repulsive than its alternative is not sufficient reason to choose either.

“Members of this committee will recall the words of a former president, Bill Clinton, when he addressed his party’s national convention. He said ‘ we should lead the world by the power of example, not by the example of power. ’ Strong words, motivational words, true words. Commensurate with that philosophy is the political concept bandied about by everyone who thinks diplomacy is the answer to everything. They shout, ‘military might should be the last resort.’ But inherent in that statement is the concept that military power must be a resort at some point or it loses its validity.

“So,” he said, looking at each senator individually for one or two seconds, “where does that leave us in deciding the relative merits of Domestic Tranquility? I will leave you with these parting thoughts and then I am available for questions on specific aspects of the program. If Domestic Tranquility becomes the law of the land in America, our Constitution will become simply an historical document, its principles abrogated by the removal of the freedoms inherent in its overriding philosophy. There will be no retreat from that posture short of another revolution. A domestic revolution, I might add. And as we all know, we already have such a revolution brewing out west. Will we be strong against terrorism? Yes, to the extent that terrorists will find it much harder to enter America, circulate freely and terrorize our citizens. Will we be weaker? Yes, in the sense that step by step, innocent Americans will be detained for days, even weeks. Our citizens will be afraid to leave their homes, afraid to criticize the government, afraid to oppose policy. The next step would be the restriction of a free press on the grounds of national security. Everyone in this room knows that the media abuses their right to publish anything they find newsworthy. They have even degraded professional journalism to the point where they present their opinion as news. Yet, as distasteful as it has become, we must learn to live with that hypocrisy. America would not be a free country without a free press.

“I implore you to give strong consideration to the lasting implications contained in the basic philosophical change that this program will bring to America. Its ramifications will reverberate far beyond our shores. And do not delude yourselves into assuming that these changes are short-term, designed to counteract the current threat. They will become irreversible. They will become the American model. And they will change the America in which we each grew to maturity, free to change our residence, free to approach Congress and demand change, free to print articles critical of the government, free to live unencumbered by repression and restraint.

“I would add one more thought for your further consideration. What has been termed politically correct speech, to include tolerance for the views and actions of others, has expanded so far in our country that we are no longer able to speak out against values that are intrinsically opposed to those upon which our country was founded. We have gone from ‘freedom of religion’ to ‘freedom from religion.’ What were once core values are now unacceptable. We are not allowed to pray in school, post religious value statements in public places, observe religious symbols on public grounds. We cannot voice opposition to those whose views are so antithetical to the American notion of a free country that we allow the most abhorrent crime, the most egregious personal lifestyle, or the most restrictive philosophy to be presented as the norm. Our tolerance has devolved to the point where anyone can perform any aberrant act, but no one is allowed to say they don’t like it. At the same time, we have allowed those same advocacy groups to demand elimination of speech which proposes the opposite point of view. Free speech is allowed only as it supports their point of view. And we, those of us in this room, the leaders of this nation, have not only tolerated such restrictive notions, we have advocated them ourselves, we have enacted them into legislation, forced obedience, dismantled programs deemed offensive, including supposed religious education, especially creation science, and required elimination of any reference to the Ten Commandments or God, all under the guise of tolerance and separation of church and state. Separate their requirements for adherence, by all means, but understand that you cannot separate one’s belief from their actions simply because you want it so. The sky is blue, snow is white, the grass is green. It cannot be otherwise because you want it to be so. Congress seeks judges who have no demonstrable values so that they can opine objectively. We seek to eliminate them from consideration simply because they have values. How foolish have we become? And now we seek to implement Domestic Tranquility, which, if enacted, Senators, will be anything but tranquil.

“I thank you for your time this morning and the opportunity to speak to you on this critical issue. General Connor and I will be pleased to remain as long as required to answer your questions.”

Chapter 25

White House Oval Office

Washington, D.C.


Secretary of Homeland Security William Austin sat quietly as Marine General Padraig ‘Pug’ Connor completed his briefing to the president of the United States and the newly confirmed Secretary of Defense, Patrick Collins. The meeting had lasted forty minutes and was about to break up, after which Pug had been invited for a family dinner in the White House residence, along with his brother, Scott, and Scott’s wife, Megan.

“To summarize, Mr. President, the Australians have continued to have sporadic shootings, mostly at public venues, on the beaches, malls, and sporting events. The same thing has happened in England, but to a lesser degree. In the U.S., highway shootings have increased this past two weeks, but we consider that to be a passing phase, with other venues likely to be added. Some shootings have happened outside factory or industrial settings where people have been shot as thousands of workers leave at the end of their shift. Most of these have taken place in the parking lots. We have a confirmed death toll in America of 327, with over 600 additional wounded.”

“And the first time we’ve gotten close to any of the perpetrators was this sheriff’s incident in eastern Washington a week ago?” the president asked.

“Yes, sir,” Pug responded. “The ABC, that’s the joint western militia cover name for the American Brigade Command, claims to have killed several of the shooters, but all we can confirm from law enforcement is that in Wyoming, three illegal Mexican workers were hanged by unknown criminals. It has all the earmarks of the militia.”

“So,” the president said, “the only real thing we confirmed from the Richland arrest by the Sheriff’s Department was that Americans are also involved in this terrorist activity and that the wandering teams have a website they can access to get the latest updates. And since these two caught in the Richland shootout with police have not reported in, they’ve closed that website and apparently moved to another one.”

“Yes, sir,” Pug nodded, “and we also know that they appear to be completely free to choose their targets or their method of operation. It’s much as we discussed that first night when General Austin assembled Trojan after the opening gambit at the baseball stadiums. Communication is not essential. The teams are all expendable, it appears, and act independently. They have demonstrated no command and control procedure.”

“It would appear, General Connor, that they don’t really need one. Where do you go from here, Mr. Secretary?” the president asked, turning his attention to Austin.

“We’re only getting bits and pieces, Mr. President, but we’re not as ignorant as we were several weeks ago. As you know from your daily reports and the news broadcasts, these guys claim everything they do as part of the World Jihad movement. The recent shootings along a several-hundred-mile corridor of I-70, from St. Louis to Denver, killing nine, wounding three more, and resulting in a seven-car pileup outside Salina, Kansas, had to have been coordinated, at least part of the overall plan. NSA is checking every new website added to the World Wide Web in the past thirty days. That would be millions, by the way, but they can at least sort them by creation date. We’ll keep working on it, Mr. President. We also need to get a closer look at the militia action. That has the potential to become almost as dangerous as the actual terrorists, since they are not as discerning about their targets as our police officials.”

President Snow stood up, coming around to the front of his desk. “Thank you all for coming. I’ve got a quick meeting-hopefully it will be quick-with the Speaker of the House. I suspect we will gather again in the immediate future. Any updates, please, each of you keep the others informed.”

The small cluster of men began to leave the Oval Office and the president walked besides Pug, speaking quietly. “I’ll see you upstairs, Pug. I think your brother and my daughter have already arrived. Helen invited Senator McKenzie also, perhaps just to round out the numbers, or maybe it’s her way of getting you two acquainted.” He

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