Torstensohn; commands Imperialists. Prague: meeting of the 'Defenders'; insurrection at; Battle of, and savage treatment of the vanquished; entered by the Saxon Army; the taking of. [See also Bohemian Diet.] Protestant Union: design and aim of; divisions and changes; points of union; formation of Evangelical Union; demands on accession of Matthias; alliance with Hungary; preachers banished; dissolved; suppression of; oppressions in Germany; reprisals in Prague. Ragotsky, Prince: successor to Bethlen Gabor; in Austria and Moravia, ravages the country. Ratisbon: Diet held at, 1630; results of Diet, taken by Duke Bernard; besieged by King of Hungary; Diet held at, 1641. Rednitz, desperate fight at. Reformation: history of the (most of Book I.); influence throughout Europe; progress in Hungary; outbreaks at Strasburg. Reservatum Ecclesiasticum, explanation of. Richelieu, Minister of France: negotiates with Sweden; effects a truce; treaty with Sweden; labours in favour of Gustavus; assists German Protestants; terms with Duke Bernard; fall of Breysach; death of. Rodolph, Archduke and Emperor: ascends Imperial throne as Rodolph II.; his political position; abdicates in favour of his brother; death of. Rostock, taken by Imperialists. Saxe-Lauenberg, Francis Albert, Duke of. Saxe-Weimar, Bernard, Duke of: succeeds Gustavus at Lutzen; remains on the field; captures Leipzig; takes Ratisbon; removal of; escapes capture; visits France; defeats the Imperialists; lays siege to Breysach; death of. Saxony, Elector of, John George: refuses Tilly's demands; alliance with Gustavus; at Leipzig; meditates a separation from Sweden; leaves the Swedes; treats with the Emperor; recalls his officers from Banner's army; treaty with Sweden. Schafgotsch, Imperialist general. Seni, Wallenstein's astrologer. 'Snow King', nickname for Gustavus. Spain: influence in Germany; policy of, under Charles V. Spanish prisoners. Stralsund, siege of. Strasbourg, religious divisions. Styria, Archduke of. [See Ferdinand II.] Suys, Imperialist general. Sweden: political and religious condition of; historical summary of Polish connection; origin of her intervention in the Thirty Years' War; truce with Poland; alliance with France 1631; condition after death of Gustavus. Swedes: offer battle to Wallenstein; overrun Bavaria; successes throughout Germany; capture Bregentz; advance to Nordlingen. Terzky, Count. Terzky, Countess. Thurn, Count, 'Defender': seizes Krummau; invades Moravia; encamps before Vienna; takes flight to Holland; returns to Prague; conveys Wallenstein's message to Gustavus. Thurn, Count, Swedish general: at Steinau; surrender to Wallenstein; demanded by the Jesuits. Tilly, Count: commands the 'army of execution'; defeats the Danish army at Lutter; appointed generalissimo; character and appearance; returns to Magdeburg; takes Magdeburg; encamped on the Elbe; demands assistance from Saxony; ravages Saxony; at Leipzig; flies to Lower Saxony; defeats Charles, Duke of Lorraine; punishes the Bishop of Bamberg; awaits Gustavus at Rain; death. Torgua: Diet of; council at. Torstensohn, Bernard, Swedish general: enters Silesia; defeats Piccolomini; overruns Holstein; enters Bohemia; routs the Austrians at Jancowitz; retires from command. Turenne, French general: at Friburg; recrosses the Rhine; joins the Swedes at Giessen; retires to the Netherlands. Turks: the hostile inroads of; reference to. Trent, Council of. Union, the Protestant, first success and failures. Urban VIII., Pope. Wallenstein, Count: invades Holstein; created Duke of Friedland; besieges Stralsund; makes a treaty with the Danes; his exactions; appears at Ratisbon Diet; his dismissal; mode of life; reply to the King of Denmark; pressed by the Emperor to take command; quits Prague; his position and personal feelings; makes use of Arnheim; advises the Saxons; assumes command; avenges himself on Maximilian; meets the Elector at Egra, Wallenstein's triumph; review at Neumark; besieges Nuremberg; marches to Zirndorf; takes winter quarters in Saxony; joins Pappenheim; belief in astrology; at Lutzen; advises an amnesty; duplicity with Elector of Bavaria; offers terms to the Swedes; suspicions aroused; secret negotiations with France; defeats Swedes on the Oder; releases Count Thurn; storms Goerlitz; marches to the Upper Palatinate; deprived of command; calls a meeting of generals at Pilsen; his duplicity; calls for absent generals; secret orders for his apprehension issued; publicly denounced; retires to Egra; assassination. Weimar. [See Saxe-Weimar.] Werth, John de, Imperialist general: heads Bavarian malcontents. Westphalia, Treaty of (Treaty of Peace). Wimpfen. Wrangel, Gustavus, Swedish general: marches to the Danube; ravages Bavaria; marches to Bohemia; driven from Bohemia.

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