The captain sidestepped the blow, but he stumble-stepped to one side.
Cy swung again at the older man's back. The enchanted blade sliced through Lume's leather armor, opening a long, bloody gash in the captain's side.
'You stupid fool,' Lume hissed.
Pulling his saber in a flash, the captain made two Quick slashing attacks.
Cy parried the first blow, but the second landed just below his wrist, knocking his dagger from his hand.
Lume swung again, and Cy struggled backward, avoiding the blade but falling back over the bed. Cy landed on the floor against Shadow, cradling his wrist where Lume had cut him.
The captain leveled the wand at the two men on the floor.
The archwizard struggled to breathe, but he laughed anyway. 'You can't use that. You don't know the command word.'
'You're wrong, wizard, and now I'm going to destroy you with your own toy.' Lume smiled down at Shadow. 'Ironic that you could spend so much of your life perfecting a tool such as this-' he shook the wand-'only to be killed by it in the end.'
'You don't know what sort of forces you are messing with.' He coughed, blood trickling down the corner of his mouth.
'Neither did you.' Lume straightened his arm and spoke the word Cy had repeated for him back at camp. 'Shadominiaropalazitsi.'
Once again a column of rushing dark gray plasma flowed out of the wand. It headed straight for the prone archwizard, coalescing into humanlike forms along the way. As it jetted forward, the stream of shadows split into a curling mass. Shadow raised his hand instinctively to protect his face, but this time, the shadows broke into individual swirls, and twisted, wavering forms spread out all over the room. They filled every corner and place of darkness.
Now spread out, the shadows began to collect again, forming a cyclone around Captain Lume.
Lume screamed, 'What's happening? What's going on?'
'Don't you see, you fool?' explained the archwizard. 'Don't you recognize any of those shadows?'
'No, no, I don't.' He swung his dagger in wide, swooping arcs. 'Stay away from me,' he screamed. 'Stay away, you hear.'
Shadow lifted himself off the floor. 'Is that any way to treat your previous assassins?' asked the archwizard. Lume’s face dropped, and his swinging momentarily slowed.
'That's right.' Shadow smiled. 'I punished your assassins by turning them into shadows and trapping them in that wand, and you just released them to seek vengeance on you for earning them an eternity of suffering.'
The shadows wasted no time, diving in to touch the stunned captain while he listened to the archwizard.
Lume's knees went weak, and he began his frantic swinging again. 'But you were the one who sent them to their deaths,' he screamed.
'They don't blame me for defending myself from assassination. They blame you for sending them to kill an archwizard. You should learn to not mess with forces beyond your control.'
Lume was getting tired, and his defense was weakening. His wild arcs with his dagger were slowing, and the shadows were touching him repeatedly. He dropped to the ground, lifting his head to speak again to Shadow. 'Those are fine words, coming from the likes of you.' Lume collapsed, his head hitting the wooden planks of the floor with a decided thud.
The shadows spun around in a pack over the limp body on the floor. A dark shape formed around the captain's corpse, then it coalesced into a humanlike shadow and lifted into the air, joining the swirling mass above. As a group, they dived toward the wand still gripped in Lume's dead hand. The dark gray stream narrowed as it approached the crystal, and as quickly as they had come forth, the shadows disappeared.
The archwizard reached into the sleeve of his robes and pulled forth a large purple bottle. Uncorking the vial, he swiftly drank down the contents. A strange white glow surrounded his skin, and the bleeding stopped. He appeared much better, though not quite whole and hardy.
He looked at Cy, who was still on the floor cradling his bleeding wrist, and said, 'As I said before, you are entirely too young to be an assassin. I suggest you find another line of work.' With that, he turned around and went back through the illusionary wall.
Cy looked down at the dead body of Captain Lume and nodded, then he turned around and headed back up the stairs, dodging a pretty blonde golem on his way out.
Too Long In The Dark
Paul S. Kemp
Netheril Year 3520
(The Year of the Sundered Webs, — 339 DR)
Zossimus watched with appreciation as a vight hawk broke off its predatory circling and dived silently earthward through the perpetually twilit sky of Shade. A squirrel scampering across the lush lawn of the villa's interior courtyard sensed its danger a heartbeat too late. The unfortunate rodent gave an agonized squeak as the raptor's claws impaled its small body. Death was quick but no doubt painful.
Zossimus, seated on his favorite bench beside the courtyard's reflecting pool, nodded appreciatively as the hawk began to feed.
'Well done, little hunter.'
Death to prey-and to enemies-should always come unexpectedly to the victim. Zossimus had learned that lesson well over the years. So too had the other leading arcanists of Shade. Indeed, the city's rivalry with its floating Netherese sister-cities had led Shade's arcanists to seek ever more obscure sources of magical power and ever more unexpected magical weapons. Recently, after long study of the writings of the arch-arcanist Shadow, they had learned of and begun to tap a new source of magic, a source that derived its power not from the Weave, but from a heretofore unknown source of power that the arcanists had named the Shadow Weave. None of Shade's arcanists yet knew the full potential of this alternate energy source. They knew only that it drew on the often unpredictable energies of Plane of Shadow.
To better tap those energies, and to further their research into the Shadow Weave, Shade's Twelve Princes had caused the city to straddle the border between Faerun and the Plane of Shadow, between light and twilight. Now cloaked always in muted grays, the city had not seen the unadulterated light of Faerun's sun in years. It bothered Zossimus little to live always in the dark; he deemed it a small price to pay in exchange for the city's magical preeminence. Jennah, of course, thought otherwise.
His love hated the city's darkness and would have left long ago but for Zossimus. At every opportunity, she begged him to transport them magically from the city to the sun-drenched plains below, where she ran through the waving grass and fragrant purplesnaps, laughing. He smiled at the thought of her long hair shining in the sun Without warning, the familiar presence of the Weave was obliterated. The vight hawk gave a shriek, alit, and left its bloody meal unfinished in the grass.
A void opened in Zossimus's being. Though a distant part of him sensed still the presence of the Shadow Weave, the absence of the Weave-his original mistress-tore a hole in half of his being. Spells prepared that morning went absent from his mind, erased clean. He opened his mouth to scream but managed only a strangled gasp. A roar filled his ears. His temples throbbed as if a red-hot coal burned in his brain. He fell to his knees, gripped his head in his hands and tried to jerk it from his shoulders, to stop the pain with death, to fill the emptiness with oblivion.
The minor cantras that preserved the flora in his courtyard began to fail with audible pops. The ornate gargoyle fountain ceased its magically-driven perpetual flow. The ruby and emerald dragonfly constructs he had so painstakingly crafted as a gift for Jennah fell inert to the lawn. The artificial illumination from glass lightglobes fell dark. In a flash of insight, he realized that all magic in Faerun dependent on the Weave-which meant all magic other than the experimental shadow magic practiced in Shade-was failing.
How? he wanted to shout, but he could manage nothing but a low moan.
Beneath his feet, the floating mountaintop upon which Shade had been built began to fall earthward. Zossimus's stomach lurched. His afternoon meal raced up his throat, but he swallowed it down, tasting bile. Birds of every color exploded from the trees and ferns of his courtyard and took wing, avian rats abandoning the sinking ship of Shade. Screams and shouts erupted from around the city, audible even in Zossimus's secluded inner courtyard. It