MORTIMER (alone).

Go, false, deceitful queen! As thou deludest

The world, e'en so I cozen thee; 'tis right,

Thus to betray thee; 'tis a worthy deed.

Look I then like a murderer? Hast thou read

Upon my brow such base dexterity?

Trust only to my arm, and keep thine own

Concealed-assume the pious outward show

Of mercy 'fore the world, while reckoning

In secret on my murderous aid; and thus

By gaining time we shall insure her rescue.

Thou wilt exalt me!-show'st me from afar

The costly recompense: but even were

Thyself the prize, and all thy woman's favor,

What art thou, poor one, and what canst thou proffer?

I scorn ambition's avaricious strife,

With her alone is all the charm of life,

O'er her, in rounds of endless glory, hover

Spirits with grace, and youth eternal blessed,

Celestial joy is throned upon her breast.

Thou hast but earthly, mortal goods to offer-

That sovereign good, for which all else be slighted,

When heart in heart, delighting and delighted;

Together flow in sweet forgetfulness;-

Ne'er didst thou woman's fairest crown possess,

Ne'er hast thou with thy hand a lover's heart requited.

I must attend Lord Leicester, and deliver

Her letter to him-'tis a hateful charge-

I have no confidence in this court puppet-

I can effect her rescue, I alone;

Be danger, honor, and the prize my own.

[As he is going, PAULET meets him.




What said the queen to you?


'Twas nothing, sir;

Nothing of consequence--

PAULET (looking at him earnestly).

Hear, Mortimer!

It is a false and slippery ground on which

You tread. The grace of princes is alluring,

Youth loves ambition-let not yours betray you.


Was it not yourself that brought me to the court?


Oh, would to God I had not done as much!

The honor of our house was never reaped

In courts-stand fast, my nephew-purchase not

Too dear, nor stain your conscience with a crime.


What are these fears? What are you dreaming of?


How high soever the queen may pledge herself

To raise you, trust not her alluring words.

[The spirit of the world's a lying spirit,

And vice is a deceitful, treacherous friend.]

She will deny you, if you listen to her;

And, to preserve her own good name, will punish

The bloody deed, which she herself enjoined.


The bloody deed!--


Away, dissimulation!-

I know the deed the queen proposed to you.

She hopes that your ambitious youth will prove

More docile than my rigid age. But say,

Have you then pledged your promise, have you?




If you have done so, I abandon you,

And lay my curse upon you--

LEICESTER (entering).

Worthy sir!

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