The leaders of the Roman community in Alexandria gathered in the assembly hall of the embassy to address their complaints and concerns to Creticus and the other officers of the Roman legation. There were quite a few of them, merchants for the most part, It was customary for upper-class Romans to despise merchants, but these were a force to be reckoned with. The wealthy grain traders were among the most influential men in our Empire. The moneylenders were similarly powerful, although if anything even less loved. There were many other merchants as well. Exporters of papyrus and books were numerous, as Egypt was virtually the only source of papyrus and the Library was the greatest book-producing organization in the world. There were dealers in ivory and feathers, in exotic animals and slaves. There was even a man whose sole business was the export of high-quality sand for the Circuses and amphitheaters of the Roman world.
'Ambassador,' said the spokesman for the group-a big-nosed, bald-headed individual named, as I recall, Fundanius-'the situation here quickly grows intolerable. We Romans are publicly insulted as we seek to carry out our business in the streets of Alexandria. We are pelted with offal, and our wives are assailed with the vilest of language. Are you going to wait for open violence against us before you take action?'
'What action would you have me take?' Creticus demanded. 'I am an ambassador, not a proconsul. I have no imperium and therefore no legions. I cannot whistle up a military force because you are getting nervous. May I remind you that Egypt is an independent nation, a friend and ally of Rome? I will carry your message to his Majesty, but that is all I am empowered to do. I will send a letter to the Senate describing the situation here.'
'What cares this mongrel king for our welfare?' Fundanius said, sneering. 'And what good will a letter to the Senate do? If you sent it today, it would not reach Rome before we were all massacred in our beds.'
'A massacre of Roman citizens would probably stir the Senate to action, if that is any comfort to you,' I said helpfully.
'This is an outrage!' Fundanius shouted. 'We are treated with disrespect by the Egyptian rabble. Roman citizens!'
'Sir,' said Creticus, 'you are a moneylender, and men of your trade are universally hated. You should be grateful that you've escaped crucifixion all these years.'
'You can speak thus!' Fundanius said scornfully. 'You patricians can huddle safely here in the Palace, gorging yourselves, while we who do the real work of the Empire are exposed to every peril!'
'For your information,' Creticus said, 'the gens Caecilia is plebeian. I admit there is little pleasure in sharing the same class designation with moneylenders and tax-farmers.'
A book exporter stood. He was a tall man of dignified appearance.
'Gentlemen, this is unseemly. We need not refight the brawls of the Gracchi when we are in danger from without. In any case, this is not a conflict between Egypt and Rome, but rather the doing of a malignant religious fraud from Asia Minor. Honored Ambassador, can the king do nothing about this man? With his supposed divine revelations he has whipped up the ignorant multitude against us, and it is no more to the advantage of the Ptolemaic house than it is to Rome.'
'Well, at least one of you can talk sense,' Creticus grumbled. 'Just now our situation is delicate. King Ptolemy would like to take action, but he worries that rioting here could spread to the nomes and bring about full- scale civil war. For years Lucullus and Pompey had their legions in Asia, within easy striking distance of Egypt. For all those years the Egyptians had to tread softly. Now such Roman forces as remain under arms are preparing for trouble in Gaul. It could be a long time before we are in a position to intervene in Egyptian affairs.'
These were sobering words, and the men in the hall were Roman enough to understand their import. Whether in business, government or the legions, Romans were accustomed to thinking in terms of the world rather than just a tiny corner of it as most people did.
'What about Antonius in Macedonia?' someone asked.
Creticus snorted. 'First off, the Macedonians beat him, Last word we had, he hadn't yet been relieved. It's a bad time of year to move troops by sea, and Macedonia is a long way from here by land.'
'Then what is to be done?' said the book exporter.
'If you men feel all that concerned,' Creticus said, 'perhaps now would be a good time to take a vacation from Alexandria. Cyprus is a pleasant place, as is Rhodes or Crete. Take your families there and leave your business interests in the hands of your freedmen.'
'But we cannot just leave!' protested Fundanius. 'We are men of substantial property. Our homes and warehouses will be looted and burned. Most of our freedmen are Romans, too. They will be killed.'
'Gentlemen,' Creticus said, 'there is no need to grow so alarmed. Events may not take so grievous a turn. I shall continue my efforts to get Ptolemy to take action against this absurd cult.' He rose and, on that unsatisfactory note, the audience ended.
'How is Ptolemy really acting?' I asked when they were gone.
'Like a flute-player,' Creticus said. 'He refuses to believe that this activity presages anything important. He says he has instructed Berenice to have nothing further to do with Ataxas, but I doubt that bubblehead pays much heed to the old drunk.'
'Have you sounded him out about that arsenal on the lake?'
'I have. He professes total ignorance and insists that Achillas is the most loyal of his servants. Funny thing about that:'
'Well, whenever he spoke of Achillas, he had the unmistakable air of a man who speaks of someone who terrifies him.'
'Achillas is overweening and ambitious. Even little Cleopatra says he and Memnon behave insolently, and she's only ten years old. What do you think are the chances of Achillas pulling a coup?'
Creticus cogitated for a while. 'The Egyptians are resistant to any sort of change. There hasn't been a change of dynasty since the first Ptolemy. They don't like rule by non-natives, but they haven't much choice in that. Before the Macedonians it was the Persians and even the Nubians. Conquest by Alexander wasn't so bad, since they think he was a god. In any case, they're used to the Ptolemies now, and they don't want to see anyone else on the throne. Achillas is just another Macedonian upstart to them. Even if he married one of the princesses, they wouldn't recognize him as legitimate ruler.'
'And with the nomes in a state of unrest, the whole country could dissolve in civil war.'
'That makes it all the more unlikely that he's planning a takeover, doesn't it?' Creticus said.
'If he could build a reputation as a great general,' I pointed out, 'he would be more palatable to the Egyptians. And the only people left for him to fight are the Romans. How many of our recent wars have begun with an uprising of the local populace against Romans?'
'Most of them,' he admitted.
'Mithridates did it, and so have others. It's what will precipitate the war with Gaul, if that comes. The local king or chief or whatever sends out agitators to stir up bad feelings against the local Romans-never difficult to do at the best of times. The next thing you know, there is riot and general massacre. By the time people have come to their senses, it's too late. They're at war with Rome and they have no choice but to support the leader who encouraged their folly in the first place.'
'It's effective,' Creticus allowed. 'The Roman public is always for war when foreigners slaughter Roman civilians. If Egypt wasn't so damned rich and tempting, I wouldn't mind a quick war of conquest myself. But it's the wrong time for a war in Egypt. Macedonia's a fiasco and we're preparing for war in Gaul. Even Roman legions can get spread too thin, and there would be that many more veterans to settle.'
'Keep working on Ptolemy,' I advised. 'If he's afraid of Achillas, he might not be upset to see the man out of the way.'
'What are you suggesting?' Creticus demanded.
'Just that one less troublesome, subversive soldier would be infinitely preferable to riot and war, both civil and foreign.'
'Why, Decius, I never took you for an assassin.' There was something akin to family pride in his voice.
'Nothing underhanded about it,' I said. 'As far as I'm concerned, it's open warfare between me and Achillas now, and the better man will walk away from it.'
'Spoken like a true Roman,' he said, chuckling.
Back in my quarters, I made preparations for a foray into the city. First I laid out my weapons: caestus, dagger and sword. I decided against the rather bulky legionary gladius I wore when in uniform. Instead I had a very