to recognize once again the edgy, lank-haired young man she’d visited with Becks back in 1994; a loner, an awkward geek obsessed with dark corners of knowledge — puzzles, numbers, codes, conspiracies.
She looked around his apartment and realized it was a reflection of him, a reflection of his attempt to completely
‘It’s in here somewhere. All the stuff I did on the Voynich, all my degree stuff on dead languages. I never let any of it go — ’ he looked up at her — ‘because I always knew I’d be needing it again.’
She crossed the lounge and carefully perched on the saddle of the exercise bike. She looked down at his things. ‘Warhammer …
He hunched his shoulders. ‘Oh yeah, but I keep that all locked away. The people I work alongside, people I bring back here, they, uh … they don’t
‘Hell no,’ she said. ‘I bet most of your girlfriends wouldn’t be too impressed.’
He pulled out a plastic bucket full of a tangle of wires, plug adaptors and electronic doo-dads.
‘I used to play with my kid brother’s Warhammer figures when I was younger,’ she added. ‘Made up my own
‘That’s for sure,’ he replied, carefully pulling bits and pieces out.
She watched him picking his way carefully and realized he reminded her so much of her older cousin, Julian. She’d idolized him. He’d been smart and cool — an uber-geek, always the high-school outsider, but with an air about him … a confidence that he carried with him always, like an impenetrable force-field.
Adam, hunched down there in his smart Dolce amp; Gabbana trousers and shirt like a boy hunched over a toy-chest, reminded her so much of him. And her heart ached. She’d been nine when it happened; when the world stopped for several hours and watched, on TV, three thousand people die, like it was just some kind of movie. Just nine … She hadn’t really put it together in her young mind that after that second tower came tumbling down she was never going to see Julian again.
‘Ah … I think this is the one,’ he said, pulling out a hard drive that looked almost as big as a shoebox. ‘Twenty gigabytes!’ he laughed as he got to his feet. ‘And look at the size of the bloody thi-!’
He stopped. ‘What’s the matter?’
Maddy hadn’t even realized she was crying. Tears were rolling out from behind her glasses, down her cheeks and on to her T-shirt. She bit her lips, angry with herself for allowing him to see her blubbing like this.
Adam stood up and held her shaking shoulders. ‘What’s up?’
She shook her head.
And then, without a word spoken, she found herself sobbing against Adam’s shoulder, dampening his expensive pale blue shirt with her tears.
‘Hey, it’s all right,’ he cooed softly, patting her heaving back awkwardly. ‘Heavy day, uh?’
‘Yuh, sorta,’ she mumbled snottily against his shoulder. She let go of him and stood back, her puffy eyes trying to find a million things to look at, other than his.
Outside, the sun was busy with finding a bed for the night, and Manhattan was beginning to find its light switches.
‘I … really … don’t know why … I … did that.’ She started to fumble for the first words of an explanation.
‘It’s OK,’ he replied. ‘Honestly, you don’t need to explain — ’
‘No.’ She decided to straighten her glasses. ‘I
‘No.’ He shrugged. ‘I suppose even mysterious visitors from the future are still human, right? Still stub their toes? Still choke on their gum? Still slip on banana skins?’
She nodded, dabbing at her eyes. ‘Oh, we’ve done that enough freakin’ times already.’
He reached for a hand; she tried pulling back, but he grasped it and squeezed it gently. ‘So, it turns out that the history of mankind is in the hands of
1194, woods, Nottinghamshire
The fire crackled hungrily on the pine cones and dried brittle branches they’d gathered by the waning light of the winter’s afternoon. A steady dusting of snow had slowed down their cart, and Cabot — sounding a lot more like a bad-tempered soldier than he did a pious monk — had finally had to concede they were going to have to make camp in the wilderness instead of seeking lodgings in the safety of some hamlet as they had done the night before.
Had they been travelling during a warmer month, he said, they’d be safer
Cabot spat on the flames as he finished a mouthful of stale bread. ‘We will be in Oxfordshire tomorrow. And the royal household at Beaumont before afternoon.’
‘Are you sure we’ll be seen by John?’
‘Aye. I’m sure. The poor fool is losing his hold on the country. He has done much that will enrage his brother, including his foolish orders to Richard’s Templars to take the Grail up north to Scotland ’stead of letting them store it in Beaumont.’
‘Why did he do that?’
‘I know not. Perhaps he had plans to hide it up there, to barter something out of his brother? So — ’ Cabot’s eyes locked on Liam — ‘if none of ye are of the Templar order, as I suspect, how is it ye know so much about the Grail?’
Liam smiled. ‘You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.’
Cabot spread his hands. ‘I am willing to listen.’
Liam looked at Becks and Bob, both standing a dozen yards apart at the edge of the light cast by the fire, silently standing guard. He wondered how much the monk should know; how much he could help them if he did know. And, of course, how much contamination to history that might cause downstream from them.
‘We’re … we’ve come from the future.’
Cabot’s grizzled face remained still, unimpressed by that. ‘
‘Quite a long time into the future, so it is. And, well … there’s an ancient manuscript that mentions this Pandora. We came here to learn more about it.’
Cabot’s eyes narrowed sceptically. ‘How is that? A man’s life can travel but in one direction. The sun rises then it sets. It cannot move the other way.’
‘It’s science,’ replied Liam. ‘I don’t get how any of it works. But it does.’
Liam shrugged. ‘Knowledge of how things