
A horn from the pass announces the return of the chiefs and their men. They pause there momentarily as the horn blasts again. “Here they come!” Illan says to the others as both the riders in the pass and the ones on the outskirts break into a gallop as they move in to attack.

Two archers remain and they begin firing off arrows but none strike their marks. One manages to hit the ground within a foot of Miko, the other was deflected off Uther’s shield.

“Strike the horses if you can’t get the men!” Illan tells them as they brace for the attack. “Remain together!”

Jiron positions himself over James and Miko while the others form a circle around them. Knife at the ready in his good hand, he stands firm as he watches the riders thunder closer.

The area around where the barrier had been is littered with the dead and provides them some cover. Also, the charging riders have to slow when they reach it to prevent their horses from stumbling.

Illan and the others move to attack while the riders are trying to move through the dead bodies. “For Madoc!” the battle cry can be heard as Uther’s sword takes out the first rider.

Other cries are heard as the battle is joined. Hinney and Keril stand shoulder to shoulder as they manage to hold their own against three riders.

One horseless rider manages to break through the ring of defenders and runs toward where Jiron is waiting. A smile crosses the rider’s face when he sees a man with only one good arm and just wielding a dagger at that.

Striking out at Jiron with his sword, the man so sure of victory, is surprised when Jiron easily deflects it to the side. Suddenly crying out in pain, the man falls to the ground after Jiron breaks his knee with a well placed kick. Trying to block Jiron’s next attack, he swings his sword wildly.

Jiron strikes out with his foot again and connects with the man’s groin. Then with his other foot he kicks the man’s swordarm, causing the sword to go flying. He then moves in with his knife and finishes him.

Standing up, he looks around at the battles going on around him. The defenders are taking a toll, especially Jorry and Uther who have a ring of bodies around them. Fifer has two dead while Illan and Yern have accounted for seven.

Keril suddenly cries out as a sword takes him in the side. Hinney quickly engages the rider as his friend falls to the ground. Other riders come and join the one fighting Hinney, Jiron knows he’s not going to last long.

Suddenly, to the south, more horns can be heard. Jiron looks and sees dozens of riders riding fast toward them. Damn! More reinforcements!

The horns sound again and an answering horn can be heard coming from the pass. The riders engaging the defenders suddenly break off and race to their awaiting horses. Leaping atop them, they join the riders coming fast from the pass.

Jiron can see the clan chiefs giving them an ugly look that says this isn’t over before they race off to the west. The large group of riders coming from the south breaks into two groups, the larger of the two turn to follow the clan chiefs. The smaller group approaches the scene of the battle.

“They’re ours,” says Illan when he can make them out. “Everyone alive?” he asks as he quickly takes stock of the situation. Coming over to where Hinney sits with Keril, he realizes Keril isn’t going to survive much longer. He kneels down as Keril turns his pain filled eyes to him.

“Did we win?” Keril asks.

“Yes, son,” Illan says to him soothingly, “we did. You fought bravely which saved the day.”

A smile spreads across his face.

When Hinney looks up at him, hope in his eyes, he shakes his head.

Illan gets back up, pats Hinney on the shoulder and goes over to see how James and Miko are doing, leaving him alone to share Keril’s last moments in peace.

Jiron sees him approaching and says, “They’re alive. Not sure if they will make it, though. James isn’t doing too well and Miko, well, I can’t even begin to guess about him. He doesn’t respond, though he only has minor cuts and bruises.”

“Keep an eye on them,” he says as he moves to greet the approaching riders, Jorry and Uther join him. He notices Uther has a blood soaked cloth tied around his arm and arcs an eyebrow in question.

“It’s not bad,” Uther tells him. “Just a minor cut.”

Nodding, Illan turns back to the riders. Once they’ve come close, he holds up his hand and says, “Thank you.”

The officer in charge says to his men, “Fan out and see if there’re any left alive.” As they move to comply, he gets down from his horse and greets Illan. “What the hell happened here?” The insignia on his uniform says he’s a Madoc cavalry captain.

“We were set upon as we were about to enter the pass,” Illan explains.

The officer gazes around at the hundreds of dead scattered about and the holes where the explosions had occurred. Then he turns his attention to Illan and his group. “You all there are?” he asks incredulously.

“Yes,” he replies.

“How did you manage to kill all these and only lose three?” he asks.

“Actually, we only lost one,” he tells him. Indicating James and Miko, he adds, “The other two are just unconscious.”

“I see,” the officer says. He holds out his hand and says, “Name’s Captain Herril.”

Taking the hand, Illan says, “Illan.”

“Now, how did you do it?” he asks.

“Can’t really explain it,” he says. Changing the subject, he asks, “How did you come to be here?”

“Yesterday, the Empire’s forces launched a major offensive against our line,” he says. “This group here was seen to pass by while we were engaged with the others. Once reinforcements arrived and the line stabilized again, I was sent to track them down.”

“Fortunate,” Illan comments.

“Yes, it seems so,” Captain Herril says. “You wouldn’t know anything about why they’re here would you?”

“I’m sure I don’t know,” Illan says, straight faced.

“Uh-huh,” he says, not sounding convinced.

One of his men rides up and salutes, “A couple are still alive.”

“Take them for questioning,” he tells the man.

Saluting, the rider returns and with others, begins rounding up the survivors.

“Where do you plan to go from here?” the captain asks.

“Through the pass into Cardri,” Illan says.

“And then?” he asks again.

“Who knows for sure?” replies Illan.

Illan notices that someone, probably Jiron, had covered up Abula-Mazki’s body to avoid any questions there. “We should be going,” he tells the captain. To Uther he says, “Go round up our horses, we’ll bury Keril first and then head into the pass.”

Jorry and Uther move away as they begin to round up their horses that had been scattered during the battle.

“I’d still like to know how you did this,” the captain demands, not going to be balked further in this.

Illan turns to where Jiron is sitting by James and hollers, “Get the letter.”

Nodding, Jiron searches through James’ pouch, finally pulling out the letter. Getting up, he brings it over and hands it to Illan who then hands it to the captain.

The captain opens it and begins reading the words written upon it. His eyes widen when he realizes whose signature is at the bottom. Finished, he returns the letter to Illan. “Okay then,” he says. “I’ll not press you further.”

“Lieutenant!” he shouts to one of his men.

A rider comes over and says, “Yes sir.”

“Get the men and the prisoners ready to ride,” he tells him.

Saluting, the lieutenant says, “Yes sir.” Then he turns back to the rest of the men and begins shouting

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