How we got the dishes washed and put away I do not know; but at last they were finished and arm in arm my lover and I hurried to the music room.

And now, my friend, I am afraid you are going to doubt what I am about to tell you. I know you will call me a liar when I relate to you the various things that happened that night. But as God is my judge, every word is the gospel truth. Not only that; I am going to relate it word for word, as near as I can recall it.

As I said, we hurried to the music room, and though I was partly aware of what was to happen, I was hardly able to start putting my thoughts into practical use. It was different, however, with Vera.

She knew all about what was going to happen; as she told me afterward, she, too, had been looking forward to that night. I can remember every detail as though it were but yesterday. First Vera pulled all the shades down. Then she arranged two lamps so their light would shine all over the room. Then, when everything seemed to her liking, she turned to me. Taking me in her arms, she kissed me again and again.

'You really love me, dear?” she asked.

I nodded my answer; I couldn't find words to tell her how much!

'And you wish to make me very happy?” she continued.

Again I nodded my answer. “Oh, Vera,” I cried, “I'm ready to do any and everything you say!'

'Then go to your room and undress,” she whispered, her eyes bright, her breasts heaving, “then return here.'

For a long moment, I gazed into her eyes. “And you. Will you be undressed too?'

'Hurry, and don't ask silly questions!” she chided me. “Go!'

My heart beating wildly, I rushed to my room. I knew we had nothing to fear; we were alone in our home. The curtains were drawn and we had the entire night before us.

Quickly I slipped out of my clothes. Without waiting to make such preparations as one would deem necessary under the circumstances, I hurried back to Vera. But as hasty as I had been, I found her already undressed and waiting. How she ever got out of her clothes so quickly I never knew, nor did I ask. I rushed into her arms like a crazed person! Our nude bodies met with a resounding smack, and for long moments, we stood there, our breasts crushed together!

Then she led me to a broad couch and pushed me down. I tried to lower my face between her shapely thighs, but she would have none of this. She had other ideas about what was to follow.

'You must be patient, my dear,” she said, kissing me. “We have the whole night before us, and we must go slowly. You must conform to the program as I have thought it all out. Won't you do that?'

I could only nod my head in answer.

The program, as she termed it, consisted of placing me upon the couch, in a position not unlike that assumed by my cousin in the summerhouse. And I, finally getting the idea of what she wanted, allowed myself to be molded to her will.

First, she positioned me full length with my thighs well parted. Then she leaned over me, kneeling on the floor herself, and began kissing me all over! I will never forget that night! Like the first time I had had her, she licked and kissed me from head to foot, ending the performance by sucking me most deliciously.

And even after I came, she continued to kiss my pussy gently, a little act she keenly enjoyed. Ah, Vera was a skilled artist, my friend. She knew how to best distill delight. She proved it a moment later when I wanted to suck her; she put me off, saying that she had other and better things in store for me.

Leaving me on the couch, she hurried to her room. She returned, carrying a cardboard box. Opening this, she produced an article which she called a “dildo.” You know all about these things, so I won't tire you with a description of it. Enough to say that it was a beauty; indeed, it proved to be the most perfect one I have ever seen. It was slightly over eight inches long and about two in diameter. It looked just like the cock I had seen in the summerhouse and dangling below Father's belly, even to the hair and balls, the only difference being that this one possessed much larger balls.

Naturally I was filled with wonder about the thing, and undoubtedly asked many foolish questions. Vera simply smiled and fastened the thing on me around my waist; she insisted that a demonstration of it would answer all my questions. I must have looked rather funny as I stood there with the strange instrument fastened on and sticking almost straight up in the air. I marveled at this part attached to me, similar to the ones I had seen on my father and my cousin's lover, but looking so alien to my own female form. I reached down and stroked it, running my hands over the tip and around to the sack-like appendages that hung down against my thighs. I grasped the thing about the middle and stroked it up and down, liking the feel of it. I was again drawn to the head with its flare of flesh that demarked the rod-like middle and formed into the rounded cap. It felt oddly right, jutting out below my belly as it did. Just the right distance from my arm for it to feel perfect in my hand. I wondered what it would be like to be a man and have one of these wondrous things for real instead of strapped on as this one was. I thought I'd never get any studying done-not to mention the other things a person must do all the day long-if I had such a delightful toy at my disposal; one so much more obvious and solidly present than my own sensitive but tiny clit. But I wasn't left long with my reflections before I was grasped and forced onto the couch. Vera placed me in a kneeling position upon the firm cushions and then knelt in front of me and clasped me in her arms. She pressed her full breasts against mine, rubbing them and mashing them together. With one hand, she reached down and grabbed hold of the stiff shaft I wore. She eased it between her thighs so that it rested parallel with her moist cunt. She rocked back and forth so that the length of the device glided along her cleft from the top of her slit to the back of her buttocks. The tip of the thing exited on the other side, far between her thighs. With each forward motion of her torso, I could feel the dildo press into my own mount, having been attached to me there.

Excited by this contact, I began moving my own hips, sliding the thing in and out of Vera's thighs. Suddenly Vera wrested the pole from between her legs and turned around upon the couch. She knelt in front of me again, but this time she faced away from me. I looked down upon her milky white buttocks which swelled in front of my legs. She reached around behind her and grabbed the device, pointing it to her now gaping cunt. She pulled the thing forward-and me along with it-and eased it within her juicy hole. “Push forward,” she gasped, panting with excitement. Maddened beyond endurance myself, I did as she instructed. I felt some slight resistance as I slowly worked the monstrous thing into her. It seemed to move in endlessly, disappearing into her anxious passageway. Finally, I could push in no more, and I felt the device butt up snugly against my own trembling slit. She rocked forward, pulling away. Having seen male-female pairs enacting this very scene, I needed no further instruction. I pulled back away from her and watched the long shaft reappear again as it exited her cunny. As it pulled free, I could see streaks of her pearly fluids adhering to it. As soon as all but the head had reappeared, I arched my back and thrust forward, ramming the entire length back into her in one shot. She moaned. Taking that sensuous sound as a sign that I'd done as she wanted, I repeated the movements again. I found that I liked the rhythm and the sucking sound that accompanied the push and pull of the “cock.” By now, Vera was writhing on and wildly thrusting herself back to meet my own motions. Each time the stiff pole was buried fully within her, my own cunny was treated to that pleasing pressure as the flat back of the device rubbed me. I frantically fucked her with that fake cock until she screamed with pleasure and fell in a heap in front of me. As soon as she broke free from the thing, I grasped it in my hands and ground it against me, bringing on my own crisis.

I wanted Vera to do the same to me but she would not listen. She said I was far too young to be penetrated with that monster; besides, she had something else far more appropriate for me.

The result of this, as you can readily guess, was a delightfully naughty sixty-nine, during which I came no less than three times. Vera, more seasoned than I, came five or six times. Then, the sharp edge having been taken off our appetites, we retired to her room. Spread out on her bed, I asked her many questions, and she told me the story of her life.

It seemed she was one of several sisters, and while still quite young, her father had married a second time, her own mother having died a year before. This stepmother was very cruel to them, with the result that one day Vera and her oldest sister ran away from home. Each had quite a sum of money that enabled them to live in fine style for a time. Then, having decided that their money could not last forever, they sought employment and were fortunate in getting it. Vera got accepted to a music school, and it was here she discovered she could sing. Before very long, one of the instructors took her in hand.

It happens that there were some two hundred other girls in this school. As is common in such places, one is sure to find a chum, or pal, with whom one could find happiness. Vera, being very pretty and full of fun, had no trouble in finding several girls she liked, and from these she chose a Miss Adams, an English girl, very pretty and talented, and greatly devoted to Vera. About a week after forming a friendship with this girl, Miss Adams asked

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