‘Yessir. I’ve taken some damage, but I’m okay.’

‘Anyone else?’

‘Joe here, sir.’

‘Smitty? Smitty?’ Ferrelli expected the cheeky fella to answer. But the radio remained ominously silent. Eight of my boys out of action, just like that, in the space of half a minute.

Ferrelli looked around the sky above him, now smudged with smoke and fading trails. He could see three P51s holding tightly together above the area in which the skirmish had commenced; they reminded him of three little pigs huddled together waiting for the big bad wolf to rip them to shreds.

He leaned over and peered down at the cloud carpet below. The Me-109s were hungrily pursuing two more of his squadron, both of them trailing black cords of burning oil. He watched them all disappear into the clouds, leaving the bomber defended now by only two fighters. The other Me-109s would be back in less than a minute, having finished off those poor bastards.

‘Listen… guys, these fighters are defending the bomber. I reckon there’s somebody real important inside… so that’s what we got to go after, capiche?’

‘Yes sir.’

‘All right, let’s do it quickly before those other Krauts realise their mistake.’

Max watched the Messerschmitts dive past them in pursuit of the two Mustangs. ‘Where are they going?’

‘Stupid bastards. Think they’re hunting deer,’ said Pieter over the interphone, still manning the roof turret.

Max switched from interphone to radio. ‘Schroder! What the hell are you doing?’

‘Don’t worry, I’m right here, look out of your left window.’

Max did so and saw Schroder sliding into position seventy feet off their left wing tip. ‘Erich’s on your right- hand side.’

He leaned forward, craning his neck and looked out of the right window to see Erich Kottle waving back at him from a similar flanking position.

‘I sent the others after those two… we should try and prevent anyone we encounter making it away and raising the alarm… yes?’ Schroder said.

Max nodded, it made sense.

‘Fine. I counted six or seven destroyed. Those two your boys are chasing makes eight or nine, that leaves us a few unaccounted for. Where the hell are they?’

‘I’m looking for them,’ Schroder answered quickly.

Pieter’s voice came through on the interphone, loud, alarmed. ‘Max, four coming in on our six, high!’

‘I see ’em too!’ answered Hans.

Max heard the guns in the top turret rattle angrily and brass shell cases cascaded down the ladder from the turret onto the floor just outside the cockpit. Pieter was whooping with joy, or fear.

Seconds after Pieter had started firing he heard a deafening drumming of bullets impacting the fuselage, running from the rear to the front, as if some giant wearing hob-nail boots was sprinting heavily down the spine of the plane. Glass from the roof turret shattered and he heard Pieter yelp in shock.

The machine gun went silent.

With a deafening roar, four P51s swooped low over the bomber’s cockpit and out in front. Max found himself instinctively ducking. Two of them banked left, the other two right, climbing up and to the sides, preparing for a second pass.

Schroder and Erich automatically took the opportunity to break their flanking positions and run in pursuit.

‘Shit,’ Max muttered under his breath. He heard boots on a rung of the ladder leading down from the roof turret. ‘Pieter, are you okay?’ The regulator on his oxygen mask prevented him from fully turning round to see if that was him. ‘Pieter?’ He heard the shuffling of boots at the bottom and then felt a hand grip the back of his seat. He turned to look up; it was Pieter. His face was darkened by soot and several small cuts, and Max noted his leather flying jacket was ripped and slashed in several places.

‘You okay?’

Pieter nodded. ‘I’m fine… those bastards have wrecked the roof turret. Shit, I manage to fire — what? — twenty, thirty rounds, and then they bloody well break my gun.’

Max, relieved, allowed himself a grin. ‘I think they were just trying to tell you you’re a shitty gunner.’

Pieter slumped into the co-pilot’s seat and plugged himself in. ‘Four years I’ve waited to have a go, and I get to fire one bloody burst,’ he grumbled to himself.

Hans watched through the left waist window as two of the Mustangs climbed around the side of them in preparation for another approach from behind. He aimed his MG-81 at a space forty feet in front of the leading fighter plane, but decided the shot would be wasted, they were too far away. In pursuit, and taking a shallower arc, was Schroder. Hans watched with growing respect as the pilot gained on the two American planes, their inexperience showing as they made their way in a lazy, careless curve towards the rear of the bomber.

Hans knew what Schroder was waiting for; he was waiting until they rolled on their sides dipping their left wings to pull them round into a position behind the bomber. It would expose to him the largest possible profile. The leading P51 rolled predictably and began to swerve down and to the right, taking it towards a perfect tailing position, when Schroder opened fire on it.

Hans watched as the glass canopy shattered, and several fragments of plane and pilot showered out of the cockpit. A moment later the entire plane disappeared within a ball of fire and smoke. The flames mushroomed lazily up into the sky, while half a dozen large, tattered portions of the plane spun downwards, trailing spirals of smoke behind them.

‘Fuck, Schroder’s good!’ Hans shouted into the interphone.

‘What’s up? Have they bagged another?’ he heard Max ask.

‘Yes, it just ripped open. He must’ve hit the fuel tank.’

Stef shouted across the noisy waist compartment. ‘Hans, the others are coming in again! They’re coming in on my side!’

‘Swap guns!’ Hans shouted back, and shuffled awkwardly past Stef on the floorboards now littered with brass shell casings. He pulled the MG-81 round to face towards the rear and saw three of the P51s lining up behind each other and approaching from the rear. ‘I can’t bring the gun round on them. They’re drifting in right behind us!’

They’ve worked out there’s no one operating the tail-gun.

‘Okay, Hans, when you think they’re close enough, I’ll pull to the right — ’

‘No, left, I’m manning the left waist-gun.’

‘The left, then… that should bring them round into a position for you to get a clear shot.’

‘Right,’ Hans replied.

He leaned towards the window, looking back as best he could, but the P51s had drifted behind the tail fin and out of sight.

‘Stef, can you see them?’

Stef leaned over the right-hand waist-gun, nearly poking his head out into the roaring wind; he looked back and managed to see the tip of one wing beyond their tail fin. ‘They’re right on us!’

Max heard Stef’s warning and pulled the plane sharply to the left. As he did so the P51s momentarily fell within the arc of fire of the left waist-gun. Hans immediately took the opportunity to fire at the leading fighter as it roared towards them, now no more than a hundred yards away. The heavy-calibre bullets ripped into the underbelly of the fighter and almost immediately smoke began to spout from it. The American pilot fired a responding burst towards the waist-gun and a stream of bullets stitched a row of ragged holes either side of the window as Hans simultaneously let go of the gun and dropped to the wooden floor. The fighter plane screamed close over the top of the bomber’s mid-section, the end of the volley over-shooting them.

‘Fuck, fuck, fuck!’ Hans shouted as he hugged the rough wooden planks, a coarse splinter embedded in one cheek.

That was one of them; there were two more behind it. A second volley raked along the mid-section of the plane and another row of ragged holes appeared along the roof of the fuselage.

Stef dropped to the floor beside Hans, eyes widened with shock. He lay beside Hans, hugging the floor, eyes

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