dwarves took part in the battle at Sithel-bec,' Dreyus noted. 'On the side of the elves and their allies. It was just one more of the things Giarna failed to anticipate.'

When Dreyus had gone, Lord Kane paced alone in his great hall, shaken and angry. Close the mines, the man ordered! Without the mines, much of Kane's wealth would be gone. Still, there was no choice in the matter. A man who has once survived the emperor's displeasure could not hope for forgiveness a second time. What the emperor demanded, the emperor must receive, fully and immediately. And he had no doubt that, when Dreyus spoke, it was with the emperor's voice. The feeling of presence was uncanny. In some way, it was as though Dreyus was Quivalin Soth V.

But what had shaken him most was Dreyus's demand that Klanath and the Klanath region-the granted fief of Lord Kane-be guaranteed under control and trouble-free.

Dwarves had fought at Sithelbec. And now, if Tulien Gart could be believed, an army of dwarves was encamped behind a stone wall just four miles from Klanath. Such a thing was aggravating, at the least. But now-in light of Dreyus's plans-it was intolerable. Something would have to be done, and quickly.

He was very glad that he had confined the Third Battalion to quarters. It would not do for Dreyus to learn about the problem in Tharkas Pass. That was something that Lord Kane would have to deal with himself.

In a quiet glade on the perimeter of the Chosen Ones' encampment, Despaxas and Calan Silvertoe sat together, the old dwarf watching the elf while the elf gazed into a shallow bowl partly filled with milky liquid.

Long minutes had passed this way, and Calan was growing impatient. 'Come on,' he rasped. 'What does it say?'

Despaxas looked up innocently. 'It doesn't 'say' anything, my friend. That isn't how it works.'

'I don't care how it works,' Calan said. 'I just want to know what you've learned.'

'Well, I've learned that Kith-Kanan and his allies were victorious at Sithelbec.'

'I already know that,' Calan grunted. 'You told me that a week ago. What's the news this time?' 'General Giarna is disgraced,' the elf said. Calan grinned. 'Good,' he said. 'Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person. Does that mean the war is over?'

'No.' Despaxas shrugged. 'The human emperor will start again, with new command. That's what puzzles me. The command has already been decided, but I don't know who it will be. There is someone… a presence… but I'm not sure there's really anyone there. If s as though he-the presence-is somewhere else entirely.'

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